Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 145 The Immortality Tree regards me as the longevity fruit on the tree...

At night, Wang Linchi felt a slight vibration. He had not slept but practiced instead and was instantly awakened.

"What's going on?" Wang Linchi decisively stood up to investigate.

The vibration was so small that even other sleeping villagers in the village did not react.

In the night, he clearly saw a small piece protruding from the ground. At first glance, he thought it was an illusion, but upon closer inspection, it looked like something was sailing underground.

"Is something wrong?" Wang Linchi was a little bit confused.

This situation reminded him of the immortal branches in Langcheng, which also exploded upward from the ground.

Seeing this, he decisively ran out of the house and planned to run away.

At the same time, he also directly gave the creeping thing in the ground a whim.

It's okay if you don't take action. The opponent seems to have his own navigation route. If he does, it will explode immediately.

A large number of white bones rolled out of the soil and turned into a large number of irregular branches and began to grow.

"It's really the Immortal Tree. Why did it spread to me? It's just this distance away. It shouldn't be." Wang Linchi knew that this was because his attack caused the Immortal Tree to become stressed, so it grew directly on the spot. .

Then the bones continued to twist and grow, and the movement naturally attracted the sleeping villagers in the village, but before they could react, everything was swallowed up by the white bones.

Wang Linchi ran a little faster, but the everlasting branches couldn't catch up with him.

But it is also certain that this is not chasing him, but expanding.

When he rushed out of the village, what he saw was not the original country road, but terrifying skeletal branches.

At this moment, Wang Linchi understood one thing. The slight movement he had noticed before was not the branches of the longevity tree passing through the ground, but the diffuse branches of the longevity tree.

"There is a wolf in front and a tiger behind, and the promised opportunity becomes dangerous." Wang Linchi used the force field of his mind and his will to force his left foot to step on his right foot to lift into the air. While his mental energy was consumed rapidly, he also successfully avoided the attacks from both sides.

The moment he lifted into the sky, what he saw in his soul vision were countless bones and branches penetrating the earth.

"How could it be so fast!" Wang Linchi was still confused, but the other party had already pulled in part of the Immortal Tree.

He didn't know how big the Immortal Tree was, but at least it was spread throughout the secret realm.

When he fell, he stood firmly on a bone branch.

The good news is that this thing seems to be a dead thing, but the bad news is that his blessings are directly cleared to 0.

Now Wang Linchi had no time to care about this matter, but he noticed one thing, that is, he seemed to be passively infusing some kind of power into the bone branches, and he intercepted it immediately.

Only a small group failed to be intercepted.

After the power entered his body, it was not absorbed or transformed. Instead, it went straight to the ghost-marked guardian spirit on his chest, and was then absorbed.

Wang Linchi took a quick look and saw that the face was getting blurry and the original hatching progress was immediately cleared.

As the human face blurred, the appearance of the longevity fruit became increasingly clear.

"Is this evolution?" Wang Linchi repeatedly compared the data and checked himself through his own soul seed. He found that not only was there no problem, but his ghost patterns were further improved.

It felt like feeding him food.

"Wait a minute, isn't it the branches of this longevity tree that mistake me for longevity fruit?" Wang Linchi suddenly remembered this matter.

The ghost pattern was made from two longevity fruits, and the method was not conventional swallowing, so when his ghost pattern was not fully hatched, it looked like the longevity fruit.

Then the interception restrictions were released, and a small amount of the power of the Immortality Tree was released. This time, Wang Linchi also absorbed this power by guiding the ghost pattern.

"It's true, they really treat me as a longevity fruit."

Wang Linchi felt the potential of the ghost marks on his body increase, and at the same time, it fed back to him a corresponding physical improvement. As his physical fitness improved, his spirit, soul and other powers also improved together.

This is the all-round strengthening given to him by the Immortal Tree. Of course, this strengthening belongs to the energy released by his own ghost pattern. Most of the power is absorbed by the ghost pattern to evolve himself.

"Well, the six-in-one ghost is not the real benefit, the two longevity fruits are." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh.

"Wait a minute, then the 70 points less Fortune was actually not a danger, but a real opportunity..."

Wang Linchi was about to think so, but he quickly denied it: "It's unlikely. The danger is more likely. On the contrary, it was the chance that I added 30 points to turn the bad luck into good luck."

Do you really think he can absorb more after entering Langcheng?

The mastermind behind the scenes is still there. The awakened person who can cause such a big movement finds that he is simply extremely simple. Squeezing himself to death is almost like squeezing an ant to death.

"Check again, and if there are no problems, release the absorption limit."

"And you can't stay in the same place and run around too much, lest the other party have any means of locating you."

Wang Linchi began to further examine and study himself and the power of the Immortal Tree.

This is not without its shortcomings. As the potential of the Ghost Pattern Guardian continues to grow and evolve, it will eventually lead to Wang Linchi's incubation time becoming longer and longer.

Therefore, Wang Linchi also wanted to study to see if he could speed up incubation through other methods.

"But this feeling of hanging up is really good." Wang Linchi felt the effect of absorbing the pure power escaping from the ghost pattern guardian, making himself passively stronger.

Click on it and see that in the column of Ghost Pattern Guardian in the Book of Records, there is an entry with the effect of giving back under Shelter.

In fact, Wang Linchi was also worried. For example, the ghost pattern guardian was successfully hatched, but it was different from what he expected.

There is no way to do it, just direct guidance and intervention.

The power of the Immortal Tree is fertilizer for the ghost pattern, and to a certain extent, it will cause the guardian to change. If Wang Linchi can master the data of the changes and form changes in his own favor, then regardless of the ghost pattern guardian No matter how he changes, it will never deviate from his plan.

"I don't know if there is an upper limit for this kind of absorption and infusion. If not, wouldn't I be able to drain the Immortality Tree directly through the ghost pattern?"

Wang Linchi's idea was beautiful. If it came true, wouldn't he become the ultimate winner?

"It's a bit too whimsical, but there is another way." Wang Linchi felt that it would be better to make his guardian spirit a different kind of immortal tree.

The former is at best a Horcrux, while the latter can become part of his strength.

"Maybe there's hope for eternal life."

At this time, Wang Linchi couldn't help but have this idea in his mind. Since his ghost pattern was a different kind of longevity fruit, he just needed to let the ghost pattern take root and sprout.

Even if he couldn't live forever directly, it would be possible as long as he had something similar to the longevity fruit that could extend his life. He didn't mind spending some time chewing the fruit.

"It seems that we have caught up. The Black Dragon Bishop of the Dragon Worship Cult has not yet refined the Immortal Tree into his powerful White Bone Demon God." After Xu Shou entered the secret realm, he looked at the surrounding environment and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The powerful White Bone Demon God is not that easy to refine. What's more, he thought he could hide it from anyone." There was a sarcastic look in King Yama's eyes.

The Black Dragon Bishop only possesses the refining method of the powerful White Bone Demon God, one of the inheritances of the Heavenly Demon. It is not like he has the complete inheritance of the Heavenly Demon.

This time he came to this secret realm, naturally not only to stop the Dragon Worship Cult, but also to refine the Bone Demon God.

It's just that what he refined was not the powerful White Bone Demon God, but a complete set of Twelve Bone Demon Gods. The power he possessed was enough to make him rival Huiyue and even the Awakener of Xiri.

In particular, the twelve-bone demon god made from the unique longevity tree in the secret realm is even more powerful.

Therefore, no matter how fast the Black Dragon Bishop is, he is just making a wedding dress for him.

"Then we take action now?" Xu Shou said.

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time." King Yama had his arrangements. After all, it was not just him and his father-in-law Xu Shou who came, the entire Pluto Palace and his confidante also came with him.

Even if you are fighting alone, you still have to arrange your confidante.

"Who knows where they are hiding in, we need to find out the corresponding information first." King Yama said.

Everyone showed shocked expressions, saying that he was worthy of being the King of Hell. He was so thoughtful that he could even think of information. How could they not think of it? After being shocked, they worshiped him. After all, they had never imagined that King of Hell could think of it. Don't worship it.

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