Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 147 Mythical Guardian Spirit (crossed out) Substitute·Holy Lord

"It's worthy of spending 10 million spiritual power." Wang Linchi watched as the skeletons and branches of the immortal tree in the entire town were turned into powder.

Two months ago, after escaping the battle between the Black Dragon Envoy and King Yama, Wang Linchi ran away to another remote town. Through research, he successfully developed a method of incubation using chickens to lay eggs.

Today, the ghost pattern and guardian spirit egg was successfully hatched.

His guardian spirit is indeed very satisfying to him, especially with his burly appearance, he is definitely a good human shield.

The whole thing looks like a full-body protective armor covered with scales. It is almost two meters high. With its claws, giant arms and other limbs, it is absolutely powerful in close combat.

It also integrated the two snakes of Snake Bone Woman, but these two snakes have also mutated and no longer have their original attributes.

"Does this look a bit like the Holy Lord?"

"Well, the revised Holy Lord."

The Holy Lord is green and has a dragon head, but his guardian spirit is not green, but white. It seems to be because of the longevity tree. The head is also made of bones and has no real facial features.

"The guardian spirit seems inappropriate. It's more like a substitute messenger?" Wang Linchi's mind twitched and he changed the name of the guardian spirit.

[Substitute·Holy Lord (Mythical Level)]

[Fruit of Immortality: All attributes are increased by 100%, resistance is increased by 100%, and recovery is increased by 100%. Damage reduction 50%]

[Double companion snakes: The companion green snake and the companion red snake have tacit cooperation. The green snake has powerful poisonous spellcasting ability, and the red snake has strong hand-to-hand combat ability]

[Blessing of Blessing: Accumulate a ray of blessing every day, forming a blessing and calming effect on oneself. The strength of the effect depends on the number of blessings]

[Protection Seal: After leaving a distance of 1 meter from the protected person, a protective seal will be formed on the protected person. The protected person will be completely protected from any harm, attack or interference from the outside world. The strength of the protective seal depends on the mental strength of the protected person]

[Soul-melting poison: When attacking, it will cause four levels of equal damage to the soul, heart, spirit, and mind, and five levels of poison]

[Indestructible: Physical fitness increased by 100%, physical strength increased by 100%]

[Infinite Strength: Strength increased by 100%, physical strength increased by 100%]

[Wind and Lightning: Agility increased by 100%, physical strength increased by 100%]

[Soul-sucking and Devouring: When attacking an enemy, it absorbs the vitality, soul, spirit, luck and other effects of the enemy, and uses it to restore itself. When the luck accumulates to a certain amount, it will be converted into a ray of blessing]

[Qualifications of ghosts and gods: Harmonize one's Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, and enhance one's own potential qualifications by absorbing souls and devouring them]

To be honest, Wang Linchi was still a little overwhelmed by the strength of the substitute Holy Lord.

Looking at that 100%, I really don’t know what to say.

What's more important is that the quality is mythical, the highest level currently known, but he can continue to improve through the last two abilities.

Of course, what surprised Wang Linchi the most was the ability of blessing blessing. It originally consumed blessings. Now with the added luck-suppressing effect, the number of blessings will only increase and not decrease. Whether it is a chance to turn something bad into a good one or an extra opportunity, It will not be reduced, except for those attacks on luck.

But in this way, it would be difficult for Wang Linchi to judge whether there is danger based on the decline in the number of Fuze.

The initial strength of the Holy Lord is mithril level, and after a period of development and growth, it can reach the fine gold level.

However, it is not without its shortcomings. Wang Linchi is the shortcoming of the substitute Holy Master.

The first is that the Holy Master has no spiritual intelligence and only has the instinct to protect Wang Linchi and kill the enemy. After all, this thing is a bodyguard, and its functions are only these two.

Secondly, the Holy Lord and Wang Linchi share spiritual, spiritual and other attributes, which means that Wang Linchi is now dragging the Holy Lord down.

The Holy Master has a strong body and strength that can reach the Mithril level, but his mental strength is only over 10,000. Fortunately, he shares the effect of Wang Linchi's soul seed.

That is to say, it increases the toughness, resistance, and resistance of the spirit, heart, soul, and thinking of the Holy Lord.

"Judging from the current situation, the potential position cannot limit the development of the soul phase." Wang Linchi looked at the tall Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord's ghost pattern is now entrusted in the Book of Records. There is no need to worry after death. It can be restored through the Book of Records.

Originally, it was on his body, but Wang Linchi disliked the tattoo, so he stuffed it into the record book.

Therefore, on the cover of the Book of Records, in addition to Nascent Soul holding the golden elixir, he is also sleeping on an longevity fruit cast from white bones, forming a special scene.

"It's just that people from the Dajing Dynasty have never thought of investing in research. The cost is high, the cycle is long, the risks are not low, and more importantly, there may not be a return."

With these resources and time, it is not as fast as practicing to improve.

Therefore, non-combat awakened people have this status.

"It's just that I have another gold-eating beast here, which is a bit hard to handle."

Wang Linchi counted all the big expenses he had in detail, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

If the substitute Holy Master wants to become stronger, he must be inseparable from his training. It would be too difficult for him to train a black iron-level person to train a mithril-level person.

"In order for the Holy Master to fully display his true strength, I also need to upgrade all the soul seeds in my body to the mythical level, and improve my strength as soon as possible." Wang Linchi took a look and saw the energy of the soul seeds. Diversion technology has been achieved.

During these days, although he spent most of his time worrying about the incubation of the Holy Lord, apart from research, most of his time was actually monitoring, which did not require much concentration, so he continued his research.

Now you only need to complete the soul seed evolution, and then you can smoothly advance to the legendary soul seed.

"Okay, let's just rest for two days to evolve the soul seed. After the Holy Master is completely initialized, we can go to King Hades to see if we can get the mythical soul seed from the other party."

"If I can get three of them, tsk tsk..." Wang Linchi had a beautiful thought, but he felt that the possibility was not high. He didn't think that mythical soul seeds would be so easy to obtain.

King Yama should have it, but he may not necessarily give it to himself.

"Just in time, by the way, I'll show you some derived soul skills from the Soul Seed Boiling series." Wang Linchi felt that he had to show his sincerity, otherwise it would only give a new generation of Soul Seed Boiling, which would not be fresh. .

Two months passed in a flash, mainly because the update took too long.

First, the four soul seeds were upgraded to the legendary level and gained two new effect entries, namely shield and immunity.

The shield is to absorb damage, but the immunity is one of Wang Linchi's real core abilities. Based on the previous four terms of toughness, resistance, resistance, and shield, the truly powerful ability is formed. As long as he can survive the opponent's immunity, Attack or interfere, then he will not be affected in any way, which is equivalent to being invincible.

Let him either fail the saving throw to deal damage to his mind, soul, spirit, and mind, or fail the saving throw and all attacks will be ineffective damage.

This is a powerful entry that he paved the way for four entries.

The strength of the immunity naturally depends on the strength of one's own four attributes. The higher one's four attributes, the higher the strength of the immunity. Coupled with the increase of the previous four entries on oneself and the reduction of the outside, the immunity can be improved. The strength is increased by 50% out of thin air.

Originally it could only save 50 points of strength, but after blessing, it can save 100 points.

Mainly because the increase effects are different between epic level and legendary level. The limit of the former is 20% and the limit of the latter is 50%.

The linkage of the four entries provides 50%, and the immunity entry itself is 50%, so the strength is naturally doubled. If it reaches the mythical level later, the amount of immunity strength can reach 200%, that is, from 100 points to 200 points. point.

"It's still me that's holding me back. No matter how much percentage bonus I get, I can't overcome the poor basic attributes." Wang Linchi couldn't help it. His talent was good, but he had a deep talent pool.

In addition, the two soul seed pages have also become legendary and gained two new effects.

What the Wanderer gains is corrosion and hallucination, which will continue to increase the negative effects.

[Corrosion: Corrosion will occur after being impacted, and the negative effects will be enhanced]

[Hallucination: After being hit, hallucination effects will occur, confusing reality and imagination]

The storage space is to strengthen the dimension and strengthen the stillness. The former increases the layering of the storage space, and the latter provides freshness.

[Enhanced Dimension: Expand the same space into multiple independent storage spaces, and store different types of items in categories]

[Enhance stillness: form a still space, preserve items in it, and prevent them from corrosion or decay]

"There are only six months left. You should be qualified to make a fortune next." Wang Linchi looked at the substitute Holy Lord. With him, even if he is not qualified to become a chess player, he can just pick up some scraps and run away. , there should be no problem.

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