"When did you come to Xuan Lingtian?" King Yan Ming was a little surprised. He thought Wang Linchi had died in Yizhou long ago. After all, how could he escape with his little strength.

"Hey, this is unfortunate. The Sheng family didn't buy people secretly. I was sold to a local aristocratic family. Later, they were arrested at Six Doors, and I was also thrown into jail."

"Then, by chance, I entered the secret realm, hoping to avoid the limelight first."

"I've learned about your reputation and come here to seek refuge with you." Wang Linchi briefly summarized.

"You are really lucky. You can escape this disaster." King Yama touched his nose and said, "Are you planning to join our Palace of Hades?"

"No, the gap between us is getting bigger and bigger. If this is added to the list, it would seem that I am a bit following the crowd." Wang Linchi said bluntly.

King Yama also saw that Wang Linchi was still at the Black Iron level, and he understood in his heart that the gap was indeed too big.

He is now at the peak of the mithril level, and even the veteran fine gold level awakeners can be killed by him. His strength is naturally extremely powerful.

"Then why did you come to me?" King Yama was a little confused.

"It's a business trip. It was promised for one year. Although it has exceeded the time, it is also due to force majeure. Old classmate, you shouldn't care about this time." Wang Linchi joked.

"You actually finished it?!" King Yama was really shocked this time. With so many things happening, King Yama actually didn't expect Wang Linchi to complete it at all. It was already very good to survive.

"It's a bit difficult. I've been running away all the way. But with the previous preparations and after entering the secret realm, I ran away and didn't care about the mission, so I settled down." Wang Linchi explained and took out the Several stacks of books came in: "You trust me so much. In addition to the latest generation of soul seed boiling, there are also soul skills derived from soul seed boiling. See if it is useful."

King Yama hurriedly took it and then studied them all.

[Soul Skill·Soul Seed Boiling LV7 (0/0): Permanently increases the effect of all Soul Seeds by 70%]

[Soul Skill·Ordinary Level Soul Seed Hot: When you have Soul Seed Boiling, each level of Soul Seed Boiling can increase the effects of all ordinary level Soul Seeds by an additional 5%]

[Soul Skill·Excellent Soul Seed Scorching: When you have Soul Seed Boiling, each level of Soul Seed Boiling can increase the effects of all excellent Soul Seeds by an additional 5%]

[Soul skills...]

[Soul Skill·Legendary Soul Seed Hot: When you have Soul Seed Boiling, each level of Soul Seed Boiling can increase the effects of all legendary Soul Seeds by an additional 5%]

‘Sure enough, from LV5 to LV7, then as long as we develop a soul seed boiling that can be effective on mythical soul seeds, we can reach LV10. ’

There is also this derived soul skill, although it cannot be effective on him, after all, the nine soul seeds in his body are all mythical level, and Wang Linchi cannot study what he does not have.

But he is very satisfied with the effect. If Wang Linchi develops LV10 soul seed boiling, it will definitely bring the hot derivative soul skills of the mythical soul seed. By then, the effect of his soul seed will reach 200%.

'No, maybe there will be more. Wang Linchi can completely create more derivative soul skills based on soul seed boiling, but it's a pity that it's not a fighting soul form, alas. ’ King Yama sighed inwardly.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Satisfied, I'm very satisfied." How could King Yama be dissatisfied, and then continued to ask: "Are you sure about the mythical level?"

"No." Wang Linchi said straightforwardly: "Without a mythical soul seed, how could it be possible to succeed?"

"I'll help you!" King Yama Ming said sonorously and forcefully.

"I'm afraid you can't afford it." Wang Linchi said with some regret: "Based on the gap between legendary soul seeds and epic soul seeds, according to the plan, there will be ten mythical soul seeds and one hundred legendary soul seeds. Seeds, as for epic-level soul seeds, the required quantity is even greater.”

After hearing this, King Yama's expression did not change.

"Myth level and legendary level will be given as you say. For epic level, will 10,000 be enough?" King Yama was actually prepared in his heart.

He can really bring out so many soul seeds.

Nowadays, the soul seeds and resources in his hands are as worthless as the collapsed economic system, just like the entire world of the Great King Dynasty is sacrificing itself to continuously promote the growth of King Hades.

"Really?!" Wang Linchi didn't expect that King Yama would really agree.

Originally, he didn't want so many. According to his idea, three at the myth level would be enough, five at the legendary level, and it wouldn't matter if it were at the epic level. The main ones are the two levels of myth and legend.

"Well, when will you finish it?" King Yama asked.

"I will leave the secret realm in six months. If you can help me collect five longevity fruits and black iron-level treasures or soul weapons used to break through the limits of mental power, I will drive them out for you in five months. I have one month left to complete your soul seed to the mythical level, and if you're lucky, you can even get a new set of derived soul skills."

Wang Linchi said without hesitation.

In the remaining time, he naturally planned to collect some heavenly materials, earthly treasures or soul weapons so that he could have corresponding cultivation resources after leaving the secret realm.

But he could give way to mythical soul seeds, let alone let King Hades help him collect them. Wouldn't it be better?

"Your mission in the secret realm is to collect five longevity fruits?" King Yama suddenly asked.

"Yes!" Wang Linchi replied without hesitation. He wanted the longevity fruit and naturally wanted to see if it could fix a bug.

If the substitute Holy Lord takes it, will it gain a lifespan of one hundred years or ten years? If it is a hundred years, then Wang Linchi will be able to gain a hundred years of life through this bug. After all, the lifespan of the Holy Lord is his lifespan.

As for awakening an ability or improving qualifications, it is probably of no use to the Holy Lord. After all, the Holy Lord already has the highest level of qualifications.

However, even if the BUG cannot be blocked, Wang Linchi can eat the longevity fruit to extend his life or enter certain secret realms to increase the time limit in the future.

"Okay, I will find a way to collect it for you." King Yama agreed.

When it comes to his LV10 soul seed boiling and derived soul skills, Wang Linchi naturally has to take care of them.

"Then I will arrange a safe place for you to start working?"

King Yama is much more anxious than Wang Linchi.

"No problem." Wang Linchi naturally would not refuse.

Wang Linchi glanced at the Book of Records and felt a little lucky in his heart. Thanks to the substitute Holy Lord, who was essentially a guardian spirit transformed from Ghost Pattern, he was able to include it in the Book of Records.

Otherwise, if King Yama sees it, he might have to think of something.

Wang Linchi was quickly taken to a secret courtyard, and King Yama also arranged for people to guard and protect him.

He also thought about doing it alone, but it was too dangerous outside.

The fight between the King of Hell and the Dragon Worship Cult is in full swing. If it were not for the protection of the substitute Holy Lord, he might not be able to find the King of Hell.

You know, it's not just the King of Hell who comes here, but also the protector of the Morning Star Star, a beauty arranged for him by his domain master.

There was a fight with the bishop of the black dragon lineage of the Dragon Worship Sect every three or two days. The natives in the secret realm suffered heavy casualties from the Immortal Tree and the battle between the two sides.

Especially for the Immortal Tree, King Yama didn't seem to think about expelling it. Instead, he allowed the Black Dragon Bishop to continue to spread the entire Immortal Tree throughout the secret realm. It seemed that he had some plans.

‘Spy on me? ’ Through the thinking force field, Wang Linchi noticed some special fluctuations in mental power.

Wang Linchi may not necessarily be able to detect it if he directly uses gaze and field of vision abilities to monitor. However, fluctuations, frequencies, etc., such as divine perception and mental power scanning, can be detected by his thinking force field. Caught.

But it's understandable, these are ten mythical soul seeds, and he wouldn't be relieved if it were him. However, it seems that the person monitoring them is not King Hades, but other people in the Palace of Hades.

He did not trace the root cause, but began to analyze the mythical soul seed on his own.

Even if he let them see it, Wang Linchi didn't believe they could figure it out.

If you really can see it, it doesn't matter. He doesn't even build a foundation and just builds an attic. If he can build it, he is considered great.

Furthermore, his behavior is actually very covert, so there is no need to worry about the other party seeing it. After his Soul Seed and Soul Courtyard was upgraded to the legendary level, his soul barrier ability also became stronger.

According to his estimation, if you want to get some clues, you must at least have a Morning Star rating.

According to the intensity of the frequency of his mental fluctuations, it is probably the intensity of a mithril-level awakener.

‘As expected of the mythical level, it is much more difficult than the legendary level. One month is not enough to complete the analysis, it will take two months. ’ After Wang Linchi’s preliminary analysis, he naturally felt some difficulties.

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