Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 155 Yu Lingtian reunites

"Your luck is the best I have ever seen." King Yama looked at Wang Linchi.

At first, when he heard his men say that Wang Linchi wanted to see him, he was confused. Wang Linchi actually survived again. He thought that Wang Linchi had died long ago and died due to the turbulent flow of space when the secret realm was broken. .

Not only is he not dead now, but he has come all the way from Xuanlingtian in Jingsu Region to Yulingtian in Liusu Region. It has been almost two years since the Immortal Tree came to the present, and his life is extremely hard. .

"How can I die? We both failed to fulfill our agreement. If I die, I will become a dishonest villain." Wang Linchi said with a smile.

Along the way, he was protected by the substitute Holy Lord, but he did not encounter any danger. On the contrary, the Holy Lord grew a lot through absorbing souls and devouring them. Even Wang Linchi's mental power reached 2700 points, mainly because he did not reveal his wealth outside. So I didn't dare to use heavenly materials, earthly treasures and soul weapons to assist, so I was too slow.

"It's good to be alive." King Yama was already an awakener of the morning star at this time, and his strength could be said to have grown by leaps and bounds.

Coupled with the twelve Yuan Chen White Bone Demon God combined with the geographical location of Liu Suyu, he has a strength comparable to Xiri level.

"On the way here, I have perfected something for you. You can see if it can be used." Wang Linchi said, taking out a large stack of books and handing them to King Yama.

It took him more than a year to come to Liusuyu, all by train.

Many people, like him, went to Yulingtian to take refuge.

In fact, there are faster means of transportation, but Wang Linchi can't get them.

"Did you finish it on the way?" King Yama was a little surprised and quickly finished reading it.

[Soul Skill·Soul Seed Boiling LV10 (MAX): Permanently increases the effect of all Soul Seeds by 10%]

[Soul Skill: Mythical Soul Seed Hot: When you have Soul Seed Boiling, each level of Soul Seed Boiling can increase the effects of all Mythical Soul Seeds by an additional 5%]

[Soul Skill·Ordinary Level Soul Seed Cold: When you have Soul Seed Boiling, each level of Soul Seed Boiling can reduce the cooldown of all ordinary level Soul Seeds by 1%]

[Soul skills...]

A total of more than a thousand soul-seed boiling series derivatives were surfaced. The soul-seed boiling series with a ten thousand-fold increase allowed King Yama to feel that his strength was constantly improving.

"Well, I have completed the work on the way. With the help of the Soul Seed from you, I have developed all the Soul Seed Boiling series. I guess there won't be any results in the future." Wang Linchi said with some regret.

These words made King Yama hesitate. He was just about to recruit Wang Linchi to help him continue to improve it. He could develop nearly a thousand derivative soul skills a year, even if nearly 900 of these thousand were targeted. It is effective and useless to him, but it does not mean that the final result is invalid.

Just like the newly obtained mythical soul seed, Burning Heat, he needs to first possess the common-level soul seed, Burning Heat, Excellent Level... After accumulating one level, he can learn the mythical soul seed, Burning Heat, instead of acquiring the latter. Ability to skip previous procedures.

"Then what are your plans next? Will you continue to develop soul skills related to soul seeds?" King Yama naturally wants Wang Linchi to continue in this line of work. After all, with Wang Linchi's strength, where can a black iron level awakener go? They're all ants.

"I plan to find a way to leave the south. Along the way, even the Liusu Territory under your rule is better than Yulingtian, and there are mourners everywhere."

"So I want you to help me."

"The extra derived soul skills should be treated as rewards."

Wang Linchi said it very straightforwardly. To put it more tactfully, King Yama would just pretend to be stupid.

"This..." King Yan Ming hesitated. He didn't want to let Wang Linchi leave, and then said: "It's okay, but if you stay in Yulingtian, at least you don't have to worry about danger. If you go to other domains, I can't guarantee you. safety."

This was a tactful way to persuade Wang Linchi to stay.

"I know, but I can't trouble you. I also know that my value is to help you develop soul skills. But now, I can't develop new soul skills. I can develop so many thanks to my parents. I have used up all the books I left behind, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to use them anymore in the future.”

How could Wang Linchi stay? It's not like he had never been with King Yama. How had he ever been safe?

Unlucky every time.

Now King Yama does have strength comparable to that of Xiri, but this is not over yet. He feels that something will happen next.

How did King Hades become stronger quickly without causing trouble? From the peak of Mithril level two years ago to the current Morning Star level, he jumped two levels in just two years. Others may not be able to see the dangers in it, but Wang Linchi can still see it. Not coming out?

No matter how talented you are, you can't achieve this speed if you follow the steps step by step.

"Okay, I'll help you contact my master and ask him to make arrangements for you." King Yama said.

His master was naturally the domain lord of the Jingsu Domain. Although the strength of the Huiyue class was not as good as that of the Xiri class, he was able to escape in that situation. Naturally, there would not be much harsh punishment. The punishment was to hold the light up high. If you put it down lightly, the most you can do is let the factions behind it move.

"If possible, it would be best to provide some more resources and Horcruxes. Black Iron level ones are enough. As you know, it was almost like fleeing when we came here. Everything was lost." Wang Linchi said with an embarrassed look on his face. .

King Yama also smiled: "You are still so straightforward. Now I still remember that you came to curry favor with me."

"It's better to be straightforward. Being secretive makes it seem like I have some evil intentions." Wang Linchi said.

Black iron-level resources have no value at all in the eyes of the current King of Hell, so just give them away without any burden.

"It's hard work for you to come here. I'll arrange for someone to take you to have a rest. There will be news about leaving the south in three days at most."

"Your position as Soul Seed Division should still be there, right?" King Yama asked again.

"If someone evacuates me after the fall of Yizhou, there probably won't be any left." Wang Linchi also joked.

"That's okay." King Yan Ming naturally heard Wang Linchi's ridicule. Will there be any living people in Yizhou at that time?

Then they arranged for someone to take Wang Linchi to the guest room, and then served a table of delicious food, using all the ingredients from heaven and earth.

It can only be said that the top and bottom are never the same world.

Such a situation in the seven southern regions has hardly affected Yu Lingtian, where King Yama is located. As the state pastor, King Yama's salary has not declined, but has been improved a lot.

After observation, he finally figured out that King Yama should be considered a member of the Dajing court, not an independent one.

Because his teacher was still serving under the imperial court, otherwise, how would there be a channel to send Wang Linchi to places other than the south.

Another is that Yu Lingtian can maintain its prosperity after the disaster only if it has the help of the imperial court. Otherwise, where will the resources come from to allow King Yama and King Hades to live a ‘normal’ life.

The imperial court cannot afford to support the Seven Domains, but there is no problem in supporting a Hades Palace and leaking some dregs to Yu Lingtian as supplies.

After eating, drinking, and washing up, Wang Linchi fell asleep directly.

For more than a year, he has not dared to sleep too hard. Even with the protection of the substitute Holy Lord, the vigilance he should have will not disappear, but will become more nervous.

Once here, it's hard to relax.

"Sending someone here? I'm afraid it's difficult to handle at this juncture."

The voice of an old man came from the stronger crystal of King Yama. This was the master of King Yama.

"Who is it that made you go to such trouble to beg me?" The other party did not refuse immediately, but began to inquire.

"Even if he has some kind of fate, you don't need to be assigned to a high position, or even to the domain government. He only needs to be assigned to the state government. He himself has a position in the Soul Seed Division, and he is also a leisurely civilian support staff." King Yama Explained.

His master thought that King Yama was trying to get people in. After all, he had spoken, so he couldn't give him a small position. After all, he was his disciple who came to have a relationship with him.

"If that's the case, then there's no problem." After hearing the explanation, the other party agreed without hesitation.

"Please arrange a more stable state capital. He likes to be quiet, and he also has a non-competing temperament. Just place him in his original position. You don't have to worry about it after the arrangement." King Yama added.

"Are you begging me for this matter?" The person on the other side seemed to have called up Wang Linchi's information. After all, he was connected to the Internet. Even if there was not much information, he could still see Wang Linchi's employment situation, especially what King Yama said The restoration of his original position left him speechless.

That position, in the eyes of a region lord, is smaller than a sesame seed.

Fortunately, this is also a good thing for the other party, as there is no need to worry about Wang Linchi being implicated in trouble.

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