Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 156 Position in Shangshi Bureau, Shuttle Escort

"My old classmate really hid something." King Yan Ming looked at Wang Linchi who was seeing him off. Before he left, he gave himself a derivative soul skill called Soul Seed Boiling. According to Wang Linchi, that It's called the ultimate secret.

[Soul Skill·Soul Seed Control: When you have Soul Seed Boiling, each level of Soul Seed Boiling can increase the effect of all derived soul skills in the Soul Seed Boiling series by 1%]

If he had not sent Wang Linchi away, I am afraid that this derived soul skill of soul seed control would never fall into his hands.

With this soul skill, even if it does not increase by ten thousand times, its original effect is to eliminate the side effects of the soul seed boiling series and make it a powerful soul skill series.

Then he closed the teleportation array, turned around and left without any sloppiness.

If nothing else happens, there may not be a chance to see Wang Linchi again in this life.

Wang Linchi quickly arrived at Wu Lingtian, the capital of Dou Su Territory in the north.

There were no crowds of people, and there were no people at the location of the teleportation array.

Most people who use teleportation arrays do so across domains. Ordinary people are not qualified to use them at all, and ordinary people rarely travel across domains.

"Master Wang, please let me take you to take office." A mithril-level old servant had been waiting for a long time and came over to greet Wang Linchi as soon as he came out.

There is no disdain or contempt for Wang Linchi because of his low strength. The other party is very well-educated and has experienced the halo of the protagonist. It is impossible for him to look like the villain.

"Thank you, senior." Wang Linchi instinctively estimated how many moves the Holy Master would need to kill the opponent, and then he was a little speechless. He was too nervous before, which caused him to see everyone as his enemy.

The old servant didn't notice anything strange about Wang Linchi. His soul barrier covered his problems very well.

"The master has arranged for you to work in the Shangshi Bureau of Ningyang Prefecture in Xianzhou as a staff separation manager. Although it is not an official reinstatement, the position is very leisurely." The old servant said.

"Thank you, senior, for your support. This position has come to my heart." Wang Linchi naturally liked it.

Personnel turnover management? When entering an institution under the imperial court, there are only expulsion and death, and there is no such option as resignation.

Even if there is an option to resign, other departments will only send the files to him after completing the procedures.

The main function of the Shangshi Bureau is to inspect the food hygiene of various restaurants and restaurants. However, since most of them have filial piety, as long as they don't go too far, the inspectors will just go there and go for a formality.

The old servant looked at Wang Linchi strangely. He also knew the conditions proposed by King Yama. He was related to his family's master. He had seen people promoted and asked for power. This was the first time he wanted such a boring and cold bench position.

But he is also very satisfied with it. He is not very strong but has a lot of beeps, so he will not feel bad if he helps to take care of it.

"To go to Ningyang Mansion, it will take at least a year to take the train from Wulingtian, so we use the Xuantian Divine Shuttle to get there in the afternoon." The old servant said, and took Wang Linchi to the shuttle. s position.

"So fast?" Wang Linchi was a little surprised. He had also ridden on a shuttle before, but it was not that fast.

"This is the master's car, so you should hurry up." The old servant explained without any impatience or contempt.

If he hadn't followed the Territory Lord, he would have been surprised. The status of a Huiyue-level awakener is naturally unusual.

Get on the shuttle and set off.

"The master told me, Master Wang, you probably didn't have much money on hand when you came. Nowadays, money is becoming less and less valuable in this world. You can take this little money and use it first." The old servant said and handed over the money. A money card comes.

"Then I'll be disrespectful." After Wang Linchi took it, he asked again: "Is our north stable? Among the seven regions in the south, only the Liusu region is better. The other six regions are already hell on earth, but even so, In Liusu Territory, ten million yuan can’t buy a pound of rice, so the prices are really scary.”

When Wang Linchi said this, the old servant couldn't help but be moved.

"The north is not yet so terrible, but it has been rising. Master Wang, the money in your card will be turned into houses, furniture, rice, flour, grain and oil as soon as possible after it reaches the ground." The old servant also reminded.

"Didn't the imperial court put some pressure on it?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

"I can't hold it back, the aristocratic family and the sect, alas~" The old servant did not elaborate, but he also told the reason.

"How dare they?!" Wang Linchi pretended not to know and was furious.

"Why don't they dare? The reason why the south is like this is not because of their alliance with the Shadow Alliance, which split the good Dajing territory into a quarter and caused thieves to break out all over the place."

"But don't worry, Mr. Wang, there are no such things in Xianzhou, and Ningyang Mansion is even more safe. There are five Morning Stars sitting in the center. The family is weak and the sect is withered. It is one of the few places in the Dou Su region where the court has the upper hand. ." The old servant also explained.

"That's good. I'm really scared. If it weren't for my fate, I wouldn't be able to live here." Wang Linchi sighed.

In response to this, the old servant also raised his eyebrows. Although he had never seen the tragedy in the south, he had also seen some information. Those who could survive from it would not only be able to explain the hard life, but also have enough Strength will do.

However, he didn't inquire in depth. He was just a black iron-level person. Even if there was a secret, it was just like that.

"Master Wang, if you don't want to rest, I'll go ahead and ask how long it will take for you to arrive." The old servant said politely, then stood up and left.

This probably means that I have nothing to talk to you about, and I don’t want to hear about your hard work.

Everyone kept their differences, but they couldn't lose their manners.

"Then I'll trouble you, senior." Wang Linchi heard it, so there was no further topic.

In fact, he is happier when he plays by himself. After all, for him, this is not a big problem.

‘When we get to Ningyang Mansion, we have to make arrangements for the mythical soul seed. ’ This idea came to Wang Linchi’s mind.

During the time when he took the train to Yu Lingtian in Liusu Territory, he had already developed the technology to advance and shunt the mythical soul seeds. The reason why he did not proceed was naturally because the place was not suitable. , how dare you do this when everything is in chaos.

‘After the mythical soul seed is successful, you have to consider entering the secret realm. ’

This idea came to Wang Linchi's mind. He had previously thought about entering the wild secret realm through the black market. There was no problem with this idea, but there was a very serious problem.

That's time.

The flow rate of time inside the secret realm is the same as outside the secret realm. How many days he stays in the secret realm will naturally pass as many days outside.

Now that he has joined the Shangshi Bureau, he cannot say that he will take a long leave.

Unless Wang Linchi is allowed to go to the micro secret realm, it will take three months to enter the large secret realm.

All vacations combined are not enough for three months.

What's more, these three months are only the foundation.

As for not being able to say it, it's impossible. Sooner or later, he will run out of resources. Another is the improvement in the secret realm, which is much faster than him doing it step by step.

You can see it from the Holy Lord.

‘If I can use the branches given to me by the Immortal Tree and enter the secret realm, my growth rate should be faster, right? ’

That branch is also a Horcrux, and it is also a legendary Horcrux.

【Roots of the Everlasting Tree】

[Quality: Legendary]

[Substitute: able to withstand a fatal attack, and the Horcrux will be broken after resisting]

[Life extension: After the soul weapon is broken, the life span will be increased by one hundred years]

[Spiritual Root: When practicing with a soul weapon, the cultivation efficiency is increased by 50%]

[Magic Shield: Consume 20% of mental power to convert into a shield of corresponding strength. The strength of the shield will continue to decrease until it disappears]

[Treatment: consume 20% of mental power to form healing ability, the intensity of treatment depends on the consumption of mental power]

[Wood Thorn: Spend 20% of the mental power to summon the wooden thorn. The power and range of the wooden thorn depend on the consumed mental power]

[Pressure: Consume 20% of mental power to form a trace of the pressure of the Immortal Tree. The quality and duration of the pressure depend on the mental power consumed]

Legendary Horcrux, three passive and four active, the effect is still very good.

Especially the first three passives are very easy to use.

There is no level limit for the entry that increases the training speed by half. Most of the Horcruxes he obtained to assist training are limited to a certain level.

‘However, it seems certain that all the aborigines who came out of the Broken Secret Realm have been assimilated into the world and become awakened ones. ’

Theoretically speaking, the Immortal Tree has also become an awakened person, but it is not a human awakened person, but a heterogeneous awakened person.

The reason why there is no movement in the world is nothing more than the meat rotting in the pot, which is the foundation and strength of the world.

Beef and mutton are both meats that are eaten in the mouth. There is no point in supporting the awakened humans and suppressing the awakened aliens.

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