Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 16 The New Year is approaching, the handicap of the state-wide joint entrance examination

A few days ago, King Yama took his confidante and younger brother back to Qinghe College for the final exam of the entire state.

The last time it was an arena match, this time it was different, the movement was much louder, and it was held directly in the secret realm.

Wang Linchi has nothing to do now, because the materials on hand have been used up in the experiment, so he just practices the "Book Mountain and Sea Sea Soul Training Method" every day, and then reads books to cultivate his sentiments.

It's just that the progress of training is getting more and more difficult. Now that his mental power has reached 23 points, it is even harder to make progress, and the speed is as slow as a snail.

The limit is about to be reached.

He had also thought about making his body stronger through his own research to expand the water cup. However, this was not realistic because before entering Qinghe University, he had worked hard for many years and was already unable to make progress. .

I also wanted to go over and inquire about the black market, but I couldn't find out at all. We are not in the same circle. It is really difficult for you to get in touch with things in this circle, even if it is sparse and common things in this circle.

The combat-type awakened ones don't care about you at all. You can't fight them, so why should they care about you?

The privileged class simply looked down on a low-class person like Wang Linchi.

What's more, this kind of thing cannot be done openly. The black market is not legal in the first place. If you still ask about this, you are looking for death.

Therefore, Wang Linchi fell silent and looked at various books in the library.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, he is still idle anyway, and he can also get three free meals while staying in the academy, which can save him a lot of money.

He actually still has tens of thousands of coins on hand, because what he lacks is soul seeds, not money, and sometimes you can't buy soul seeds even if you have money. This thing is strictly controlled by the Dajing court.

Of course, even if he wanted to buy it, he couldn't.

With just over 10,000 yuan, you can only buy one excellent soul seed.

The value of soul seeds and money are not equivalent at all.

"It's almost time, it's time to go to the cafeteria for lunch." Wang Linchi put down the book in his hand, stood up and prepared to leave.

The library is actually very deserted, not many people come here at all. Ninety percent of the students in the academy are combat awakeners. If you have time to read, it is better to practice more or fight more than anything else.

Reading is a waste of time for them.

"I left early again. This is really..." Wang Linchi glanced at the front desk of the library and didn't know what to say.

He knew the front desk staff. He was a student. Like him, he was an ordinary soul, which meant he was of no use, so he worked part-time in the academy.

The two of them got acquainted a lot as they went back and forth, and then they picked up the note on the table, which said: I will go to the cafeteria to save a seat for you, and you can close the door for me. The key is in the same place.

Wang Linchi tore up the note and threw it into the trash can. Then he skillfully took out the key from under the doorstep, closed the door, locked the door, and put back the key. After a series of smooth operations, he headed towards the canteen. go.

Halfway through, I found that the road ahead was blocked again.

A lot of people gathered around, seeming to be making a fuss.

'It won't be King Hades again...' Wang Linchi thought to himself, and without any hesitation, he took a detour and left.

Under normal circumstances, no big events would happen in the academy for three to five years, but it was different after the arrival of King Yama. Big events would happen every now and then.

During the days when he left the college to work outside, the security of Qinghe City improved significantly, and Qinghe College rarely became stable.

Then, Wang Linchi heard familiar words.

"King Yama, you are so majestic. Do you know who my eldest brother is? My eldest brother is an awakened person in the fifth grade. He has already broken through to the orichalcum level. Who are you? You are worthy of competing with me. woman!"

The voice was very loud, causing Wang Linchi to speed up his departure.

When leaving, I still heard everyone sarcastic and sarcastic towards King Yama, saying that King Yama was overestimating his abilities.

‘It seems that King Yama has either become an awakened person of the orichalcum level now, or he is at the peak of the black iron level. He is one step away from becoming the orichalcum level and then defeats the fifth-year students. ’

Judging from this situation, King Yama should be changing the map soon.

Even if we change the map and make him disappear quickly, Qinghe College will be able to live in peace.

But having said that, this wisdom halo is really powerful.

Although King Yama is a bit weird, his credit is unquestionable. Over the past few days, he has played competitions and entered secret realms in various places. He has gained countless honors and credits for Qinghe College. As a result, not only did not everyone think that he had merit, Instead, they were either sarcastic or questioning him.

Anyone else would have been disappointed.

Fortunately, the King of Hell will not be disappointed. His pretense of slapping him in the face and being a saint in front of others is enough to make up for his unhappiness. After all, the shock and disbelief of passers-by also gives King of Hell enough emotional value.

What's more, the next step will definitely be a gambling fight, and then Yama will get benefits, which have emotional value and substantial benefits. It is impossible to be cold-hearted, and I wish more people would come to send them.

"Here you go, sit down quickly, I'll prepare it for you." When Wang Linchi arrived at the cafeteria, he saw Mo Bai shouting to him.

Mo Bai is the front desk of the library, the person who asked Wang Linchi to help close the door.

Wang Linchi also sat down, looked at the rice on the plate, picked up the chicken legs and started to chew on them.

"Did you hear that? King Yama..."

As soon as Wang Linchi sat down, Mo Bai started talking, obviously some rumors.

"I heard, we met just now." Wang Linchi said after swallowing the food in his mouth.

"Really?! Then tell me what's going on." Mo Bai's eyes lit up, and he was also very curious about this.

"There's nothing to say. It's just caused by a woman. I don't know the specific situation. You can find out on your own." Wang Linchi said vaguely.

He wasn't going to talk about these things.

"You're already here, and you don't want to come back after watching it." Mo Bai said with a bit of hatred, but he didn't dwell too much on it. Then he thought of something and said in a low voice: "By the way, fifth-grade Senior Zhou We’ve made a handicap, are you interested?”

"Handicap?" Wang Linchi thought, as if he saw the scene where King Yama pretended to slap him in the face.

"Yes, the plate is for this state-wide joint entrance examination. If you are lucky, you may be able to earn some pocket money." Mobai said mysteriously and took out a directory from his arms: "This is the list of all the schools in our state." In the academy’s list of geniuses, we will rank them according to the highest.”

Mo Bai never thought about making a lot of money, so he just made a dozen dollars.

But Wang Linchi was different, he wanted to make a fortune.

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