Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 17 Sending money to your door is such a good thing!

"Are you sure you want to overthrow King Yama for first place?" Zhou Long couldn't help but sneered when he heard this. Who doesn't know that King Yama relies on luck and opportunism. It's really ridiculous that someone will overtake him for first place today.

Wang Linchi looked at the situation in the odds pool. The odds of King Yama becoming the first in the state joint examination were 1 to 1,300, which was the highest odds among all.

"Well, it's a thousand." Wang Linchi said calmly.

"This is the first time I saw someone rush to give me money." Zhou Long said disdainfully and reached out to take the money from Wang Linchi's hand, but Wang Linchi stretched out his hand to stop him.

"If you win, can you afford 1.3 million?" Wang Linchi asked.

This is not a formal organization. If it is 13,000, the other party will not refuse, but if it is 1.3 million, it is really not necessarily true.

It's true that money is not valuable here among combat awakeners, but that doesn't mean that Zhou Long is willing to spend the 1.3 million. It's true that he is a third-year senior, but he is only a black iron level. Wang Linchi will not refuse the debt. Method.

"Hmph, if King Yama can take first place, I will eat the whole table off!" Zhou Long didn't care at all about Wang Linchi's statement. This is a sure profit.

"In other words, you really can't come up with 1.3 million." Wang Linchi understood what Zhou Long meant.

Otherwise, he would pat his chest and say that there is no problem. The other party is here to make money, not to give money. If Wang Linchi really wins, the other party will definitely refuse to pay.

So when Wang Linchi saw this, he lost his mind, and then took out ten one-dollar cards and put them down: "Press ten yuan."

Zhou Long couldn't help but be stunned, he didn't expect Wang Linchi to play like this.

"You are really..." Zhou Long didn't think Wang Linchi was scared, but thought he had heard what he said, so he changed it to ten yuan.

"Ten dollars, just ten dollars, your order."

After that, Zhou Long took care of it for Wang Linchi.

After Wang Linchi took it, he turned around and left without stopping at all.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill the sheep for meat, but because he can't do it.

If the King of Hell comes and pays a large amount of money directly, there is no need to worry that Zhou Long will not be able to get it out because of this. King of Hell has the aura of the protagonist, and the Zhou family behind him will have to pay back the money Zhou Long owes.

Wang Linchi can't do it. The other party has failed. He has no way to solve the problem. The opponent's handicap itself is illegal. Even if it makes a big fuss, the most he can get is a refund of the original one thousand instead of getting 1.3 million. .

What he said before was also a test of Zhou Long's financial resources. The result of the test was naturally that the other party was just working alone. There might be a backstage, but the backstage was not a big shot.

So if you want to make a lot of money, even if you get it, you won't live long.

Anyone who can handle this kind of handicap is not a good person.

If ten dollars were won, it would be thirteen thousand.

Although Zhou Long feels a little distressed about this small amount of money, he will still give it to him and will not ruin his reputation because of this.

What's more, Wang Linchi didn't intend to only recruit Zhou Long's family.

He was not the only one who opened the handicap in the academy, there were many.

If a person bets ten yuan, the odds are at least one thousand or more. Ten yuan is equivalent to one hundred thousand. He is not greedy, and he will be about the same if he bets around one hundred thousand.

Any more and it will be conspicuous.

After shopping around, I quickly collected ten orders.

The highest odds are 1,700 to one.

Odds vary from house to house.

It should be higher in the black market, but Wang Linchi doesn't know where the black market is, and he doesn't have the qualifications to enter.

After returning home, I stored all the documents and waited for the state joint examination to be over to exchange them for money.

Based on the attitudes of the seniors who opened the handicap, Wang Linchi could be sure that King Yama would be the first this time.

There is even a problem with cognition. How can he lose with such a terrifying aura?

Wang Linchi couldn't even imagine how Yama Ping Wang could lose. What's more, the reward for the first place in the state joint examination this time was an epic soul seed. Naturally, Yama Ping Wang would not let it go.

After finishing the list in his hand, Wang Linchi went to the library again, otherwise he would have nothing to do.

As soon as he arrived, Mo Bai, who was guarding the door, perked up and waved to Wang Linchi.

Seeing his excitement, Wang Linchi thought he might have eaten something big again.

Mo Bai's temperament and thoughts are actually what Wang Linchi thought about after lying down. The difference is that Wang Linchi may be assigned to the clerk and he will be assigned to the front desk, and together they can get the iron rice bowl of the Imperial Court, but now It was different, because Wang Linchi had 10 million less and embarked on the path of struggle.

"What's so exciting?" Wang Linchi asked as he approached.

"Didn't you ask me to inquire about the black market before? I found out about it." Mo Bai looked around and then whispered.

This news surprised Wang Linchi. He really didn't expect Mo Bai to find out. After all, Mo Bai's social circle was a little bigger than his, but not much bigger.

"Really? What's going on?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Leave Qinghe City and walk south for about twenty-seven kilometers, but you must be at the Black Iron level to enter, otherwise you will be blocked outside, which seems to be a barrier formed by some special soul skill or secret treasure. "

"But I heard it's very dangerous. You can still be safe in the black market. If someone intercepts you when you go out, no one will care about you."

Mobai said cautiously.

"It's so strict, it seems like it's impossible to go and experience it for a long time." Wang Linchi sighed. He finally figured out that non-combat awakeners might not be able to go.

The black iron level is not that easy to improve. Taking his current class as an example, among so many people, there are no more than ten people who have reached the black iron level. These ten people are all geniuses and have powerful support behind them.

Most of them are actually still at the White Porcelain level, but unlike Wang Linchi who is still at the early stage of the White Porcelain level, the lowest ones should be in the middle stage.

The reason for slow cultivation is naturally a resource issue.

The academies under the Dajing Dynasty focused on natural selection, relying entirely on competition. As the saying goes, a genius who dies is not a genius, only one who survives is alive, so the competition is very fierce.

The ones at the top can get the most resources, and then it decreases downwards.

The bottom group of awakened souls with 2 potential souls are a little better than Wang Linchi, that is, they have one more channel to obtain resources. Unlike Wang Linchi who has no channels, the others are not much different.

As for Yama and Pluto being the protagonist, we cannot treat it with common sense.

Everyone is still struggling at the White Porcelain level, and King Yama has dared to fight with a fifth-year Orichalcum-level awakener. Can he be an ordinary person?

If someone can reach the orichalcum level after graduating from the academy in five years, he is actually considered a genius, and cannot be measured by the unreasonable standards of Hades.

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