Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 176 Dragon Soul, Dragon Soul

"Successful." Wang Linchi looked at the dragon soul in his hand, which he extracted.

The only pity is that the beast soul of the longevity turtle was broken, and Wangtianhou's beast soul and a lot of resources were also used. If you want to rebuild the dragon soul without paying the price, there is no such thing as such a good thing.

"The new dragon soul is too weak and will break if the wind blows."

【Dragon Soul】

[Quality: white porcelain (under restoration)]


The dragon soul was judged to be a Horcrux, but because it had just recovered, the quality defaulted to white porcelain level, and it had no effect.

Fortunately, it is said that he is recovering. After recovery, his quality should be greatly improved and his abilities should be demonstrated.

The lowest level is a guaranteed legendary level. The only disadvantage is that you don’t know when it will be restored.

However, Wang Linchi did not plan to wait for the dragon soul to recover, but planned to directly integrate it into the dragon ball, and then start making it directly through the beast armor technique.

However, if you do this, the special energy in the Dragon Ball will be consumed as the Dragon Soul grows. The effects of the last five entries will disappear, and eight new effect words will be born through the combination of the Dragon Soul and Dragon Ball. Come on.

Of course, he is not doing this now, but Wang Linchi plans to study clearly what the nature of the energy in the Dragon Ball is before talking about it.

After all, it involves his potential.

"The energy in the dragon beads cannot be regenerated. The dragon soul and the dragon beads alone are not enough unless the dragon is reborn."

"So if you use one portion, you're missing one portion, which is frustrating."

Wang Linchi has not only reshaped the dragon soul these days, but his research progress on the ability of dragon beads to increase human potential is also very gratifying.

But now it involves a dilemma.

If you want to restore the Dragon Ball to the mythical level, you must not continue to extract the energy from the Dragon Ball. Once the energy is not enough to restore and fuse the dragon soul, the original mythical level Dragon Ball will most likely still only be the legendary level.

The difference between the two is a 50% increase and the effect of missing three entries.

"The analyzed structure can confirm that the energy in the Dragon Ball is some kind of innate substance similar to the fetal period. After being taken into the body to reach a certain amount, it will consume itself to simulate the innate environment and carry out secondary development of people, that is, The process of improving qualifications.”

"It's just useless after analysis. Where can I find this kind of innate substance?"

To get the fetus? Not to mention that he is not so crazy, even if he has it, he can't get it, because it is just similar, not really there.

What's more, the fetus and the mother's body are originally one, and he can't take them even if he wants to.

He knew that the amount in Dragon Ball was only enough to simulate the innate environment once, so Wang Linchi could only find another substitute.

"Fortunately, the potential position will not affect my ability to become stronger for the time being."

Wang Linchi has now changed his mind. Before, he was more interested in accumulating potential. Now... come on, the world is about to explode, how can he control so much.

"On the contrary, it's the influence of the beast armor."

Therefore, this technology was shelved by Wang Linchi due to lack of raw materials that could not be synthesized.

"Let's see if we can trick King Yama into killing the Dragon Emperor on Dragon Island. Then he can tear out the bones and give them to me. Maybe we can synthesize this innate substance infinitely." Wang Linchi felt that King Yama was like this anyway. It's awesome, it doesn't matter how awesome it is.

Wang Linchi didn't hold out much hope, mainly because dragons were different species, because the energy core of the dragon he dug up in the secret realm of the zoo should be dragon beads and dragon souls, but it was different on Dragon Island. , there is a dragon crystal in people’s minds.

One is in the reverse scale position, and the other is in the brain. Even if they are both made of some kind of calcified material, they are obviously not dragons of the same species.

"I didn't expect you to be so efficient. I thought I had to help you." The beast god appeared quietly and looked at the dragon soul in Wang Linchi's hand with a trace of slight surprise in his expression.

If Wang Linchi was strong enough to reshape the dragon soul so quickly, he wouldn't be surprised. However, given Wang Linchi's current strength, it can only be said that Wang Linchi is really extraordinary.

"Is something wrong?" Wang Linchi asked back.

"It seems that I won't be able to benefit from you, it's a pity." The Beast God naturally went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, but he didn't expect to arrive a step too late.

"What's the pity? Where have you been these past few days? I haven't seen you." Wang Linchi asked what the other party wanted to do.

"Pack up your belongings. We have to leave. We can't leave our belongings here." The beast god patted the purse on his waist, which was obviously some kind of storage treasure.

"Oh, if that's all right, don't bother me." Wang Linchi directly issued an eviction order. He didn't have much favorable impressions of the Beast God.

"Don't you want to know something about the Great Ruins?" The Beast God's tone was seductive.

"I do, but I don't want to know it from your mouth." Wang Linchi was not stupid. The other party came to the door eagerly, so he must have other intentions.

If you really want to keep asking for it, the price you will pay in the future will be extremely painful.

Free is the most expensive thing, not to mention that the other party is also good at cause and effect. If you really listen to what the other party says, you may not be able to pay back even if you sell yourself.

What's more, the other party has said before that his luck is very high, high enough to be able to get the Dragon Ball, which shows that he does have hidden abilities such as strong luck.

As for how it came about, it might be the aura of the supporting character, or it might be some traits left behind by the time travellers.

Therefore, Wang Linchi suspected that the Beast God was interested in his strong luck. He didn't know whether the luck-suppressing effects of the Holy Lord and the Dragon Ball could withstand the Beast God, but as long as he didn't fall for it, then the other party wanted to achieve what he wanted. The probability of purpose is even lower.

"Actually, I suspect that you are the Son of Destiny, so I was thinking..." The Beast God didn't finish his sentence, because he just wanted to mess with Wang Linchi.

"Then you have found the wrong person. I am not the Son of Destiny. There is someone else who is the real Son of Destiny, and I even know him." Wang Linchi complained.

The beast god has seen a ghost, how can you still recognize the Son of Destiny?

"Do you want to know? It can save you a lot of time. From the White Porcelain level to now, he can resist the Xiri level awakeners. He has grown up in less than ten years and even has..." Wang Linchi said a lot of Yama Pluto. Deeds.

He was tricking the Beast God in reverse. Although it was a bit clumsy, the Beast God saw it, but did not criticize him. Instead, he asked directly: "I'll give you the dragon soul. Please give me a recommendation."

"Dragon soul?" Wang Linchi was a little weird. Didn't he say there was only a dragon soul?

Why did a dragon spirit escape?

"Soul, soul. If there is a soul, then there is a soul. When the dragon soul landed on the longevity immortal turtle, this dragon soul... I won't tell you." The beast god said the last thing with a wicked smile.

"Okay, then you are ready to swear an oath, and I will draft the content." Wang Linchi didn't care where the dragon soul was at all.

As for this transaction, Wang Linchi didn't care who cheated whom, because he couldn't defeat the Beast God. This was an old fox who had lived for who knows how many years. Even if he hadn't had this experience, in other circumstances, he would I can also take it. No matter how big the pit is, can it be as big as the pit of the end of the world?

The process between the two parties went very smoothly, and the Beast God didn't care about it. He always manipulated Wang Linchi in an upright manner, using inducements to lure him, so that Wang Linchi jumped into the trap willingly.

This kind of conspiracy is difficult to avoid.

Wang Linchi glanced at the dragon soul. Like the dragon soul, it was white porcelain level and had no effect, and it also had growth.

"Are there any relevant pieces missing?" Wang Linchi asked again.

The beast god's behavior was equivalent to dividing a dragon into several parts to fish for Wang Linchi.

"No, it's really gone this time, but I have the Beast Armor Technique..." The Beast God did not do anything with the dragon soul and dragon beads, but he has a more advanced Beast Armor Technique.

"Forget it about the Beast Armor Technique, it's of no use to me." Wang Linchi refused before the Beast God finished speaking.

This is the truth. His purpose has never been the beast armor technique. This thing is just a reference. What he wants to make is his own thing, not the beast armor.

It's just that the local system is beneficial to him, so he absorbs it as a reference, but essentially he doesn't get too involved, just like the Holy Lord, the soul system version of the ghost pattern.

"It seems that you are very confident, so I won't talk too much." The beast god was not angry or dissatisfied. He had already achieved his goal by fighting three poles when there were no dates.

As the former will of the world, he deeply understands that he cannot succeed on his own. Only by choosing to let the Son of Destiny combine all the power of the world can he have a chance to resist the Great Ruins. Otherwise, it will be useless to show off his personal bravery.

As for Wang Linchi being able to recommend him to the Son of Destiny, that's normal. To have such a strong fortune must be related to the Son of Destiny. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such luck at this time.

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