Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 177 Panlong·Holy Lord (Mythical Level)

"Successful. It's quite difficult."

Wang Linchi watched as the background representing the substitute Holy Lord on the Book of Records turned into a coiled dragon-shaped statue.

That's right, Wang Linchi transformed the soul plug-in created by Soul Seed Twin Entanglement, Sky-Wang Roar Beast Soul Technology, Beast Armor Technique and other related technologies into a statue-like Holy Lord, which happened to be a normal Holy Lord and a statue Holy Lord. , in the future, there will be a chance to make another Soul Holy Lord and put together a three-piece set.

[Panlong·Holy Lord (Mythical Level)]

[Dragon Veins: Luck +100%]

[Suppressing Luck: When your fortune fluctuates downwards, it will not fall below your basic fortune]

[Constant potential: Without interference, your fortune will be at its highest peak]

[Avoid disaster: avoid falling into desperate situations at critical moments]

[Transform into good fortune: get a permanent improvement in fortune after the desperate situation]

[Zaiyuan: Able to passively avoid most disasters]

[Blessings: The probability of getting opportunities that don’t belong to you is greatly increased]

[True Life: Greatly reduce the negative effects of luck-related abilities]

[Loss: Luck will not be overdrawn due to external forces]

[Twins: The designated soul plug-in obtains new effects (limited to: Stand-in·Holy Lord)]

For Wang Linchi, the soul plug-in Panlong Holy Lord is all derived from the blessings and blessings of the substitute Holy Lord. It mainly increases Wang Linchi's strong luck ability.

Thanks to the dragon beads with dragon soul and dragon soul, otherwise Wang Linchi might not be able to succeed.

As for why he did this, it was very simple. It was naturally because he felt that relying on strength would definitely not be able to survive the end of the world, so it was better to take a gamble and rely on luck.

Of course, he did not give up on his strength. In the last effect of Panlong Holy Lord, he also sacrificed an entry effect to form a twin effect.

This means that when Panlong Holy Lord is on Wang Linchi, luck is the main factor, but if it is on the substitute Holy Lord, it is the effect of the twelve talismans.

The Rat Talisman transforms stillness into movement, allowing the twin abilities of Panlong Holy Lord to be used as anchor points to bless the body of the Standing Holy Lord. The Ox Talisman is extremely powerful and gives the Standing Holy Lord powerful strength, greatly increasing the physical strength of the whole body. With its violent physical destructive power, the tiger talisman harmonizes the yin and yang, balances the power of other talismans at the same time, eliminates conflicting attributes and avoids chaos, thereby stabilizing the collective explosive power of the talismans.

The Rabbit Talisman's high-speed movement allows it to run at high speeds on land and water.

The Dragon Talisman emits a destructive wave of flame energy, the Snake Talisman has the ability to reveal itself and break illusions, and the Horse Talisman eliminates abnormal influences caused by external forces in the body.

The Sheep Talisman greatly improves the spiritual and soul deficiencies that the Stand-in Holy Lord lacks. The Monkey Talisman gives the Stand-in Holy Lord the ability to change. Currently, it can only become larger or smaller. If you want to change it later, you can change it to seventy-two. .

The chicken talisman is a fixed ability, so that after the twelve talismans are balanced by the tiger talisman, they will not be stripped off due to any accident. After all, the power of the talisman of the Panlong Holy Lord is more like a constant for the substitute Holy Lord. status.

Panlong Holy Lord is the soul plug-in of the Book of Records, not a part of the Stand-in Holy Lord. Its main function is to provide fortune assistance to Wang Linchi, not to fight for the Holy Lord.

The Dog Talisman gives the Stand-in Holy Lord powerful recovery and regeneration capabilities and a large amount of resistance. The Pig Talisman has the same effect as the Dragon Talisman, except that the Dragon Talisman is a breath of fire that spurts out from its mouth, while the Pig Talisman emits a hot beam of light from its eyes. , the former is for physical combat, the latter is for mid-range attacks, and the distances are different.

The current substitute Holy Lord has some of the abilities of the original Holy Lord.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to copy it completely. Some of the Holy Master's abilities were of little use to Wang Linchi.

Just like the chicken talisman's floating, the substitute Holy Lord can fly, and like the sheep talisman's soul leaving the body, his substitute Holy Lord does not have the conditions for the soul to leave the body.

The invisibility of the snake charm is even more useless. The main function of the bodyguard is to block the gun instead of being invisible to assassinate.

Of course, there were some things that he couldn't completely reproduce, such as the monkey charm. Wang Linchi couldn't create something beyond his knowledge reserves, so he could only temporarily make it bigger or smaller.

The reason for becoming bigger is to use it as a human shield. The reason for becoming smaller is naturally because some places are too big and may not fit in, or it is inconvenient to fight and need to adjust the size of the avatar and holy master.

"What did you do again?"

After the completion of Panlong Holy Lord, the Beast God looked puzzled. He found that Wang Linchi's luck had improved. This time it was even more outrageous, much more intense than what he had seen before, and this time he wanted to attack Wang Linchi. Interfering in terms of cause and effect, I actually felt vaguely blocked.

It's not impossible to take action forcefully, but there will be backlash.

‘Suppression, isolation, promotion, what on earth did this kid do with the Dragon Balls? ’ The beast god was a little bit confused for a moment, and he said that you are not the son of destiny? Normal people are not in such an outrageous situation as you.

"It's just that the beast armor is completed." Wang Linchi said, and the coiled dragon statue appeared behind him.

The statue of Panlong Holy Lord can naturally be summoned just like the substitute Holy Lord, and can also be used as a shield at critical moments.

The raw material of this thing is dragon beads, which are of mythical level, and the texture is very hard.

There is no need to worry about being broken. Just like the substitute Holy Lord, if it is broken, it will be restored after being nourished by the soul.

"An object that suppresses luck? How did you make it? Dragon beads and beast armor have this function???" The beast god couldn't react for a while.

All I can think of is a look like you're fucking kidding me.

This time, he was really shocked. He had seen things that suppressed luck, but they were all born from heaven and earth. Even if they were refined, they could not be refined by ordinary people.

With Wang Linchi's strength, the possibility of Wang Linchi killing himself was greater than the possibility of refining this thing.

"Maybe I have better luck?" Wang Linchi thought for a moment. When he created the Panlong Holy Lord, he had his own strong luck, the blessing of the substitute Holy Lord, and the dragon vein effect of the dragon beads. When combined, , this situation is also possible.

"No matter how lucky you are, it's still impossible. You are not God's son."

"Wait a minute, weren't you deceiving me when you said you were the Son of Destiny? You were trying to divert my attention. In fact, the real Son of Destiny is you, right?" The Beast God has never seen King Yama being outrageous, but But I have seen Wang Linchi being outrageous.

After Wang Linchi put the Panlong Holy Lord away, he said slowly: "How could I be the son of destiny? Do you know how many years it took me to go from the white porcelain level to the black iron level? It's been almost five years. Normal people can't. If you don’t have my speed, let alone the Son of Destiny.”

The beast god couldn't help but sneered: "You can hide it from others, and you can also hide it from me. It's not like I haven't seen a black iron level before. With your strength, no one will believe that you are a black iron level."

As the will of the world after death, even if it is now suppressed to Huiyue level, it is not comparable to ordinary awakened people.

Wang Linchi's mythical soul seed was very powerful, and it directly covered himself, but the beast god still saw the clues.

In addition, Wang Linchi's various performances are not like those of a black iron level.

"But the fact is." Wang Linchi spread his hands and had the ability to smash Dajing's ninth-level system, otherwise he would be at the black iron level.

And he can still shout openly and honestly.

It can be seen from the current situation that the four mythical soul seeds complement each other, and even the former will of the world cannot see his true condition, otherwise it would not be said so.

"Next time, when do you plan to fulfill your agreement?" The Beast God no longer dwells on this matter. Regardless of whether Wang Linchi is the Son of Destiny or not, he has to wait until he leaves this secret realm before he can make his next plan.

It's not the best. After all, after Wang Linchi got Panlong Holy Lord, he really couldn't make a plan, and it would easily hurt his mouth if he took a bite.

"Come on, come on, I'll leave in two months."

Wang Linchi looked at the time it took him to be deported and left the secret realm, and then he spoke directly.

There are two months left, enough for his golden elixir to reach the first level. During these days, he is not only making the Panlong Holy Lord, but also practicing unremittingly.

Every day is stressful and there is no time to stop and rest.

‘The next soul phase plug-in, otherwise it will be an automatic training, otherwise it will be too time-consuming. ’

He had thought about it before, but because he was not in such a hurry at that time, he could take some time to practice by himself, and there was no need to waste a plug-in position.

Now that I think about it, I really need to arrange it, preferably a plug-in that can increase the multiplier of cultivation.

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