Chapter 183 Medium-sized Secret Realm·Kill Mutated Zombies

[Mission: Kill a mutated zombie]

[Reward: Escape from the secret realm]

[Time limit: 30 days]

After Wang Linchi landed, what he saw was a steel forest made of long-abandoned reinforced concrete.

"It has the beauty of an unfinished building."

"But there are zombies, so I have to find some guns or something." Wang Linchi thought about this matter.

There is a dividing line between medium-sized secret realms and large-scale secret realms. In large-sized secret realms and above, simple killing requires sufficient strength and number of people, and it is irrecoverable. For example, the beast king species in the previous secret realm will be gone if it is killed.

The secret realms of medium size and below are more like reusable dungeons, which focus on combat and are restorative. For example, after killing the zombies to extinction, the secret realm can be restarted through great power and then reincarnated, but the development after the restart is also Things will change, there is no such thing as foresight.

The weakest one should be the miniature secret realm, which is full of monsters. Just enter and kill them.

In addition, it is also due to the size of the secret realm. A miniature secret realm is about the size of a village. If it is a small secret realm, it should be about the size of a city.

If you go further up, the fluctuation will be larger. The most exaggerated medium-sized secrets may have to catch up with the smaller large-scale secrets.

Wang Linchi didn't know the situation of the secret realm he was in. After all, no one had ever been there.

This time he was the only awakened person entering this secret realm with zombies, and even the people guarding the secret realm were extremely lazy.

This is not the first time that zombie-like secret realms have appeared in Dajing. Wang Linchi knew that there was a super-giant secret realm dominated by zombies in the Seven Western Regions.

The zombies in his secret realm are nothing compared to the big witches. The zombies in his secret realm are all zombie ancestors, corpse emperors, and corpse gods.

The mutant zombies in this secret realm are probably top-notch.

I went to the newsstand and picked up a newspaper. I read the latest date. The title indicated the origin of the zombies.

[Dawn Watch Company GOD virus leaked! 】

"God Virus... the name is a bit arrogant." Wang Linchi complained, and then read the news content.

It was probably due to an experimental accident that the virus was leaked. However, the whole article is reassuring, saying that the virus is just a big cold, and at most it will cause a fever and a runny nose. If you are afraid, you can go to the hospital under the Dawn Watch Company. Get a 50% discount on vaccinations.

Wang Linchi flipped through several more pieces of news. In addition to the Dawn Watch Company's statement, there were also politicians' platforms to guide public opinion. Celebrities were even proud to be infected with the GOD virus. Various media's propaganda was harmless, etc.

Then, it became like this.

The word "virus" is enough to show that it is not a good thing. If it is really a good thing, why is it called a virus instead of calling it something like genetic fluid or strengthening medicine?

Try to hide your ears and steal the bell by changing your name.

"But then again, what about the zombies? I'm such a big living person, but they didn't come to pick out my head."

"It can't be that I use my brain too much and it doesn't taste good." Wang Linchi looked around.

There is not a single zombie left.

In his mind, this kind of apocalypse is not about zombies swarming with zombies. He had to hack and slash as soon as he came. As a result, he was overwhelmed by the calm situation.

"The most valuable things in this secret realm are probably the Dawn Watch Company and the GOD virus."

Wang Linchi didn't worry too much, but quickly planned his goals.

"Then there are survivors. I don't know if I can take advantage of them."

In medium-sized secret realms, you don’t have to worry about encountering beings that are too powerful. The highest level is probably about mithril level. There are still only one or two of them, and most of them are probably at orichalcum level and black iron level.

Even if it is super-standard, it is only at the fine gold level and will never be stronger, so Wang Linchi feels that he is invincible...?

Well, he wasn't sure. Theoretically, large secret realms only had morning-level ones, but in fact, there were also Huiyue-level ones.

Even the Dajing imperial court, which has been deeply involved in the secret realm for many years, has not figured out the secret realm. How could Wang Linchi, a newcomer, know about it.

Through the newsstand, Wang Linchi collected a lot of information about the secret realm before preparing to leave.

"It's a pity that the Internet and power are cut off. Otherwise, if we just search on the Internet, it would be easy to find the address of Dawn Watch Company."

Although it is useless to find the address of Dawn Watch Company, the GOD Virus Research Institute must be located in a certain base, and it is unlikely to be in Dawn Watch Company. The company is more administrative-oriented.

Dawn Watch is a large company, its main focus is on medical treatment, medicine, biology, and genetics. It is a leader in this industry, so it must not only be a project like GOD virus, but there must be other profitable projects, which will inevitably involve experiments. Rooms and executive business are separated.

"Let's go to the city center and take a look first. For such a big company, it must be..."

As Wang Linchi walked, he noticed something seemed to be peeking at him.

With a strange malice.

When I turned around, I saw that I was in a house.

"Zombies?" Wang Linchi thought of zombies immediately.

"Can't you go out during the day or are you afraid of the sun?" Wang Linchi glanced at the big sun in the sky. It was now five o'clock in the afternoon and almost six o'clock in the afternoon, and it was still bright.

"Got you."

Wang Linchi quickly found the zombie looking at him. He was on the third floor not far away, standing behind the window with a somewhat blurry figure.

"It's backlit, so it doesn't affect it."

Wang Linchi found the door to enter. The door was not closed. Judging from the traces, there had been recent discrepancies.

"I have evolved the instinct to avoid light, oh... no, I am still narrow-minded, what if the zombies have IQ." Wang Linchi almost regarded these zombies as the slow-moving and non-IQ perpetual motion machines in his previous life.

The reality may not be like this. The other party can observe itself, which means that the visual system is intact, and the ability to exude malice means that it has certain information processing capabilities and is not a zombie that only relies on instinct and smell.

Maybe it's just a race of intelligent creatures called zombies.

The third floor arrived quickly. Wang Linchi thought for a moment and released the Holy Master, and then he hid a little further away.

The Holy Master expressionlessly kicked the door of 302 on the third floor.

Kicked the entire door away.


The strange roar seemed to be laced with pain.

Apparently the zombies were behind the door and were preparing to attack Wang Linchi. Unexpectedly, the Holy Master was so powerful that the door was kicked away and the zombies were taken with him.

In the end, it hit the wall directly, and a big hole was broken in the wall. The zombies including the door fell directly to the third floor.

Wang Linchi rushed over to take a look and found that the zombie had not been kicked to death, but when it came into contact with the sun, the parts that came into contact began to dissolve, just like a pool of melted wax.

And the smell after melting continues to spread with a rancid smell.

Then came the shrill wails of the zombies, which completely turned into a puddle of corpse wax under the sun, with even the bones melting. Wang Linchi was shocked to see it.

The physical fitness of the zombies is very good. At least they fell from the first floor to the third floor and survived the Holy Lord's kick. This shows that they are not the kind of squishy zombies, even if the Holy Lord's kick was not full force.

And it can also howl, indicating that it has pain sensation and related neural structures.

"It's said that zombies may have become a new race."

As the zombies howled and the rotten smell spread, Wang Linchi saw what seemed to be human figures surging in many rooms.

Apparently attracted by the wails of zombies.

Just like someone yelling loudly when something happens on the street, you must go and see what's going on.

As the corpse wax solidified, Wang Linchi clearly saw a soul seed condensed out.

"The explosion rate of land reclamation is relatively high?" Wang Linchi thought about this.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to condense soul seeds in this situation? The strength of this zombie is only around the middle stage of white porcelain level at best.

"The quality is probably not good. The ordinary-level one is beyond the sky." Wang Linchi cooperated with the Holy Master through the thought force field to forcefully get the soul seed. It is indeed ordinary-level.

[Poison System·Virus Claw Strike (Normal Level)]

[Consume 1 point of mental power to inflict 1 point of poison damage during unarmed combat, lasting 1 minute]

At first glance, it looks okay, but 1 point of poison damage is simply useless, so the white porcelain level is of some use. After the black iron level, you can directly be immune to this 1 point of poison damage.

Perhaps 10 points of poison damage can have an effect on the black iron level, but if Da wants to have 10 points of poison damage, he must be an excellent soul type.

"High explosion rate, poor quality."

"But you can't ask for too much from the mobs in the medium-sized dungeon." Wang Linchi casually threw the Poison Soul Seed Virus Claw into the storage space. If it couldn't be sold, it could be used as a resource to improve the secret technique. It’s okay, no matter how small a mosquito leg is, it’s still a piece of meat.

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