Chapter 184 GOD High Concentration Virus Polymerization and Crystallization

"The IQ is not high, probably about the same as that of a three-year-old child, but the instinct to assist it is indeed very powerful, and it retains some human abilities in terms of learning and growth, such as sneak attacks, seduction, etc."

"Although the physical fitness is not good, the infection ability is very good. Awakened people below the orichalcum level have no way to resist and will be assimilated into zombies."

Wang Linchi dissected a zombie, and initial inspection revealed that it was more like a legendary vampire.

His physique is far beyond that of ordinary people, he is afraid of the sun, etc.

Orichalcum-level awakeners can resist, but only for a long time. They will not turn into corpses within an hour or two, but can resist for three to five days.

After all, you have begun to cultivate your body, and your immunity will naturally be enhanced.

"The good news is that this thing is just a simple viral infection. If you encounter other types of zombies, you may not be able to withstand it."

Zombies are not only made up of viruses, but some also involve mysterious and mysterious things such as curses, divinity, sins, etc. It may seem like a zombie apocalypse, but it is actually a prelude to fantasy or fantasy.

Science fiction virus-like zombies should not be underestimated. If they jump to the cosmic level, Wang Linchi will not be able to handle them.

However, it is unlikely that the medium-sized secret realm will involve this aspect. The size is not large enough for others to use it. Of course, if it looks like some kind of spaceship or the remaining aliens, this may happen.

"There are really crystals in the brains of zombies." When Wang Linchi dissected his head, he felt something solid, and it was quite hard.

After pulling it out, it looks like a transparent prism crystal.

"High-concentration virus polymerization crystallization can be regarded as the heart of a zombie. Its function seems to be to absorb some material to synthesize the GOD virus."

"The virus structure replaces the zombie's body shape, but it is not yet stable and will collapse due to excessive ultraviolet rays."

"Oh, no, it's not an overdose, it's a trace amount..."

"Therefore, further evolution is needed. However, evolution requires enough GOD viruses. The process of absorbing certain substances is too slow."

"It is precisely because of the absorption and synthesis of high-concentration virus polymer crystals that zombies are similar to perpetual motion machines."

"Then if a zombie swallows the high-concentration virus polymerized crystals of other zombies, can it be completely absorbed and used to grow?"

The body of the zombie is not important, what is important is the virus crystal. As long as Wang Linchi transplants this crystal to another person, he will live again.

What is essentially alive is not people, but a bunch of viruses.

As for zombies having the IQ of about three years old, this is an inherent ability of the body.

It is not only the body that is infected and strengthened, but also the brain. However, because the brain is too fragile, when the virus invades, immune resistance causes high fever and burns it out. When the virus repairs it later, there is no way to completely repair it. It can only be used briefly.

Of course, even if it is burned out, virus invasion must have a price, and it is normal to damage the brain.

"With a three-year-old IQ, and if mutual cannibalism is established, then the mutated zombies are likely to be special zombies formed using this structure. They may have special abilities or forms formed by the GOD virus, or more simply, the other party directly possesses the human's IQ.”

"As for zombies that have evolved a stable structure, they must be BOSS-level existences."

Wang Linchi used his mental power to explore the virus crystal. At that moment, the thinking force field combined with his mental power as a camera penetrated a little bit, and then the mental power as a camera was quickly infected.

The moment of infection, the mental power is removed.

"Can mental power also infect?"

"Is it because of the mutation that occurred after the virus crystallized?" Wang Linchi watched as the virus crystals on his hand began to change after being infected with his mental power. They began to become rounded from the original prismatic shape, and then spikes grew. Come out and turn into something similar to a small thorny ball.

After the mutation, it stopped moving and seemed to have changed its form.

"Interesting stuff." Wang Linchi also smiled. He didn't care about the lost mental power. The moment after it disappeared, the mental power was restored. The lost mental power was not the upper limit, but was just consumed normally.

Unconsciously, the sky gradually darkened. Wang Linchi's harvest was pretty good. In addition to dissecting several zombies, he also got the address of the Dawn Watch Company.

With luck, I found an interview notice in a zombie's home. If the GOD virus hadn't been leaked, the zombie might have been a member of Dawn Watch.

It can only be said that Qiang Luck really does whatever he wants.

He could find clues at any one of them. If he had gone to the city center at that time, he might not have been able to find relevant information.


Wang Linchi heard the knock on the door.

"Good guy, you broke into a house by force, right?" Wang Linchi complained, and then looked at the dissected zombies in the room: "Oh, I broke in too, so it's okay."

Only then did Wang Linchi realize that he had also done this.


After just such a delay, the security door was forcibly torn open.

A zombie with a small stature but a pair of special claws crawled in, even climbing on the ceiling.

It looks like a humanoid spider.

Not to mention, he was also very fast and rushed towards Wang Linchi in a blink of an eye.

The Holy Lord appeared instantly and blew it up with one punch.

With this little strength, he doesn't even use the power of a spell.

After death, another ordinary-level soul seed was condensed. Wang Linchi didn't even bother to look at what kind of soul seed it was. It must be a poison type. At most, he could add a beast type and threw it directly into the storage space.

"With greater strength, all the virus crystals have been destroyed." Wang Linchi felt helpless and directly received a punch from the Holy Master. Even if it wasn't full strength, it still had some strength. If even this peak white porcelain-level zombie was inside the brain If you can't break the virus crystals, that's too embarrassing.

This is still left.

Wang Linchi heard more noise, which meant that the zombies had arrived.

"So, how did they locate me?"

"With their little IQ, can they tell the difference between a wall and a door?"

Wang Linchi thought for a while and finally gave up.

"Let me navigate, take me to Dawn Watch Company." Wang Linchi did not intend to fight with these zombies.

The main reason is that it is meaningless, and what should be collected has been collected. It is better to go to the Dawn Watch Company to find the laboratory or base that developed the GOD virus. There is more data in it, and maybe even living people.

The Holy Master smashed the wall with one punch, and then flew away with Wang Linchi.

During the flight, his body shape naturally recovered. Otherwise, why would Wang Linchi be sitting on the Holy Master's shoulders.

With the special map positioning formed by the thinking mirror, the thinking force field and the soul vision, unless Wang Linchi lost his mind, there is a high probability that he would not navigate wrong.

Only three minutes after taking off, Wang Linchi noticed a strange sound.

"Insects? Birds or mutated human zombies?" Wang Linchi looked carefully and found that they were the first two, but they were also infected by the GOD virus and turned into zombies.

"In addition to people, animals and insects can also be infected, but what about plants?"

Wang Linchi had not seen the plant before, and it might have been infected, but because it could not move, it was destroyed and dissolved by the sun's ultraviolet rays, and the green belt was gone.

As for the domestic ones, the zombies he caught only had flower pots at home. Now that he thought about it, they must have been dissolved.

After all, plants can't live without the sun.

It's not likely to become extinct, it's just that it's much rarer.

Seeing this, the Holy Master triggered the Pig Talisman, and hot laser rays appeared in his eyes. This brilliance was very conspicuous at night, but the laser rays swept past and a large number of zombies were reduced to ashes.

Most insects and birds are small in size and have no brains, so they are extremely difficult to deal with.

If you have the brains, you will be afraid, but if you don't have the brains, they will swarm up, plus there are many of them.

"No soul seeds?" Wang Linchi looked at the dead birds, insects and other zombies, but they did not condense soul seeds like humans.

This made Wang Linchi a little uninterested. Without experience for killing monsters, he naturally had no motivation. Maybe he could get an event soul seed by killing these besieged bird and insect zombies, but Wang Linchi really didn't have much interest.

Then he took out the virus crystal and performed frequency simulation through the Soul Seed and Thought Palace. A zombie aura emerged on him and the Holy Lord, which caused the chasing insect and bird zombies to immediately lose their target.

"The structures of species are different, and their perception of the outside world is also different. What remains unchanged is that they are not interested in others of the same kind, only living people."

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