Chapter 185 The impregnable Dawn Watch Company

"There are actually survivors in the Dawn Watch Company?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed when he saw the entire company bathed in the huge ultraviolet light.

He thought everyone was dead.

But thinking about it again, the GOD virus was originally developed by Dawn Watch Company. How could people not know the weaknesses of zombies.

In addition, there is also a strong armed force.

"Exoskeletons, energy weapons? This security force is too strong." Wang Linchi looked at this building. Is this a pharmaceutical company? Even if it's not a rebellion, it's more than enough.

"From the current point of view, the spread of GOD virus is mainly through droplet transmission, supplemented by contact transmission. The infection speed is extremely fast. When the biochemical crisis broke out, even the official did not respond."

"So how did the Dawn Watch Company escape? The survivability of the GOD virus is not to die quickly when exposed to the air, but to survive for a long time. Moreover, these zombies are emitting the GOD virus all the time. Ultraviolet rays can indeed destroy it. But it’s absolutely impossible to take care of everything.”

Wang Linchi is fine. That's because he has a soul barrier, coupled with the filter layer formed by the thinking force field and the thinking mirror, it doesn't matter. Even if there are omissions, the amount of viruses that come in is only a very small amount, and it can't shake his body at all. wiped out by immunity.

The GOD virus is powerful, but it must enter the body and replicate in a corresponding amount before it can pose a threat. Otherwise, it will only end up being eliminated by immunity.

The name is lofty, but in fact it is still a virus.

"Let's go, sneak in and take a look." While Wang Linchi commanded the Holy Master, he adjusted his thinking force field to reduce his own presence.

The Holy Master shrank in size as he approached, and when he arrived at the Dawn Watch Company, he just returned to his normal human size, and he also put Wang Linchi down by the way.

It is inconvenient to enter this kind of building if you are too large.

Wang Linchi walked in front, and the Holy Master followed.

When entering, the security personnel were affected by the thinking force field and simply ignored Wang Linchi and the Holy Lord, and they walked in swaggeringly.

Didi didi~

"Someone broke in!" A security guard said quickly when he saw the sound of the testing machine.

"The machine is broken. Where is the person?" The security captain glanced and saw nothing. Then he took out the walkie-talkie and began to say: "Supervisor, the machine at the door is broken. Arrange for someone to come and check it. No one can ring."

"Okay." A middle-aged man's voice came from the intercom, and then he began to arrange for maintenance personnel to come over.

"Captain, do you think it could be a zombie? After all..." The security guard still felt uneasy.

The security captain rolled his eyes: "Zombies will turn into wax when they come in. How could they get here?"

Wang Linchi glanced at him. His sense of presence was declining, not because of his true presence, but because of interference to make people ignore him.

As long as the camera can't catch him, it means there's something wrong with the machine rather than someone actually breaking in.

His ability, through mental interference with the equipment, will show an invisibility-like effect in the image formed by the camera. Unless you look closely, you won't be able to see anything wrong.

As for the machine that beeped before, it was because it detected an object and passed the ID card authentication. Let alone a person, even if a stone was not swiped, it still beeped.

The operating mechanism is different, so Wang Linchi is not worried.

Of course, even if he is exposed, he is not afraid. The worst case scenario is to go on a killing spree.

The energy weapons and exoskeletons developed by Dawn Watch Company are very powerful, but in front of the Holy Lord, they have little effect at all.

"It has been completely transformed into a military structure." After Wang Linchi joined Dawn Watch Company, he found that the overall scope was still very serious, and he directly carried out military management, and his quality in all aspects was very strong.

"In addition to the forty-nine floors above, there are actually thirteen floors underground. There are quite a lot of black technologies."

Not only does it cover a large area, but the upper and lower development is also very complete. It has ecological fields, livestock farms, etc., as well as complete medical care, electricity, education, production, etc. It is simply a small kingdom. If the zombies have not evolved to ignore The stable form of ultraviolet rays will never be able to break through this building.

Coupled with the ability to go out during the day to look for supplies as supplies, external subsidies, and internal circulation, we might actually be able to counterattack zombies in the future.

"But having said that, how long has it been since the virus broke out?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

It will take at least a few months. Otherwise, how could the Dawn Watch Company be so well-organized? It would definitely be chaotic when the outbreak broke out.

With doubts, Wang Linchi entered the elevator and prepared to go to the 11th floor, which is the GOD virus laboratory.

Originally there was no separate layer, but it was created after the GOD virus was leaked and caused a biohazard. After all, they needed vaccines, antidotes, and even ways to restrain zombies, etc.

"You have to swipe your card, but it's so strict.?" Wang Linchi was a little helpless. It's normal to be strict. This project also involves the survival of the entire company, so there must be sufficient security.

Another thing, why are you doing this if you are not a researcher on a related project? You probably have some ulterior motive.

Fortunately, Wang Linchi didn't care. He found a corner where no one was and squatted. It was true that he didn't have an ID card to enter, but he could wait for someone to come and then use the elevator.

As for not taking the elevator, you can indeed take the stairs.

However, the stairs also need to be swiped with a card, and there are specialized people guarding them with weapons.

Unless Wang Linchi blasted the doors one by one and walked down, he might as well take the elevator. Wang Linchi had not thought about breaking up with Dawn Watch Company for the time being.

"There are a total of 62 floors going up and down, and there are only five floors where you don't need to swipe your card."

The first and second underground floors are underground garages, and the first to third floors are above ground. One of them is the entrance hall where Wang Linchi is located. Now it has been transformed into the first floor of security forces, the second floor is the administrative floor, and the third floor is the administrative floor. The first floor is the living building, where the canteen, gym, bar, etc. are all located. This was also renovated later.

If you want to go to other floors, you must have an ID card, and different ID cards have different permissions, so the floors you can go to are naturally different.

Even to go back to the dormitory, you have to swipe your card, otherwise you won't be able to go back.

Wang Linchi was on the third floor up the stairs. There was no armed protection on these five floors unless zombies came in.

The reason why it is very easy to go to the third floor is that the people in the GOD Virus Laboratory also have to eat. Even if they don't come up to eat, someone has to take them down. They don't come to the first floor at all, and they just go to the third floor to eat or... Go back to the dormitory.

Anyone who has nothing to do has to go to the security booth after get off work.

"'s night now, won't they get off work?" Wang Linchi thought about this.

It’s true that the canteen is open 24 hours a day, but the GOD virus laboratory is not. They must have working hours. No matter how late it is, it can’t be so late... right?

Wang Linchi thought of 996. It was obviously not nine o'clock yet, just a little over seven o'clock.

Just as he was thinking about it, the head chef, several chefs, and assistant chefs hurried into the kitchen.

"I don't know what's going on in the virus laboratory tonight, but I have to have a late-night snack." A chef complained.

There are a lot of people in the virus laboratory. They are starting to work now. They will be finished by about 8:30, and then they will put on protective clothing and other things before sending them down. It is almost 9 o'clock, and the virus laboratory is off work.

"Maybe there is some groundbreaking research, so I decided to have a late-night snack. It's not the first time." Although the chef felt repulsive, he didn't dare to say anything more.

They usually send it to the virus laboratory. It is not the researchers who come to eat it. They are mainly worried about the virus leaking.

Of course, even if they deliver them, they will put them in a designated area that has been disinfected, rather than actually delivering them one by one and then picking them up at the virus laboratory.

Everyone has seen the power of the GOD virus, and no one dares to take it lightly.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi also felt that he had made the right decision by making the Panlong Holy Lord. Who wouldn't like to use it as a pillow when he felt sleepy?

‘Maybe it would be better if I had a complete protagonist’s halo instead of just a soul plug-in to improve my luck. ’

If he didn't have this luck, he would really have to wait until tomorrow morning to maybe have a chance.

‘Sure enough, luck is also a part of strength. I used to be narrow-minded. ’ Wang Linchi felt that if he looked down on luck in the past, it was simply because he was blind.

Once you enjoy it now, it really depends on who uses it.

Luck cannot solve big things like the Great Ruins attack, but it can solve all kinds of small things, which is very useful to Wang Linchi, and after the small things accumulate, there may be qualitative changes.

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