
[Quality: Excellent]

[Taking: After being poisoned and not resisting, if you survive, your life span will be increased, white porcelain level +10 years, black iron level +1 year, orichalcum level +1 month (only effective once)]

[Sacrifice: Increase the stay time in the secret realm by 30 days]

[Transformation: Randomly transform into an excellent soul seed]

Tianxincao was easily obtained by Wang Linchi, mainly because he had the identity of the laboratory director in his possession.

If he didn't have an ID card, how could he browse all kinds of secrets? When the other party left, Wang Linchi knocked him unconscious and hid him in the toilet.

It was impossible to kill him. The main reason was that he found that every researcher wore a monitor. Once the heartbeat stopped or there was a problem with the heart rate, it also had a positioning function. Normally no one would look at it, but after the alarm sounded, They will definitely check it out, so if Wang Linchi wants to get what he wants smoothly, he can only refrain from killing for the time being.

"How can this thing be discriminatory? It is divided according to strength." Wang Linchi was a little helpless. This white porcelain level has only been ten years.

But after thinking about it again, it seems that the white porcelain grade can't handle it. Tianxin grass is extremely toxic. If the white porcelain grade eats it, it will basically die. The black iron grade is better, and it will survive a narrow escape.

Orichalcum level will not die, but it can only be eaten once, and it can only increase one month's lifespan.

Wang Linchi ate one. With his body, he didn't have to worry about eating himself to death.

But after entering the stomach, I didn't feel anything at all.

I picked up another strain and found that it was useless to take it anymore.

This made him explode.

"No, I'm only at the Black Iron level, why doesn't it work?!" Wang Linchi's mentality was a bit broken. His mental power is at the Adamantine level and his physical body is at the Orichalcum level, but he is really only at the Black Iron level and has not yet broken through. .

"You don't want to play like this, right? Even if it's a compromise, you have to give it to orichalcum level for me."

He was too strong, causing Tian Xin Cao to be completely strengthened and immobile, not even increasing his life span.

The main reason is that the life span increase principle of Tianxin grass is based on strength as a reference.

"You can't drink the original solution of GOD virus. It's really energizing, but if you drink it, you'll die..."

The original solution of GOD virus is also high-quality, and its effect is the same as Tianxin grass, but the difference is that the negative effects of poisoning disappear and it becomes resistant to zombie transformation.

If you succeed, you will gain lifespan, but if you fail, you will become a zombie, permanently lose your identity as an awakened person, and be bound to the secret realm to reincarnate forever.

Of course, the side effects are high and the rewards are high. Mithril level can also be obtained, but the lifespan is 1 day, and it is limited to once. There is also a one-in-a-million chance of obtaining a potential position, which is limited to 5 potential and below. .

This is simply a fantasy in the fine-grade quality. If it were replaced by the Mithril grade, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to eat it three times a day.

After the GOD virus stock solution is enhanced, the side effects also have an effect on orichalcum-level. If you are not careful, you will turn into a zombie, but it has no effect on mithril-level, so you can gamble on this one-in-a-million.

Of course, the premise is that you have enough GOD virus stock solution.

But there is no such a large amount. The original solution of GOD virus is extracted from Tianxin grass. The entire Dawn Watch Company covers a huge area of ​​12 underground floors. The number of Tianxin grass is less than a thousand, and there is no way to eat it. Method.

This one in a million does not mean that you can succeed if you drink a million bottles of virus stock solution, but that each bottle has a probability of one in a million. Every time is a new possibility. If you are lucky, the first bottle will be released. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to get out even after drinking all the wine.

Wang Linchi never thought about drinking it. The original solution of GOD virus posed a far greater threat to him than Tianxin grass. He didn't want to become a zombie.

However, if you do some research, you can also see what makes the GOD virus stock solution have the ability to increase its potential.

"Thinking about it this way, Dragon Ball is so powerful. No wonder it is legendary. It has 100% increased potential." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh.

After searching for things, he planned to go to the thirteenth underground floor.

The eleventh floor is the GOD virus laboratory, and the twelfth floor is the Tianxin grass that is the origin and key of everything. Then the thirteenth floor must have something more precious or secret.

I took my ID card and started swiping, but a voice prompt about insufficient permissions appeared.

"What the hell is down here? Even the person in charge of the GOD Virus Laboratory doesn't have enough authority." Wang Linchi's expression was full of shit.

"Isn't it true that only that group of directors or shareholders are qualified?"

Wang Linchi frowned. He had this ID card in his hand. If he wanted to meet directors and shareholders, he had to go through the process. First, report, then review, and then grant temporary permissions to the ID card. Only then could he meet, otherwise he would be quarantined. Very strict, unless he intends to use violent means.

"Director Xue, what are you doing on the thirteenth underground floor?"

The voice of the security director came from the surveillance. He did not ask 'Director Xue' why he was staying on the 12th floor underground so late. What if it was someone else's job, but going to the 13th floor underground was another matter. .

"Need to apply?" Wang Linchi asked back.

The other party was obviously silent for a moment, and then said: "You need to submit an application 24 hours in advance, and it will be reviewed by the shareholders' meeting before you can enter."

Wang Linchi nodded, no wonder he couldn't get in. This meant there must be a big secret.

I didn't see that he just swiped the card and it still failed. As a result, the security director was immediately alerted.

"Okay, then I'll apply tomorrow. Next..." Before Wang Linchi could finish his words, the figure of the Holy Master appeared and punched the elevator.

The security director was dumbfounded when he saw this scene, and then he reacted instantly, pressed the alarm and mobilized personnel to stop it.

After the Holy Master blew up the elevator, he took Wang Linchi down and jumped to the thirteenth floor underground.

It's troublesome to walk up the stairs, which is a matter of the Holy Master's two punches.

"Blow up the elevator for me and let them run down." Wang Linchi felt that this was the thirteenth underground floor. No matter how fast these people were, it would take time to run down, let alone consume their physical strength.

Entering the thirteenth underground floor, the entire body was made of some unknown alloy metal.

"Damn it, you can't be in the BOSS room." Wang Linchi suddenly realized that sometimes the bottom floor might not contain any treasures, but it might also be where some extremely vicious monsters were imprisoned.

There is no such treatment on other floors, obviously to prevent something.

And the overall structure is basically fully automatic, and is isolated through remote control by personnel.

Therefore, Wang Linchi was blocked by many machines. It was obviously controlled by the security personnel, but the Holy Master directly used the Dragon Talisman and breathed it out one by one, and all of them were directly disabled.

"The security is a bit strange, both strong and weak..." Wang Linchi complained.

The strong one is the overall structure, the weak one is the defensive force. It seems to be just for detention. Otherwise, there are such automated mechanical equipment, equipped with machine guns, sniper cannons, etc., and they will be covered by firepower immediately when they come in, which makes Wang Linchi uncomfortable.

"It still needs to be verified, which is too troublesome." Wang Linchi glanced at the alloy door. Not only did he need an ID card, but he also needed remote secondary authorization from the shareholders' meeting.

Hearing Wang Linchi's complaint, the Holy Master walked over and punched again, punching through but failing to break the door. He must have put a lot of effort into the materials and structure.

Then, with several more punches, a small door was opened for Wang Linchi to pass through.

"It's convenient to have a lot of strength." Wang Linchi felt that the Holy Master's substitute was really useful. Having him do it for him saved him countless things.

"Why is there a door here?" As soon as Wang Linchi entered, he looked up and saw another door. They were now in a certain passage.

The next moment, a red laser net emerged and moved towards Wang Linchi and the others at extremely fast speeds.

The Holy Master protected Wang Linchi behind him in an instant, and the two spells of dragon and pig were used to directly destroy the laser equipment.

What followed was an explosion. With the protection of the Holy Lord, Wang Linchi was naturally fine, and the laser network naturally dissipated as the equipment was destroyed.

"It seems that the laser net is not as good as the pig charm." Wang Linchi complained, and then the Holy Master directly punched through the door at the end of the passage and led Wang Linchi into it without hesitation.

As soon as he entered the door, Wang Linchi smelled the strong smell of disinfectant.

There were no monsters or treasures like Wang Linchi imagined. It looked more like a sterile ward.

At the same time, many security personnel also rushed over and launched an attack on Wang Linchi and the Holy Lord without hesitation.

"This is such a coincidence." Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile, and then the Holy Master turned around, transformed into a huge monster and killed the security personnel.

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