Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 188 The chief who has lived for a thousand years is soaking in the nutrition cabin

The Holy Lord blocked all the attacks, and the security personnel who were killed like tigers entering a flock of sheep were frightened.

The energy weapon that formed the laser was basically useless when it fell on the Holy Lord. The exoskeleton was directly torn to pieces, and the bullets could not even break the Holy Lord's skin.

"Ah... I can't seem to leave." Wang Linchi realized that after Sheng Yi took action, the distance was already more than one meter, so the ability to protect and seal automatically appeared on his body.

"This flaw...oh, no, it's not a flaw. After all, this thing is a seal, not a shield. It seems normal that I can't move."

In the seal, it's already good enough that you can move, but you still want to leave?

Fortunately, it was not impossible. Wang Linchi waved his hand, and the two companion snakes of the Holy Lord, green and red, swam over. These two snakes could also fly and inherited the corresponding power of the Holy Lord.

It doesn't matter that he is sealed. These two snakes are part of the Holy Lord and part of Wang Linchi. They can move him with him, and the speed is still very fast.

Following the two green and red snakes, he quickly arrived at the center of the thirteenth floor.

In the center stands a nutrition cabin made of transparent glass, which may also be a petri dish.

It is filled with nutrient solution.

However, the nutrient solution was not some stereotypical beauty, but a horrifying mass of flesh and blood. The flesh and blood beat regularly like a heart, and it looked like it was absorbing the nutrient solution.

In fact, this is indeed the case, relying on a large amount of nutrient solution to maintain the survival of this mass of flesh and blood.

"Are you still conscious?" Wang Linchi asked.

Through the multiple visions of his soul vision, he was able to clearly see the fluctuations in the other party's soul, mind, etc., so he asked.

As soon as he finished asking, his thinking force field and soul barrier intercepted a mental frequency, which seemed to be an attempt to communicate spiritually with him.

Naturally, Wang Linchi didn't have the habit of letting people pass things into his head, so he intercepted and translated them directly.

【Yes, I am still alive】

The content of the other party's response was not beyond Wang Linchi's expectation, otherwise how could he answer.

"So who are you? And why are you here?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

[The king of the Kingdom of Mephidia is also the king of the God's Grass. This group of despicable bandits massacred my people, plundered the God's Grass, and coveted my ability to live forever.]

"Are you the first person to survive taking the God's Grass, and also master extraordinary abilities?" Wang Linchi was certain that the other party's ability to communicate spiritually must have been obtained by taking the Tianxin Grass.

After passing through the secret realm, the effect of Tianxin Grass was transformed into a random high-level soul seed, instead of actually gaining spiritual development like the aborigines.

[Yes, I beg you to release me, I am willing to use half of the Kingdom of Mephidia as a thank you gift]

Not to mention, this king is really generous, he just gave away half of the kingdom.

But it was of no use. The so-called Kingdom of Mephidia was long gone.

Dawn Watch directly arrested the king and his descendants. The heirs were basically dead, leaving the king alive and turned into a mass of inhuman flesh.

This king is also a legendary figure. He has lived for a thousand years by taking Tianxincao, but he has made little progress. He has always lived in a closed and backward area, with no communication with the outside world. Naturally, he does not know how fast the outside world is changing.

Although all the tribes have been unified into a kingdom through long years and corresponding spiritual powers, they still maintain the model of the primitive tribes.

Next, of course, there is the invasion of civilization, and the king named Mephidia is defeated by guns and cannons.

The mental power is indeed very powerful, but it cannot withstand the user. In the beginning, the mental power is just used as a stone to hit people. It is indeed a miracle in primitive tribes. However, in modern civilization, after paying some price, the mental power is exhausted. , and in the end, I was so stunned that I fainted.

"I'm afraid not. Your Kingdom of Mephidia is now the property of the company, and it doesn't matter what you say." Wang Linchi refused without hesitation.

Wang Linchi could see that Mephidia was able to live for so long not because he was completely immune to Tianxin grass, but because he had a special physique and had the ability to evolve at a high speed or to adapt powerfully, but it was only at a low level. Versioned, the effect is limited.

It is also true that after experiencing various experiments by Dawn Watch Company, in order to survive, the body became like this.

[I can share the grass of God with you, so that you can also become a god-like king]

The other party was silent for a while and then made another condition.

This left Wang Linchi speechless. Why did you mention everything you didn't have?

"Once you leave the nutrition cabin, your body will not adapt to the outside environment, and the end result will be death." Wang Linchi reminded.

The researchers of Dawn Watch Company naturally knew about Mephidia's situation, so they deliberately used her special physique to guide her into this state.

It can only be said that Xiao He succeeds and fails. Xiao He is originally a life-saving magic skill, but it cannot stand up to those who are interested.

[Impossible, I am the King of Mephidia, a god-like king, how could I not adapt to the external environment! ! ! 】

This time, Mephidia was angry. He felt that Wang Linchi was lying to him.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi nodded: "That's okay, but I need a reward. Don't worry, I don't want your kingdom or your God's Grass. As long as you pay a small price of a few hundred million, that's it."

As soon as he finished speaking, his mind immediately shattered the nutrition cabin.

A large amount of nutrient solution gushes out like a flood, and Mephidiya's twisted flesh and blood body naturally falls down.

[Why do I feel burning, suffocating, and hungry? What did you do to me?]

Mephidia twisted her grotesque body, but could not move at all. She looked like a piece of meat, and she simply acted according to his wishes.

Wang Linchi didn't say anything, and just cut off a large piece of flesh and blood from Mephidia's body. After sealing it, he threw it into the storage space and put it in rest to prevent it from rotting.

"I told you that you are not used to the outside environment." Wang Linchi looked at Mephidia's wound, and a large amount of granulation appeared.

‘The regenerative ability is so strong, it is probably the result of the experiments on the combination of Tianxincao and special physique. It is able to become like this. This regenerative ability is the most important contributor. ’

The opponent's regeneration ability is not unscientific like healing soul types or soul skills, which can even restore bones. The opponent's regeneration obviously does not have this ability, it is just recovery.

Therefore, every experiment and guidance made Mephidia evolve towards an inhuman appearance.

Evolution does not necessarily mean becoming stronger, it may also mean surviving by adapting to the environment.

On the other side, the Holy Lord had already eliminated all the security personnel, and the blood-soaked appearance on his body looked very eye-catching.

"Let's go. Now that you have the things, don't stay underground." After Wang Linchi said this, the Holy Master took him directly to the elevator.

It's true that the elevator was blown up, but the Holy Lord can fly. You have to be careful when flying up the stairs, but you can fly the elevator all the way up. As for the obstacles, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the Holy Lord can solve them with one punch.

Wang Linchi did not intend to go upstairs to the shareholders' meeting to settle accounts, because just before leaving, Wang Linchi very kindly injected a bottle of GOD virus stock solution into Mefidiya.

The GOD virus does come from Tianxincao. It has the same origin but does not mean the same effect.

With luck, Mephidia didn't survive and turned into a zombie, so it was much easier for the Dawn Watch Company to deal with it.

But it would be interesting if Dawn Watch Company were unlucky and Mephidia not only did not turn into a zombie, but also adapted to evolve.


A roar originating from the spiritual level emanated.

Wang Linchi, who had just arrived on the first floor, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Is this a success or not? It should be that he has further developed his spirit." Wang Linchi can be sure that the source of the mental roar is Mephidia, and his mental power has become much stronger. Otherwise, with his mental power, he would not be able to do anything at all. It cannot penetrate the thirteenth floor, but it would be good if it could penetrate glass.

"This is considered to be ten times more powerful than blackening."

Wang Linchi noticed the movement underground. Fortunately, he evacuated quickly. After all, it was on the thirteenth floor underground. If it collapsed, it was basically impossible to get out. The Holy Master didn't know how long it would take to dig to restore the ground.

Otherwise, why would he run away in a hurry?

As for Mephidia, if she became a zombie, she would definitely be a mutated zombie, just in time to complete the mission.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't become a zombie, the value will be even greater, because he can actually evolve successfully. So far, Dawn Watch Company has experimented, and there has not been any successful case of being enhanced by the GOD virus, except for Mephidia's special physique.

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