"Base No. 7 actually stores the roots of Tianxin grass and the original GOD virus."

"No wonder they didn't dare to get close, but it seems that they didn't fall as they imagined, but instead... created controllable zombies?"

Wang Linchi looked at Base No. 7 not far away. It was located in a hollowed-out mountain and was disguised accordingly. It specialized in conducting various biochemical experiments. After the GOD virus was isolated from Tianxincao, it was attributed to This No. 7 base has research and development.

The subsequent virus leak was actually not an accident, but one of the consequences of the internal power struggle within the company.

Dawnwatch Company has known for a long time that the GOD virus can cause irreversible transformation of carbon-based life.

That's right, once you become a zombie, there is no way you can turn back into a human being.

This project has always existed, but it has two ideas. One is the zombie productivity project. Zombies have no fatigue and low mentality, and can be used as cheap productivity and labor.

The second is naturally the ability of zombies to live forever. They can survive even if they don't eat or drink, and the upper limit of cell division has not yet been detected.

After all, zombies are also turned into humans, and they want it too.

This second project was inherited by Dawn Watch Company.

"Now it seems that Base 7 far surpasses Dawn Watch Company in researching GOD viruses and zombies."

"It seems like a great person has emerged."

Wang Linchi was thinking about how to contact them.

Compared with Dawn Watch Company, Base No. 7 is not suitable for killing directly.

This technology of controllable zombies is enough to prove its value.

It would be best to cooperate with the other party, but on second thought, the option of cooperation was quickly rejected.

The reason is very simple, that is, Base No. 7 is not a kind person. It can be seen from the director Xue of Dawn Watch Company who is responsible for the GOD virus that he is very strong in brainwashing and deception.

Wang Linchi was able to withstand mental suggestion, mind-changing abilities, etc., but when it came to language and psychology, he was definitely no match for his opponent.

He has magic resistance, but physical resistance is a bit weak.

"Forget it, just kill him." Wang Linchi was not worried about not being able to get the information from Base No. 7.

He got the corresponding key and system port instructions from the shareholder. As long as he got to the main control room, he could completely add permissions to himself.

Dawn Watch Company's building was infiltrated out of necessity. After all, if you want the other party's assets, you have to prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry. Only after you get them can you go on a killing spree.

The figure of the Holy Lord appeared and easily killed the zombies guarding him.

This behavior naturally caused alarm.

Then, more zombies came over.

Wang Linchi couldn't help but narrow his eyes. The other party controlled a lot of zombies.

It's just a bit strange. It seems to be based on spiritual power and finally achieved this effect through technical amplification.

"Surrender, you can only control one zombie, but I can control countless."

A spiritual frequency emerged, but it was intercepted by Wang Linchi.

The other party is not a good person. It seems that he is just asking him to surrender. In fact, it is also mixed with spiritual hints. His ability is a bit low. He can't even break through the thinking force field, let alone come into contact with the soul barrier and the toughness and resistance behind it. , resistance, shield, immunity and other attributes.

"So the direction of stability for zombies is actually towards the spiritual side?" Wang Linchi asked abruptly.

The structure of the GOD virus in these controllable zombies has been stabilized, which means they are no longer afraid of the sun.

However, this kind of stability is not replicable, because the source is not the evolution of the zombies themselves, but the existence behind the scenes that completes it through the ability of mind control.

Once out of the opponent's control, instability will immediately return.

"You have done a lot of research on zombies..."

"So you must die here today!!!"

The first half of the sentence was calm, but in the second half, he became angry, as if Wang Linchi had stepped on the opponent's tail.

"Okay, if you can't communicate, let's meet and chat. I believe that a big guy with the size of the Holy Lord will definitely calm you down." Since the other party is unwilling to cooperate, Wang Linchi has no need to say anything to the other party. .

The Holy Master used all his firepower to forcefully create a way for Wang Linchimang.

"Damn it, this zombie of yours can't be Mephidia!" The other party was a little angry.

It is not unusual to know about Mephidia. Originally, Mephidia was researched at Base No. 7. Later, after the original GOD virus was extracted from Tianxin grass, it was transferred to the headquarters of Dawn Watch Company. imprisoned.

"You guessed it right, I relied on the zombies that Mefidia evolved into to directly destroy the entire company." Wang Linchi followed the other person's train of thought and continued.

Anyway, you can make up whatever you want, and Wang Linchi can just follow the deception.

The Holy Master led Wang Linchi into Base No. 7 and quickly found the main control room according to the shareholder's instructions.

This shareholder was a bit timid, but he was indeed very honest and did not hide anything.

Through the key and password, Wang Linchi quickly arranged an identity for himself and created an identity card.

The principle of the ID card is not that complicated. It is already in the main control room. You just need to enter the data and synchronize it.

"Let me see where you are." Wang Linchi turned on the surveillance camera and found that it was all dark.

The other party was a ruthless person. After Wang Linchi entered Base No. 7, he controlled all the zombies to destroy the surveillance cameras.

"It's okay, we have plenty of time. I can lock the base so that you can't get out. No matter how old I am, I will still find you one day." Wang Linchi made a series of operations, locking the entire base and deleting the list of all personnel.

This means that only he can pass through the entire base unimpeded. Everyone else will become intruders and be blocked and controlled. In serious cases, they will be killed directly.

After all, it is a base, so it naturally has weapon systems.

The reason why there are not too many installations in the headquarters of Dawn Watch Company is because it has to be open to the outside world and welcome visitors. If it gets out of control, public opinion will be huge, so only some areas have installations.

It just so happened that Wang Linchi didn't go to that part of the area.

As for putting weapons systems in virus laboratories and Tianxin grass breeding areas, isn't that unhealthy?

Of course, if it weren't for Wang Linchi, Dawn Watch Company would not have been breached. The security personnel and the ultraviolet system alone could ensure that the zombies were impregnable until they evolved stably.

After completing the blockade, Wang Linchi took the Holy Master and the map of Base No. 7 and started clearing out the zombies and looking for the mastermind behind the scenes.

Although the man behind the scenes did not continue to talk to Wang Linchi, he continued to want to control the Holy Master. In his eyes, the Holy Master was also a zombie.

In this regard, Wang Linchi somewhat admired the other party's perseverance.

The Holy Lord is indeed weak in terms of spirit, soul, and soul, but this weakness is compared to the Holy Lord's body. You must know that the Holy Lord shares the soul seed effect and spiritual power of Wang Linchi, plus the twelve talismans, Theoretically, the weak point is stronger than Wang Linchi.

The mastermind behind the scenes couldn't even break Wang Linchi's spirit, let alone the Holy Master.

"Damn it, how much spiritual power do you have, how can you stop me!" The other party became more and more angry and frustrated, and controlled more zombies to come to die, intending to find Wang Linchi's flaw and gain control of the Holy Master in one fell swoop.

"I found you. The remote control of your thing is just like a wired one..." Wang Linchi complained. The other party must be connected to control the zombies remotely.

So through soul vision, the controlling spiritual frequency is quickly identified.

When he opened the map and took a look, Wang Linchi's face turned dark.

The map was taken by Wang Linchi in the main control room. It was a bird's-eye view.

"This map is like a maze. I'm afraid I won't get lost." Wang Linchi complained.

Then he put the map back in his arms. He didn't plan to follow the map. Who knew if he would go wrong? He planned to follow the simplest and most crude way.

"Come on, go in this direction."

Wang Linchi said without hesitation.

As for property? Don't worry, all the research data he values ​​​​is on the server in the main control room and is already being copied.

The Holy Master changed direction without hesitation, smashed the wall in front of him with one punch, and then led Wang Linchi forward without hesitation.

If you follow the map so stupidly, wouldn't you be falling into the opponent's rhythm? What if you get counterattacked?

After walking in a straight line, the spiritual frequency naturally got closer and closer to them, and then... clicked and broke.

The other party cut off the tail to survive and gave up controlling the zombies in order to avoid being tracked by Wang Linchi, but it was a little late.

"Hey, it's late. If you want to stop it from the beginning, it will really take a lot of time."

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