Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 191 The only third-stage zombie·Giant brain zombie

"What the hell?!"

"What a big piece of brains."

Wang Linchi originally thought he would see a person or some kind of large equipment, but in fact it was a super giant brain with various circuits connected to its body.

Moreover, the brain is so bumpy that it looks like it has been eaten by insects.

"You are the most perfectly evolved zombie I have ever seen." Wang Linchi couldn't help but praise him.

In terms of combat effectiveness, this mutant zombie is indeed inferior to the most ordinary zombies. After all, it has no attack power.

But he has an IQ, and he seems to have inherited the memories of everyone in Base No. 7, and has developed special equipment to increase his mental power.

It doesn't matter if you don't have combat power. The giant zombie can control other zombies. Furthermore, when the opponent's mental power further changes, it can also form abilities such as mental storm, mental shock, and mental shield.

What's more important is that the other party has stabilized and is no longer afraid of ultraviolet rays.

"It seems that your subject also has some kind of special physique." Wang Linchi can be sure that the other party's ability to retain his own intelligence and integrate the memories of everyone in the entire No. 7 base is not only due to the GOD virus.

"I can give you everything you want, as long as you let me go." The giant brainless zombie negotiated terms with Wang Linchi through his mental power.

"Of course it's no problem. The question is whether you know how much you are worth." Wang Linchi could have let this zombie go, but the zombie's value is greater than that of Mephidia in his hands. After all, the beauty is Fidia is at best an adaptive evolution. Not only does the giant-brained zombie have a special physique, it has also evolved perfectly.

"I understand, so what do you want?" The giant brainless zombie did not play tricks on Wang Linchi, but asked directly.

"No, no, no, it's not what I want, but what you can offer." Wang Linchi wondered why he was asked to make a price for everything.

It was obvious that the other party made the price himself in order to save his life.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the price is not right, Wang Linchi will kill them.

Let yourself make a bid and what to do if you lose money.

Generally speaking, when Wang Linchi is stronger than his opponent, as long as the opponent makes an offer, he will add zero.

If it looks really rich, add another zero.

The main theme is a person who has lost all his money, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't have enough, he uses his body to make up for it.

The heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys can all be used, especially with such a big brain in front of him. He just doesn't study it and just roasts it and eats it.

"Control of Base 7!"

"Although you have obtained the corresponding permissions through background commands, you still cannot enter the lowest level."

"The original mother plant of Tianxincao and the original virus have been set up with corresponding security settings. If you don't have my authorization, even if you force entry, you will only get a bunch of scrapped products." The brain-flower zombie gave his own Answer.

"What is the difference between the original mother plant and the daughter plants derived later?" Wang Linchi asked.

This thing is similar to the Wuyishan Dahongpao and the ordinary Dahongpao. The former is more of a gimmick. It's just that the tree is a little longer. In fact, what is the difference between it and the ordinary Dahongpao? Aren't they all tree leaves?

The sub-strain can reproduce and extract the GOD virus. He is not the kind of person who is better the more ancient.

"The original mother plant is rooted in a meteorite. Only by combining the radiation of the meteorite can the original virus be extracted from the mother plant. Taking the original mother plant gave me a special physique, and Mephidia's adaptive evolution The physique is also a part of the original mother plant."

"Without the original mother plant, radioactive meteorites, and original viruses, there would be no possibility of creating an antiviral agent that can eliminate zombies."

In order to save his life, the brainless zombie really took out all his capital.

When Wang Linchi heard this, his eyes narrowed.

"Okay." Wang Linchi agreed.

The premise is that it really has the value that the other party said. If not, then don't blame him for being cruel and just cook the giant brain.

As for if it was really valuable, then Wang Linchi would... give him a happy life.

What? Let the other party survive? There is no such option at all, and there is no such thing as a breach of trust.

As long as you're shameless enough, reputation doesn't matter anymore.

Is it really possible to be honest with a zombie, or is it a hostile zombie? If you can kill the other zombie, you will certainly not show mercy.

The brainless zombie failed to see what Wang Linchi was thinking, but he could only bet that Wang Linchi would keep his word because he had no other choice.

"Follow me." The brain-dead zombie began to move in a funny way.

The opponent's body structure looks soft, but is actually surprisingly tough.

But think about it, it’s still a zombie, or a mutated zombie.

Led by the brain-destroying zombies, they quickly arrived at the core area of ​​Base No. 7.

The brainless zombie skillfully entered the password, authenticated and passed the corresponding procedures. It seemed very cumbersome, but Wang Linchi wrote it all down.

"It's right here."

"In addition to the original mother plant, the radiation from the meteorite can also greatly intensify the evolution of zombies, stabilize the GOD virus structure as quickly as possible, and help it get rid of the side effects of fear of ultraviolet rays." The brain-dead zombie stayed at the door and did not go in directly.

"Aren't you coming in?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Well, I won't go in to avoid suspicion." The brain-dead zombie responded.

"Is there something wrong inside, otherwise you wouldn't go in?" Wang Linchi felt that this stupid zombie was plotting against him.

"No, it's just..."

"I understand, then I'll go get it myself." Wang Linchi interrupted him abruptly.

The reason why he is so brave is of course that his mission in the secret realm is completed, and at worst, he will exit the secret realm directly.

After Mephidia became a zombie, she was naturally considered a mutated zombie.

How difficult can a medium-sized secret realm be? Most of the awakened people will just kill and kill after entering. Few of them will understand it in depth like Wang Linchi. If they want anything, they can just grab it.

After Wang Linchi and the Holy Master entered, the door closed with a click.

"Although I know you are very powerful and a wall cannot stop you, this is my last chance." After closing the door, the brainless zombie said this to Wang Linchi through his mental power.

The opponent did not think of killing Wang Linchi, but passed various obstacles to intercept Wang Linchi's pursuit and create enough time for himself to escape.

That's right, from the beginning, the brainless zombie wanted to survive, not to kill Wang Linchi.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the gap between the two sides. It takes a lot of thinking for the brainless zombie to have the idea in his mind that I can fight back.

Moreover, he took double insurance. In addition to being locked up in there for a period of time, he actually sent good things to Wang Linchi as a double delay.

"Catch up and kill this guy, and then dig out the virus crystals for me." Wang Linchi noticed that the brain-dead zombie had already run away after saying this.

It was still very fast, and the previous speed was just a disguise, just to give Wang Linchi the illusion that it was moving slowly.

The Holy Master turned around and tore the door apart easily, then turned into an afterimage and headed in the direction where the brain-deaf zombie left.

Wang Linchi focused on the Tianxin grass and meteorites that were isolated in the room.

"No wonder it's called Tianxincao." Wang Linchi couldn't help but suddenly realized.

Tianxin grass is not the point. The point is that the meteorite looks like a heart, and Tianxin grass is rooted in the meteorite.

"This kind of radiation, if I didn't have a protective layer, this radiation would directly cause changes in my cells and genes."

Change is not necessarily positive, positive is evolution, negative is mutation.

"The two have reached symbiosis?"

"I thought it was a unilateral parasitism of Tianxincao."

Wang Linchi was also a little surprised because he saw the breath of life in the meteorite.

Yes, this meteorite is actually alive, similar to a mob.

Otherwise, it must be a Horcrux or a treasure of heaven and earth. However, in a medium-sized world, it is impossible for Horcruxes and treasures of heaven and earth of this quality to appear. Produce something more advanced.

"Meteorites rely on Tianxin grass to maintain their own vitality, and Tianxin grass uses meteorites to continuously evolve."

"The mother plant ten days ago and the mother plant ten days later are no longer the same concept. The real Tianxin grass is always changing."

Wang Linchi didn't expect that there was such a strange form, which really opened his eyes.

"Mephidia's adaptive evolution is a simplified version of Tianxincao's basic ability." Wang Linchi was envious.

He also wants this ability, so the best way is to make Tianxin grass and meteorites into plug-ins for the Soul Aspect and Book of Records.

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