Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 193 Dragon Soul·Holy Lord

"It's strange. You seem to feel something is wrong lately?" Wang Linchi always felt as if something had passed next to him two or three times in the past two days.

He also took a look, but found nothing, so in the end he had no choice but to leave it alone.

"It should be a zombie." Wang Linchi's core position in Base No. 7, coupled with the corresponding Horcruxes arranged to cover up, and his own thinking force field, his concealment is very strong, even for Xiri-level , you may not be able to see his arrangement.

Even if the zombies are not zombies but the awakened ones, Wang Linchi doesn't care. Anyway, most of the awakened ones are killing and killing, and it is unlikely that they will come here.

"It took three months, but we finally succeeded. To be honest, if this meteorite is not a living thing but a dead thing, the quality must be at least legendary."

Meteorites after death are just ordinary stones and have no value at all. Only living meteorites can reach the legendary level.

Therefore, after he made it into Dragon Soul and Holy Lord, and added Tianxin Grass, it reached the mythical level. However, this mythical level is currently a little wet and needs to grow.

[Dragon Soul·Holy Lord (Mythical Level)]

[Adaptive evolution: Accelerating positive selection evolution under environmental changes]

[Autonomous growth: Automatic growth while assisting growth]

The current Dragon Soul Holy Lord only has two entry effects, but this is just the beginning. As it adapts to the evolution, this effect entry will begin to accelerate his positive selection evolution, and then continue to evolve new entry effects.

According to his estimate, there is no upper limit or limit to the effect of the entry. For example, what may be born at first is only secondary poison resistance, but after a little evolution, it can become high-level poison immunity.

Of course, what's more important is that with the second entry of Dragon Soul Holy Lord, he can start practicing on the phone.

However, it is not like those system-based idle upgrades. In essence, the Dragon Soul and Holy Lord help him operate. Therefore, it can only be effective for soul forging methods and secret techniques, but not soul skills. After all, the essence of soul skills is to interfere with mental power. And if you don’t practice the skills and techniques you develop, it will be a bit nonsense just talking about them on paper.

Compared with Stands and Coiling Dragons, Dragon Soul's entry effect has no upper limit. It will no longer be limited to ten entry effects, but will continue to increase.

"It would be nice if there were no big ruins."

Wang Linchi sighed with emotion. Without Daxu, with these three soul plug-ins, he would even be able to evolve the ability to resist the upper limit of cell division, soul exhaustion, mental decline, etc.

This means that he can live forever. Just by hanging up, and by being born a thousand years later and relying on the various effects of evolution, he can let Xiri level know what a powerful flying brick is.

It's a pity that he didn't get the chance.

But it doesn't matter. Even though we have a narrow escape now, there is still a chance of survival.

"The next step is to let the Dragon Soul Holy Lord evolve effects such as high-speed cultivation and rapid cultivation."

As long as these effect entries to assist cultivation appear, it will allow him to improve his strength faster, and it is relatively simple to create them.

You only need to let your body adapt to the corresponding training intensity, and then the positive selection evolution will be accelerated, allowing the Dragon Soul and Holy Master to cooperate with you to evolve this ability.

"It's a pity that the Holy Master can't use it, otherwise the Holy Master could become a passive monster like me."

It's not that Wang Linchi won't give it, but that he really can't give it to him. If he really wants to give it to the Holy Master, who knows what he will become because of the entry of adapting to evolution.

He is not worried about himself because he can independently interfere with positive selection evolution. The Holy Lord cannot. He has no brain and is just a stand-in, unable to correctly identify and interfere with whether positive selection can be used.

The positive choice is to adapt to the environment so that you can survive better, not to live a better life.

So sometimes there will be some weird changes, such as allowing you to evolve gills or fur, but Wang Linchi doesn't need these organs to interfere.

This is not necessarily the case for the Stand-in Holy Lord. He is already physically stronger, so he evolves faster. Maybe during the battle, the Holy Lord will turn into a three-headed, six-armed creature covered in scales and a mess of organs.

Even if it is cut off by then, it will be too late, and it will most likely lead to limb regeneration, organ regeneration, high-speed regeneration and other effects. If you cut one crop, it will grow three new ones. Even if Wang Linchi wants to interfere, it will be too late. And as a large number of entries accumulate, the evolution speed will become faster and faster.

There are inherent differences between him and the substitute Holy Lord, so naturally Wang Linchi's situation cannot be applied to the substitute Holy Lord.

The disadvantage of the adaptive evolution of Dragon Soul and Holy Lord is that it evolves too fast to keep you alive, so it will not guarantee that in the future, the effect entries on your body may not be able to withstand the test of time and become a burden to you.

As for degradation, first of all, you must have the corresponding abilities, otherwise how can Wang Linchi transform.

Adaptive evolution is taken from the mother plant of Tianxincao. No one else has the ability to degenerate at a high speed, so he cannot create it at all.

Fortunately, he can intervene on his own without worrying about problems. He can just look for opportunities in the future to make up for his degraded abilities.

At that time, it can be installed by the Holy Master.

But it’s not certain when exactly it will be.

It may be easy to find an evolutionary ability, but for degenerative abilities, this is a bit impossible.

Unless you go to some ancient secret place where there are no people.

Of course, there is no chance to install the degeneration ability now. The reason why he did this is to take a gamble. If the world cannot withstand the impact of the Great Ruins and he has not escaped, then he can rely on this adaptive evolution to evolve himself. Use the resistance related to the Great Ruins to survive in the Great Ruins.

"When it reaches orichalcum level, let's see if we can evolve a delayed evolution effect entry and release it in a cumulative manner instead of evolving immediately after encountering problems."

My body can't bear any further changes.

In just a few minutes, Dragon Soul Holy Lord evolved dozens of effect items, such as the most secondary disease resistance, the most secondary colony symbiosis enhancement, and a series of other items.

But it's all very weak. After all, it's just the beginning. It's not so easy to improve at once.

"The evolution efficiency is still very satisfactory. Not only must there be delayed evolution, but there must also be entries for accelerated evolution." Wang Linchi suddenly remembered this matter.

If he was really swept away by the Great Ruins, his evolution speed must be fast. As soon as Wang Linchi came into contact with the Great Ruins, he had already evolved corresponding resistance capabilities.

Otherwise, there won't be much effect at all before you can successfully click on the effect entry to resist the Great Ruins, or if the effect entries are all of the most secondary, secondary, or primary level.

You definitely shouldn't evolve too fast in normal times, but you have to be fast when you want to save your life.

This kind of plan that both wanted and wanted gave Wang Linchi a headache. This headache also gave him an entry that has the effect of accelerating thinking and soothing dopamine.

"Hey, don't tell me, this ability is really smart." Wang Linchi complained, thinking really fast.

Whenever he is stressed or has a headache, it will restore his state of mind.

"What kind of special effect entry is for cattle and horses? The more you work, the happier you are, and the more you are squeezed, the happier you are, right?" Wang Linchi directly banned the entry for the secondary dopamine soothing effect, not only prohibiting evolution, but also prohibiting use.

As a result, three minutes later, he was given a second-level endorphin analgesic, which was used to relieve pain, regulate body temperature, etc., in order to suppress the pain caused by excessive cultivation efficiency.

Wang Linchi conveniently banned it again. If it only relieves pain, that's fine. The problem is that this thing has other functions. It improves the analgesic ability, but it also secretes more, leaving Wang Linchi speechless. He still underestimated Long. The adaptability and evolution ability of Soul·Holy Lord.

If this is really installed on the substitute Holy Lord, he may not have to fight, but he can evolve a lot of things after walking a few steps.

The body structure of the Holy Lord is inherently unreasonable. He can walk and run only because he is not a serious creature. Therefore, the first step in adapting to evolution is to make the Holy Lord normal.

Wang Linchi doesn't need the Holy Master to be normal, he needs to be able to fight and block knives, because being normal won't necessarily make him better than he is now, but will bring corresponding burdens.

Just like the Holy Lord, there are no fatal points on his body. It's okay if his head is gone. At most, he can't use the pig and dragon talismans. If he evolves a heart or a brain, he will be immortal even if it is destroyed. Hit hard.

It would be even worse if another respiratory system were evolved. Originally, the Holy Master did not need to breathe, but in the end, this gave him an additional weakness.

The right choice is not the right fit. It is adapting to the environment, not your ideas.

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