Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 194 Who is saying that he is unlucky? ! !

"The feeling of being idle and improving is really good." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh.

There is no need to concentrate, you just need to choose the target to hang up, and the Dragon Soul Holy Lord will help run it. Watching the translucent dragon soul on the Book of Records entrenched on the Coiling Dragon Statue, help Wang Linchi run the soul forging method.

He had already spent a lot of money on the black iron stage of the two secret techniques of Soul Appearance and Soul Forging. Now of course there is no need to hang up, only the Soul Forging Technique is left.

"At my speed, it would have taken three and a half months to complete the Nine Transformations Golden Elixir, but now it only takes a month at most."

It was impossible for him to practice hard 24 hours a day before. After all, he would make mistakes as time went by, and it was impossible for him to be highly concentrated mentally for a long time.

Nowadays, Dragon Soul and Holy Lord's hang-up is a bit rigid. It will only run in the set way, but it will never make mistakes. As long as it detects that the data does not match during operation, it will stop immediately. It will never go wrong. Problems will arise.

And it will not affect Wang Linchi's work, directly liberating him from the cultivation process.

The disadvantage is not without, that is, Wang Linchi needs to consume a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, otherwise he will not be able to support his cultivation progress.

Do you really think that just practicing the exercises is enough? Becoming stronger will definitely require corresponding consumption. There is no way to become stronger out of thin air. If the resources cannot keep up, practicing fast will only cause a lot of damage to oneself.

"Wait another month and then leave this secret realm."

Wang Linchi didn't plan to stay in this secret realm for too long, because the greatest value had been turned into the Dragon Soul and Holy Lord by him.

Zombies are not of any benefit either. There are very few who can condense sophisticated-level soul seeds. Most zombies can only be ordinary-level soul seeds at best.

No matter how high the explosion rate is, it is of little use.

"Next, you can go collect some things. It's rare to find a modern secret realm." Wang Linchi did as he said.

After getting rid of the cultivation problem, and there is no corresponding strengthening project for the time being, it is natural to search more, just in case he lives alone in the ruins in the future, he will also need something to entertain himself.

After packing up their things, they left Base No. 7.

Not long after he walked out of the door, he saw a dark shadow passing in the sky.

It looks like one person can see the other person's situation clearly through the soul vision in an instant.

"Dragon Cult?"

"Why did we meet again?" Wang Linchi suddenly felt bad.

However, the other party left quickly, so he did not chase him. The main reason was that he was a bit strong. Like the former dean of Qinghe College, he was a half-step morning star. Of course, this is a nicer way of saying it, that is, the essence of a failed breakthrough. Gold level.

"The threat is not big. The fine gold level is the fine gold level. Even if you master a part of the power of the morning star, you are still the fine gold level." Wang Linchi compared it and found that it is indeed special than the fine gold level. However, this special The place was not enough to cause a qualitative change, so it still did not rise to the stars.

"Let you live. If we meet again next time, I will take your life."

Wang Linchi is in a good mood now. After all, he has successfully practiced on the phone, so there is no need to get entangled with the other party.

But he didn't have this intention, the other party did.

Before he had even taken two steps, the member of the Dragon Worship Cult turned back.

The other party looked Wang Linchi up and down, and then asked, "Have you seen any other fine gold level awakened people?"

"No." Wang Linchi shook his head.

"No?" The other party frowned, and then quickly relaxed: "Well, I understand."

"But you're unlucky, if you see me... ugh!"

Before the other party finished speaking, an attack exploded in his mind, making him confused. He never expected that a mere black iron level would dare to attack an adamantium level like him.

More importantly, it also caused harm to him, which is simply impossible.

Fortunately, part of Chenxing's essence allowed him to quickly get rid of the chaos in his mind and forcibly suppress the eight negative states that emerged. When he was about to react, he saw a huge monster coming towards him. After being attacked, his body He also became weaker. In addition to physical attacks, he also had four additional attacks and five poison attacks, which were still draining his life force.

His eyes widened. The attack was indeed blocked, but his strength dropped by more than half, and even the eight negative states could not be suppressed and reappeared.

"Damn it, who are you!!!" The other party's eyes were splitting, and there was resentment in his tone. Not only did he have to resist the attacks of the Holy Lord, but he also had to always be on guard against the attacks caused by the Holy Lord's dragon and pig spells.

The combination of physics and fire caused his mentality to collapse. If he hadn't been half-step Morning Star, and Wang Linchi's sneak attack plus the Holy Lord's attack, he would have died long ago.

Wang Linchi didn't answer, but gave the other party another random thought.

He found that the resistance of this guy was very good, much harder than the ordinary Adamantine level, and he couldn't kill him instantly. If it were another Adamantine level, he wouldn't have to think too hard, he would have beaten people to death with just his mental strength. .

From this, he also understood that Morning Star was indeed strong, and this resistance alone was enough to distinguish the difference.

"Pfft~" The black dragon envoy spit out a mouthful of blood, and then said: "This is a misunderstanding. I am here to find someone, not..."

Before he finished speaking, the Holy Lord's attack came.

When Wang Linchi heard that the other party said it was a misunderstanding, he couldn't help but sigh. Did he look easy to fool?

He doesn't look like he's unlucky. How can he have such abilities if he's unlucky?

With a click, the other party's sternum was shattered by the Holy Lord, and it was sunken.

"Damn it, I don't believe you can still..." As the black dragon envoy said, he reached out to get the Horcrux from the storage Horcrux. As a result, before he could finish speaking, the hand was broken by the Holy Master.

'It's over, it seems that my blessings and luck have begun to affect the enemy...' This thought came to Wang Linchi's mind after giving the black dragon envoy a shot of Wandering Horse.

Otherwise, it would be unreasonable, but I still have the energy to say these words during the battle. Isn't it just killing the enemy first and then slowly talking nonsense.

‘Is this what the halo of intelligence feels like? Oh, no, this is not considered a halo of wisdom. After all, it is not that powerful. It is just my good luck that caused the other party to be distracted. ’

While thinking about it, he tried to make up for the other party's worries.

With physical attacks, fire attacks, various negative statuses and psychic attacks, the black dragon user is about to die.

"You are too fleshy, you are not dead yet!"

Wang Linchi was shocked. He never expected that the black dragon envoy was almost no longer a human, but he was still breathing.

This is still an Adamantine level with only some of the characteristics of the Morning Star. If it were a complete Morning Star, how fleshy would it be?

"Ahem~ Lord Dragon God will avenge me." The other party's voice was very weak, and now it was like a candle in the wind.

"Ah this..." Wang Linchi didn't know what to say, so he could only ask the Holy Master to send the other party directly on his way.

Otherwise, what else could he do? He couldn't chat with the other party for a few more words. He thought, but the black dragon envoy might not be able to chat.

The Holy Master directly used the Dragon Talisman to arrange a dragon service for him.

The one-stop services offered in other places are not authentic, but the one used by the Holy Lord is the most authentic. The Holy Lord itself looks like a dragon. Secondly, the Dragon Talisman is used. The one who blesses the Dragon Talisman to the Holy Lord is still a coiled dragon. This is no longer a dragon service. There are dragons, several dragons.

The black dragon envoy was reduced to ashes with the flames, and in the next moment, a black dragon shadow emerged from the opponent's body.

"Ant, how dare you kill my slave, today... ah!"

As soon as the black dragon phantom appeared, it collided head-on with the Holy Lord's dragon spell and the large amount of random things that Wang Linchi instinctively threw out after being startled.

All the mental power in the two golden elixir phantoms was directly emptied, and a total of 40,000 points of mental power formed a willful horse, which crushed the black dragon phantom on the spot.

"It scared me to death." Wang Linchi has long developed an instinctive habit. If others are frightened, they may scream or subconsciously avoid it.

If he was frightened, his first reaction would be to summon the Holy Lord while throwing random thoughts.

But sometimes he may lose control of his thoughts, and at least he has to spend two golden elixirs. Today, he has restrained himself.

"Sigh, my mental quality is still not good enough." Wang Linchi sighed and looked at the black dragon's dissipated shadow, feeling helpless: "I don't know if I can train myself in the future so that I can kill people when I'm scared."

"Forget it, instead of tempering, it's better to correct the flaws."

The flaw is naturally that he is not strong enough. Who dares to scare him if he is strong enough? Even if you scare him, you can send the opponent on his way with a single backhand.

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