Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 211 Black Wind Village, Crystallization of the Abyss

"Something is wrong, nine out of ten times something is wrong."

Wang Linchi looked at the abyss-level copy of Black Wind Village, and he could keenly feel the difference.

He has already passed the normal level and the nightmare level once before. The process and positioning are the same as the strategies on the forum, which are small minions → third boss → big minions → second boss → minions boss → big boss.

Then I passed the level very smoothly, the whole process was just killing monsters, and I didn’t have to think about other things at all.

Both BOSS and mobs are as rigid as the NPCs in Novice Village, so they can be solved using the routines in the guide.

But the Abyss-level Black Wind Village is different. These bosses and mobs seem to be alive.

Moreover, his birth point is no longer at the foot of Black Wind Village, but a village ruins, and it is still night.

"I didn't expect that when grandpa and I missed the target, a lone young master was left alive."

Before Wang Linchi started to check, in the dark night, a burly man walked out, wearing linen clothes, with blood dripping from a sharpened long knife.

He recognized him at a glance. He was a minion from Black Wind Village, but he was completely different from the one in the copy.

Some weird lines actually appeared on his body, and upon closer inspection, there were actually a lot of mutations on his body. Although his hands still looked like human hands, they looked a little distorted, and they would occasionally squirm under the skin.

[Demonized minion LV10, health value (1000/1000)]

"This value has increased ten times." Wang Linchi looked at the minions fighting with the Holy Lord. The nightmare-level minions before had only 100 health points. After all, they were just mobs, even elite monsters. Not really, it’s impossible to have too high attributes and health bar.

Now he has not been killed instantly by the Holy Master, even if he is at a disadvantage.

As the health value dropped to 500 points, Wang Linchi watched the demonized little minion tear its flesh and blood, turning into a monster-like existence, half human and half demon, and its combat power was at least doubled. Not only that, but the health value is also recovering quickly.

It's just that the speed of recovery can't compare to the damage caused by the Holy Lord's attack.

Wang Linchi, on the other hand, gave himself the idea of ​​​​knowing oneself and knowing the enemy to increase the hit rate, and then continued to use civil warfare strategies to cause corresponding fixed damage with the blessing of various types of equipment.

The damage is low, which is a bit low, but just think of it as a way to gain proficiency.

All his skill proficiency is thrown into the passive skill of calligraphy. Actively, it can be brushed, but passively, it is a bit difficult. The way to improve proficiency in calligraphy is to copy books, which is about 10,000 words per proficiency.

So he very decisively gave up relying on brushing to improve his passive.

On the contrary, it is an active skill. Once released, it will gain a little proficiency, so Wang Linchi naturally doesn't care.

Under the attack of the Holy Lord, the demonized minion's health bar immediately returned to zero and died.

[Your summons killed the demonized minion and gained experience × 1000]

No money was given, but experience points were given, and there was no big explosion on the ground, which made Wang Linchi a little strange.

With his luck, he has defeated so many monsters. Whether it is a dungeon or a quest monster, basically everything that can explode on the opponent will be exploded.

I had already tried it before when I entered the Black Wind Village dungeon to test the waters.

The only thing on the body was a black stone. Wang Linchi picked it up and found it was a piece of material.

【Abyss Crystal】

[Type: Material]

[Quality: Abyss]

[Use ①: After clearing the Abyss level dungeon, it can be used to redeem rewards unique to that dungeon]

[Use ②: Can be used in each main city to redeem main city enhancement rewards]

[Use ③: Can be used to strengthen the main material of abyss quality equipment]

When Wang Linchi saw this thing, he finally understood that the Abyss level did not drop items, but it did drop exchange materials.

"It can't be the real world." Wang Linchi muttered quietly.

Because they are living people, it is impossible to drop something that does not exist. Therefore, you can only extract a certain power from the opponent's body to form a solidified crystal, and finally go to "God's World" to exchange it.


Wang Linchi suddenly understood why the Abyss level dungeon was so difficult, and no one had passed it until now.

He threw the abyss crystal into the player's own inventory, and then began to search the ruins of the entire village.

No living person was found, just a lot of mutilated corpses.

"It was eaten. Judging from the teeth marks, it was indeed a human being at the beginning. After eating, it didn't count." What Wang Linchi said didn't count. Naturally, it was not a metaphor, but in a biological sense.

The bite marks on the corpse became like those of predators, which was obviously a sign of the deepening of demonization.

""God's Gift World" cannot send me to this ruined village for no reason. There must be some deep meaning. Otherwise, just send it to the gate of Black Wind Village and let me kill him."

Wang Linchi had seen some abyss-level information on the forum, but it was not spread by game studios or game clubs, but by individual players.

The major game forces want to be the first to break through.

It is said that the first pass of the first three dungeons on Abyss difficulty will have a full game notification and first pass rewards, and they are also very generous.

So these studios and clubs all want to be the first to pass.

As for the reward, it is actually secondary. What is really important is the reputation and traffic brought by the notification.

After some searching, Wang Linchi found nothing. This was just an ordinary village.

"Then where is the turning point? We can't really rely on attributes to defeat him. How long will it take?" Wang Linchi felt helpless.

There are players now approaching level 15, but as a result, no player has successfully passed the Abyss difficulty of the level 10 copy of Black Wind Village.

This can also explain that if you rely on attributes, you need to be at least level 30. One level is at level 10, and the other is at level 30.

But leveling up is not that easy. The forum says that after a turn, the experience value required increases significantly, directly to starting at 100,000, and the game becomes more difficult, because NPCs are just like people, not only enthusiastic but also Some are kind, some are cunning and cruel, and many players have been tricked by NPCs.

Fortunately, after one turn, although the level will drop after death, it will only drop to the lowest level 10, and will not drop to level 0. This is a guarantee after career advancement.

"Since we can't find it, let's forget it and go straight to Heifeng Village." Wang Linchi searched three times. If it was really there, even if he was blind, he would still be able to find it with his luck.

Since you didn’t get it, you really don’t have it.

"There is only one road, and Black Wind Village should go along this way."

When Wang Linchi was searching before, he had already noticed that there was only one road here.

If you go the wrong way, it doesn't matter, this is the way anyway.

As a result, he noticed movement before he left the village.

"Is someone coming?" Wang Linchi immediately hid in the lush bushes on the roadside, and the Holy Master was put away by him. He was too big to hide, but he could summon him at any time.

I saw a group of people riding horses from a distance...

‘Hey, is this thing a horse? ’ Wang Linchi felt a little bit embarrassed.

The main body still looks like a horse, but it has developed various weird distortions, some have human heads, and some have pustules on their bodies.

Even this group of bandits from Heifeng Village on horseback look like humans from a distance, but they are completely monsters from up close.

‘Even the horse has a health bar and is a monster. This kind of difficulty is really too great. ’

If Wang Linchi's true form was here or if the Book of Records had not been suppressed, this group of gangsters would not even be able to match the Holy Lord.

Unfortunately, Wang Linchi did not have these two conditions. If he met this group of minions from Black Wind Village, he would definitely be besieged to death.

He checked and found that there were thirteen gangsters in total, three of whom were big minions and one was the leader.

'But where is this going? ’ Wang Linchi had some doubts in his heart. He curiously followed the gangster and hung at a distance so that he would neither be thrown away nor discovered.

You can't beat him anyway, and if you can't rely on strength, then you have to rely on luck, just in case you succeed.

He had no losses.

As for delaying leveling, it doesn't matter, since his level can't be saved anyway.

‘Although this horse looks ugly, it is really fast. It should have all attributes added after being demonized. ’

Wang Linchi chased him for ten minutes. Fortunately, the player was not tired or in pain. Otherwise, with his normal physical fitness, he would not be able to catch up.

‘A game without a stamina bar is simply awesome. ’

Some games have a stamina bar. After a long run, the stamina bar will deplete and the movement speed will also slow down.

Simulate where simulation is needed and provide convenience where needed, and "Godsend World" really dares to provide it.

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