Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 212 Bamboo·A Qianqian Gentleman

"Old man, my king has come to invite you to the mountain again. Come with us honestly and save other people from dying because of you."

Under a bamboo building, the leader of the gang was holding a person in his hand and gnawing at the bamboo building while shouting at the bamboo building.

"Oh, you kill people, but you say it's because of me. Don't the possessed people even have such a brain?" an old voice said.

These words made a flash of anger flash in the eyes of the gangster leader. He just followed him and died, which made him come to scold and fight every two days, delaying him to eat many people.

Wang Linchi squatted in the distance, watching this scene, and then glanced at the Holy Master.

This does seem to be a turning point.

I thought that this group of demonized gangsters was very powerful, but I didn't expect that there were other beings with extraordinary power around them, and they were not in the same camp as Black Wind Village.

If he wants to pass the level, he may have to rely on the other party's strength.

Naturally, there was a series of ping-ping-pong-pong smashing on the building. However, after the group of demonized gangsters got close to the bamboo building for a certain distance, they were isolated by an invisible force, and there was no way to force a breakthrough.

Even if you use too much force, you will get injured.

"Hahaha, evil heretics dare to approach my bamboo building. It seems that at least three people will be left behind today." A cheerful laughter came from the bamboo building, and then I saw a long bamboo being thrown out. Just like a javelin.

Changzhu passed by the face of the leader of the minions, but it penetrated the three big minions behind him.

In Wang Linchi's eyes, the blood volume of these three big minions was reduced to only half, and they continued to lose blood.

"Damn it, today I have to..." Before the gangster leader could finish his words, another long bamboo was thrown out by the opponent. Although he escaped, the little gangster who was fine did not escape and was skewered three more times. .

Suddenly half the manpower was gone.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi quickly waved his hand, and the Holy Master rushed over.

This situation also caught the gangster leader off guard, especially the six gangsters who were strung into candied haws and were directly harvested by the Holy Lord.

【Your summon...】×6

The minion has one thousand experience points, and the big one has three thousand experience points. With one click, Wang Linchi has reached level ten. The reason why he does not continue to improve is because he has not made a turn, so his experience is capped. He can accept it but cannot. upgrade.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be destined to stay here today."

It seemed that the appearance of the Holy Lord had changed the situation, so the people in the Bamboo House took advantage of the victory to pursue them.

I saw an old man with white beard and hair, but full of sinews all over his body, holding a sharpened bamboo gun in his hand and killed him. The leader of the gang was beaten so hard that he was unable to resist.

At this time, the leader also understood that what the other party was afraid of was not him, but the large number of people.

When he was thinking about letting his minions attack him together, he suddenly discovered that the monster that jumped out of nowhere had killed all the minions in a short period of time and was heading towards him.

This made him panic.

It's a pity that I can't escape now even if I want to. There is the old man in front of me and the Holy Lord behind me.

Wang Linchi was still squatting in a hidden place, ready to fuck the other party at any time.

Although the effect of Wandering Horse only lasts for one second, the effect of this second is mandatory, so it is still somewhat useful as a control.

"Damn, I..."

Before the leader could finish his words, he was first pierced through the head with a bamboo spear, and then his head was torn off and harvested by the Holy Master.

'Ten thousand experience points is indeed a high level of difficulty...'

Wang Linchi looked at the experience he received and smiled happily. This was not only experience, but also the qualifications for him to become stronger.

After the dust fell to the ground, Wang Linchi came out to search for rewards.

There is one abyss crystal for the small minions, two for the big minions, and five for the leader.

"How did you tame this monster?" The old man looked at Wang Linchi curiously. After the Holy Master was done with it, he naturally followed Wang Linchi. This is what bodyguards do.

"It's enough to raise him from a young age." Wang Linchi said honestly. He had indeed raised the Holy Lord from an egg to such a big size. Then he asked, "What's your surname?"

There is no health bar on this old man's head, only the name of a reclusive old man, who is obviously one of his own.

"Just call me Zhu Jushi." The old man did not reveal his name, but gave him a title, and then the name on his head also changed to Bamboo Jushi.

"Master Bamboo, why did Heifeng Village come to invite you to the mountain?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

"Hmph, of course it's because you want my life." The other party snorted coldly, and then said: "Now among the four laymen, I am the only one left. As long as I die, these possessed gangsters will have nothing to fear. , can expand without any scruples.”

"Then when the four lay people are all ready, why not eliminate this hidden danger in advance?" Wang Linchi asked doubtfully.

"Not yet... forget it." What Zhu Jushi wanted to say in the end, he didn't say it in the end, and then asked: "So you are also a young hero who doesn't know the heights of the world and is ready to destroy Heifeng Village?"

While the other party was talking, he was still looking at Wang Linchi.

"Barely, but I can't beat him, so I'm thinking of giving up." Wang Linchi spread his hands. He had no chance of winning.

"It's not without a chance. If you can collect the plants cultivated by the four laymen as protection, you might be able to win." The bamboo layman encouraged Wang Linchi to go over.

"Why don't you go?" Wang Linchi rolled his eyes.

"I can't leave the Bamboo Tower, otherwise the leader of the Black Wind Village will take advantage of it. Once the Bamboo Tower is gone, the Black Wind Village will have no restraints." The Bamboo Layman said with a solemn expression.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try." Wang Linchi didn't really believe it. He believed that Master Zhu was planning to trick him into killing Heifeng Village. If he succeeded, everyone would be happy, but if he failed, only one person would die.

"Bring it here."

Wang Linchi stretched out his hand and asked for something from Master Zhu.

"What are you taking?" Master Zhu couldn't turn around for a while.

"Four laymen's plants." Wang Linchi said confidently.

"You have to finish first..."

"Forget it, it's too much trouble. I have to work for you and sacrifice my life for you." Wang Linchi turned around and left without hesitation.

Zhu Jushi must have met many players, so he understood some routines. It can be seen that the other party is not a rigid NPC who only sends out tasks.

"Here, come on, why are you so impatient." Master Zhu didn't expect that Wang Linchi would actually leave. Just as Wang Linchi thought, the cost that Master Zhu paid was not high.

Then he reluctantly took out a piece of bamboo and handed it to Wang Linchi, saying, "My bamboo has the power to break demons."


[Type: Mission Item]

[Stored in the inventory, attacks against demonized enemies are converted into real damage that ignores defense. When facing demonized enemies, the final damage is +100% and the critical hit rate is +100%]

When Wang Linchi saw the attributes, he was a little unbelievable. The effect was indeed outrageous. Although the actual damage did not increase much for him, after all, the fixed damage was difficult to reduce, but the doubling of the damage and the guaranteed critical hit were indeed outrageous.

Of course, this does not mean that his fixed damage can really catch up with the real damage that ignores defense, because fixed damage can also be reduced or resisted, but it requires corresponding attributes or equipment, and the real damage can be determined from the information published on the forum. Look, currently, except for a small number of special BOSSs that have real resistance, most monsters are unable to resist.

The only pity is that it is a mission item and cannot be taken away from the dungeon, and these attribute effects can only take effect when facing demonized enemies, and are invalid against other types of enemies.

"What about the others?" Wang Linchi continued to ask, why didn't he just give him a bamboo if he hadn't agreed to the four laymen?

"You need to get the remaining three plants of plum, orchid, and chrysanthemum yourself, and I don't have them either."

"After all, I can't leave the Bamboo House." The Bamboo Layman couldn't help it even if he wanted to.

"No, aren't these three dead? Where can I get them..." Wang Linchi complained, it was too embarrassing.

Just relying on the effect of Zhu Qianqian Junzi, he really couldn't get through this copy.

"There are still remnants of their original residence, but they are guarded by the personnel of Heifeng Village, at least one leader and three big minions, and there may be more small minions." Zhu Jushi said.

"Okay, I'll give it a try. It's good news if I come back. If not, why don't you pour me a glass of wine to commemorate it." Wang Linchi joked, mainly to see if he could play the emotional card. Bamboo layman will find some more benefits.

"Don't worry, the bamboo wine I brew is top-notch, and I guarantee that it will be worth your money." The bamboo layman said, patting his chest.

"Really? I don't believe it." Wang Linchi was delighted. He had tricked him into something again. All he had to do next was to get it. This bamboo wine looked like a consumable for recovery or amplification.

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