Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 224 The Underground Palace in the Mountains

‘This copy of Suspicious Cloud in Nanling Village seems to be different from the previous Black Wind Village. ’

Wang Linchi discovered that this dungeon cycle would not inherit the progress from the previous one, that is, regardless of whether it is passed or failed, it would be restarted and would not be interfered by previous players.

This can be considered a good thing, and it is precisely because of this that players can practice the behavior of brushing abyss crystals. Otherwise, if the previous player failed and directly released the evil spirits, it would be bad.

He inquired with the villagers through insinuations, and recently, he was the only one who came to their Nanling Village.

"Mage, are you sure this is the location?" The hunter in the village was a little confused. He had been to this road several times and didn't know there were any piles or anything strange.

"It's right here." Wang Linchi said casually.

There are also speculations on the forum about what happened to the mage who helped suppress it back then. In fact, it stands to reason that there will be no problems with this demon-sealing formation.

Following the method in the guide, Wang Linchi quickly found the entrance.

A monument that had long since collapsed and been buried.

After digging it out, the words could no longer be seen clearly.

However, the word "Underground Palace" can be vaguely seen.

"Underground palace? Is there an underground palace in the Nanling Mountains?" The hunter looked horrified. For so many years, he had not found any clues.

"Yes, it's normal that you don't know, what? After knowing it, you plan to go down and search it, but you don't want to see what's inside." Wang Linchi said jokingly.

These words made the hunter couldn't help but smile angrily. This was indeed what he thought.

Most of the time, the underground palace represents a mausoleum. In addition, it may also be a place of worship, but no matter which type it is, many valuable things will be stored in it.

"Mage, how are we going to get down?" The hunter abruptly changed the subject.

"The entrance is right here. You guys are here just in time. Let's dig." Wang Linchi ignored the other party's thoughts and directly ordered the young men who followed him from the village to start digging.

In fact, there are records of the underground palace in the village. There are only a few words, but they were still unearthed by players.

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other in confusion. In the end, the eldest son of the village chief's family took the lead with the tools, and the others started.

"I have something to say first. Although I have found this underground palace, I have no idea what is going on in this underground palace. Not to mention that there is such a ferocious thing as a little evil devil driving stakes in the underground palace. Even the mage who can suppress the evil devil has no idea. Died inside.”

"So no matter if you see a mountain of gold or silver, don't reach out, otherwise you will have your life but not the life flower."

"I can listen to you talk about how difficult it is for you, and I might even be kind enough to provide you with financial support. It depends on you whether the devil can be persuaded by you and let you choose how to die, whether it is to eat him alive, to skin him alive, or to crush him to death. It’s up to you.”

What Wang Linchi said sounded humorous, but no one dared to answer the question.

Others might be joking, but Wang Linchi didn't look like he was joking.

"Don't worry, I'm watching these little bastards. If they dare to reach out, I'll break their legs." The hunter, who was older, also hurriedly agreed.

"There's no need to go to the trouble of breaking their legs. If the evil spirits move, none of us can escape. It's not just that they die. The whole Nanling Village has to feed the evil spirits." Wang Linchi glanced at the young man who was digging and said.

This made Orion's smile freeze: "Mage, are you telling the truth?"

"The village chief didn't tell you?" Wang Linchi also smiled. He didn't expect the village chief to hide it from them.

"Just say that you are here to improve our feng shui and build piles. By the way..." The hunter was a little at a loss.

"Hahaha, you village chief is so funny. He even hides things that concern the whole village, young and old. Just go ahead and I'll explain it to you in detail." Wang Linchi thought that the village chief was a good person and gave him a chance to win people's hearts. .

Then some artistic processing was added, and everyone became more and more frightened as they listened.

The main reason is that Wang Linchi went too far in order to motivate these cannon fodder.

"This... why is there no news at all?" The hunter's mentality was a bit broken. It was enough to bury a devil at the door of his house. This devil was planning to kill their entire village within three days. Who could withstand it?

"Then how do I know? I don't have to ask how your ancestors passed it on." Wang Linchi spread his hands and pushed the pot directly to their ancestors.

"Okay, don't worry about these things. I came all the way here to die and didn't say anything. Why are you so afraid of me?"

With the encouragement, everyone dug much faster.

The hunter hesitated to speak, but in the end he did not continue to ask.

Half an hour passed in a flash.

"It's cleared, it's dug." came the excited voice of a young man.

Wang Linchi stood up and looked over, and a dark hole appeared under the ground.

Looking inside, it turned out to be a very long corridor.

"Don't go in yet, let the mice go in first to see if it's poisonous." Wang Linchi said, and the hunter also took out a birdcage with a mouse in it. He tied a rope and placed the birdcage in the underground tunnel. .

"Mage, this tunnel is so long and narrow that people may not be able to get down." The hunter asked worriedly.

This corridor is similar to a patio, and I don't know how deep it is, and there are no stairs. You can't use a rope to go down one by one. It would be too dangerous, not to mention you can't see anything.

"This is indeed a problem, but these rats can get down, can you get down?" Wang Linchi made up his mind to use these people as cannon fodder, that is, to use ropes to put them down.

Although the hunter didn't think about the cannon fodder, he knew that there must be dangers down there, so he was a little reluctant to go down.

"I can do it, I can do it." After hearing what Wang Linchi said so straightforwardly, the hunter had no choice but to respond with a smile.

"It's over." Hearing the echo of the birdcage below touching the ground, the hunter also breathed a sigh of relief, not too deep.

‘It’s about ten to fifteen meters, but I don’t know if it’s a platform or the bottom. ’ Wang Linchi thought to himself.

There was enough rope, and he asked the village chief to find a lot of it when he came here before.

"Leave three people here to guard the place. The rest of you can go down with me." Wang Linchi looked at the rat that had been pulled up for about fifteen minutes and found no problem. This means that there is a high probability that there is no poison or lack of oxygen. Category.

"Okay, I'll stay here to keep an eye on you and make sure nothing happens." The hunter was the first to step forward and take away a spot.

This was very unpleasant, and then the village chief's son wanted to speak, but Wang Linchi glanced at him and finally swallowed his mouth.

No one can follow Wang Linchi, but the village chief's son must follow him, otherwise how can people stabilize people's hearts.

"There is only one in the family and the poorest one will stay." Wang Linchi casually stated two conditions.

Soon the two candidates came out. Wang Linchi didn't care who the two lucky ones were, and quickly took the lead down to the corridor.

The good news is that this thing is indeed not a platform, but the entrance to the underground palace.

‘The guide on the forum is missing, it seems the information has been suppressed. ’ Wang Linchi thought to himself.

It is also very simple to keep the guide secret. Many game studios or game clubs plan to solve the mystery of Nanling Village, so they will not release it at all.

As for those who come to farm abyss crystals, they don't care, because they are focused on efficiency and speed, and it is impossible to really investigate these.

The darkness in the underground palace did not affect Wang Linchi's vision, but as soon as he saw it, he saw a group of ferocious stone statues. Fortunately, Wang Linchi was not so easily stressed now, otherwise he would have to act arbitrarily.

Wang Linchi looked at these stone statues carefully, they looked familiar.

‘A demonized person? ’

The appearance is similar to the three heads of Black Wind Village. The reason why they are similar is because the degree of demonization is much higher.

He is already half human and half demon.

"Is this...a demon?" The village chief's son was the first to come down. He was shocked when he saw these stone statues, but he was relieved when he found out that they were made of stone.

"It seems you know, tell me, what is a demon?" Wang Linchi asked with slight interest.

He felt that this should be some plot or setting, so he had to ask.

"This is a legend in the Nanling Mountains. It is said that a woman got together with some monsters in the mountains, and finally gave birth to a demon within ten months of pregnancy. These demons are cruel in nature, look neither human nor beast, and like to eat people. "

"Later, a young hero passed by..." The village chief's son looked at the stone statue with some fear, but he also told the legend that had been circulated. It was this story that fell into Wang Linchi's ears, and it was a bit old-fashioned.

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