Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 225 The Ghost Head Knocker on the Bronze Door

The end of the story is nothing more than the young hero slaying demons and finally embracing the beauty.

"The story is good, but I think it's more likely that the young hero was eaten to the point of losing his bones." Wang Linchi complained.

This made the village chief's son feel helpless. How could he tell a story like this? He was about to speak when he suddenly saw the stone statues seem to move.

"Master... Master, has the stone statue moved..." The village chief's son looked slightly frightened.

Wang Linchi looked back and saw that he really couldn't feel it. After all, in the game, you have to abide by the rules of the game, and it is not the body. The perception naturally changes with the level of the game character.

But the Holy Master didn't come out, which meant there was no danger.

"Based on my observation." Wang Linchi leaned over and took a closer look at the stone statue.

When the others heard this, they felt relieved, and then they must have said they didn't move.

"It is indeed moving. This thing should be alive." Wang Linchi concluded.

As soon as these words came out, everyone became afraid.

Three seconds before Wang Linchi came to his conclusion, the stone statue that Wang Linchi was approaching came to life and started to bite Wang Linchi's head.


The figure of the Holy Lord appeared, and with one punch, the demon was beaten into a pile of rotten flesh.

Before he died, Wang Linchi saw the names of these demons in the "God-Given World".

[Demonized corpse? ? ? 】

The level exceeds too many, so other data cannot be seen.

"By the way, this thing is not actually a demon. In fact, it should be regarded as a corpse and can be called a demon corpse." Wang Linchi didn't care at all about the demon corpses that were gradually activated later, and turned back with interest to correct the story of the village chief's son. The name for this group of things.

To be honest, he wasn't really afraid of these demon corpses.

The Holy Lord is blessed with a large number of special attacks against demonized enemies and self-BUFFs, and the group of demon corpses punch one by one in front of the Holy Lord.

There is no power to resist at all.

The people who followed Wang Linchi down also looked frightened, especially when the Holy Lord emerged from Wang Linchi's body, they thought they had met a monster.

"Mage, you... what did you summon just now?" the village chief's son asked stutteringly.

"This is called the protector spirit. Did you see it? It has the head of a dragon and the body of a real fire spirit." Wang Linchi almost yelled out the fire demon just now.

After all, he copied it, and it's almost exactly the same as the company commander's.

After the last demonic corpse was blasted to pieces by the Holy Master, he spit out flames to disinfect it so that it would not be deceived again.

A strong stench burst out from the flames, making everyone retching. Wang Linchi was fine, as his olfactory system was directly shut down.

Not only do players have no sense of pain, but they can also turn off senses such as taste and smell in the system settings, but not vision.

So he didn't feel any smell at all.

After five minutes of continuous burning, the corpses were charred to the point of being almost like charcoal. The Holy Master stopped, and then his figure gradually dimmed and disappeared. He would not come out until the next time Wang Linchi was in danger.

Aren't all substitutes like this?

"Let's go. We just met this at the door, and there will be more excitement next." Wang Linchi pulled the village chief's son forward.

Seeing this, everyone could only bite the bullet and follow Wang Linchi.

They were holding torches, so they didn't have to worry too much about their vision, but the brightness of the torches was limited.

As for the flashlight, don’t even think about it, the style of the painting doesn’t match it.

"God's World" has no technology settings, so there is no place to drop the flashlight.

However, it is said that after various countries have settled in, some big players have begun to build the technology tree from scratch. In the future, we may really see a hail of bullets.

"We can't open such a big door. How about asking the Master, your guardian spirit, to come out and help?"

After walking for nearly ten minutes, everyone reached the end of the corridor. They were blocked by a huge bronze door.

The two huge ghost-headed door knockers squirmed from time to time.

"Don't make trouble. How can my guardian spirit push open this door without the strength of a chicken?" Wang Linchi looked at the ghost-head door knocker. This thing is alive.

If you want to get in, you definitely can't use force, but there are other ways.

Unless the mage who suppressed the evil spirits was Gandalf in disguise, it would be impossible to break the bronze door.

"Wake up, wake up, don't sleep." Wang Linchi shouted.

The two ghost-headed knockers opened their eyes sleepily, and the ghost-headed knocker on the right asked, "Who is coming?"

"A certain family will not change its name or surname, King Yama!" Wang Linchi reported the name of King Yama. If he has the ability, he can go to the world next door that has been bombed to find King Yama.

The Guitou knocker on the left couldn't help but be stunned: "Your name is quite arrogant."

"Just so so." Wang Linchi said modestly that he was not arrogant, and then asked: "We want to go in, please open the door."

"Okay, give us two brothers ten people, and I will open the door for you." The ghost head knocker on the right said.

"Ten people is a bit too much, let's discuss it." Wang Linchi felt that there was still some discussion.

"Those eight?" The Guitou door knocker on the left took the initiative to lower its price.

"No, what I want is for us to compromise. You open the door for me, and then I won't give you anyone, and you don't want anyone from me." Wang Linchi was thinking about whoring for free.

If others prostitute him for nothing, he is petty and vengeful. If he prostitutes others for nothing, it is naturally shameless and means that a person with natural talent, talent and earthly resources lives in a virtuous person.

"Wait, is there something wrong?" The ghost head knocker on the right reacted instantly.

"How dare you fool us? It only took ten people to open the door for you, but now none of you can leave!" The ghost-headed door knocker on the left said evil words, and then he escaped from the door like a snake.

The ghost head knocker on the right was naturally the same, and then rushed towards Wang Linchi and others.

This looks like he is planning to take one person at a time.


In the end, after two minutes of arrogance, the Holy Master pinched one with his left hand and grabbed one with his right hand.

"It hurts, it hurts, let go!" The Guitou Knocker on the right screamed in pain when his neck was grabbed, unlike the Guitou Knocker on the left, whose entire face was pinched by the Holy Master, and he couldn't even scream. Make a sound.

"Pull as hard as you can. Today I just want to see how far you two can pull." Wang Linchi sneered. Only two little brats dared to make fun of his cannon fodder.

At the beginning, we told you that ten cannon fodders are here, what to do if you encounter stronger ones later.

"Wait, let's open the door, we'll open the door for you." The ghost-head knocker on the right gave in immediately.

"No, no matter how strong you are, as the saying goes, you can't bend with force, I just want to see how strong your spine is today." Wang Linchi made up his mind to let these two things become his experience.

He killed a wave of level 15 demon corpses before, and his high experience allowed him to jump directly to level 10. However, the experience required to upgrade from level 10 to level 11 is 100,000, so he could only ask these two brothers to do it for him.

What's more, he will come back later. If he is hunted when he comes back, and these two guys make it difficult for him to get out, it will be miserable.

In order to avoid this situation from happening, he could only deal with this hidden danger first.


It seemed that it had reached its limit, and Wang Linchi heard the sound of the bronze door.

"Ahhhh~ I'm going to die, I'm going to die." Guitou Knocker screamed crazily.

This made Wang Linchi a little curious. Normally, this ghost-headed door knocker was also a demonic creature, so logically there should not be such emotions.

"He's not dead yet, why are you howling?" Wang Linchi felt that the current demonized creatures couldn't bear any suffering or endure any pain, so how could Wang Linchi continue to work.

The Holy Master exerted another force, and the joint between the two door knockers and the bronze door was torn off.

There were two large black holes on the bronze door.

Some kind of scarlet liquid flowed from the entrance of the cave and snaked into the soil.

Then the color of the entire bronze door changed towards gray-white.

As for the two ghost-head door knockers, they had been crushed to death by the Holy Master.

"It's not bad." Wang Linchi looked at the experience contributed to him and found that it was quite satisfactory.

Then he looked at the bronze door, stretched out his hand to explore, and his expression became serious.

"Master, what did you find?" The village chief's son came over tremblingly and asked, looking at the ghost-headed knocker's body that had been stretched to ten meters with some fear in his eyes.

"I kind of discovered that the material of this thing has changed."

"But it's not bad news. At least it shows that this door is indeed dead. We don't have to worry about being made trouble for when we come back later."

This bronze door was made of bronze before, but now it has turned into stiff dead flesh.

The reason for the change should be related to the death of the two ghost head knockers.

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