Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 226 Underground Palace Elite·Abyss Dwarf Monster

Everyone pushed open the flesh-and-blood bronze door with some effort. The friction when the door was pushed dropped a large amount of pale white flesh, and everyone looked at it with fear.

Behind the door, there was a gust of cold wind. This wind blew and the temperature dropped by at least ten degrees.

"It's not a cold storage, where did this thing come from?" Wang Linchi complained.

The temperature is dropping so fast. It's definitely not a natural phenomenon. There's definitely something going on behind the scenes.

"F...Mage, it's a bit cold." The village chief's son said shakily.

"It's okay, just bear with it, it's only a dozen degrees." Wang Linchi looked at his status bar, and there was nothing major wrong.

As for being cold, if any game character is cold, at most it will only cause a negative state such as slowing down or agility.

‘The player’s body is indeed magical, but it’s a pity that it has been digitized and cannot be dissected. Otherwise, I really want to change the player into a plug-in for the Book of Records. ’

The player's senses are indeed very magical, and there are no weaknesses. Unless the blood bar returns to zero, the combat effectiveness will always remain at its peak. What is more important is the damage. As long as the enemy's blood bar returns to zero, the opponent will basically die, or even You don't need to hit vital points, you can just do a pedicure to kill the enemy.

This is exactly the method used by "The World Given to God" to fight against the abyss.

The village chief's son was speechless when he heard Wang Linchi's words. What does it mean to be patient? If he could endure this, he would...

Before he could finish thinking about it, he saw a pair of red dots appearing behind the bronze door, and he took a few steps back honestly.

These red dots must be eyes, otherwise they could be something else.

Wang Linchi was not worried at all. He had seen these things a long time ago. They were indeed eyes, but they were not ordinary creatures.

Instead, they were a group of short, strange creatures that looked a bit like goblins or dwarves, but they had been demonized.

They seemed to be in a deep sleep before, but then they all woke up when they felt the breath of people.

[Elite·Abyss Monster·Abyss Dwarf LV15, (2000/2000)]

"Are they all elite monsters?" Wang Linchi looked a little unsightly, and his blood volume was not high, which showed that this group of dwarf monsters named Abyss had probably set their attributes elsewhere.

Sharp sounds came one after another, and the dwarf monster rushed towards them at an extremely fast speed. It had standard equipment of sharp teeth and claws, and had skin like tree bark, and its entire body was dark.

Can jump up to five times their height.

Wang Linchi looked at the overwhelming dwarf monsters coming over and reached out to catch one. As for the others, the Holy Master would deal with them.

This is the first time he has seen a real abyss monster. In the Black Wind Village, the gangsters could only be regarded as demons at best, not abyss monsters. If the master had not interrupted the ceremony, he would have successfully transformed into an abyss. As for the eyes, that should count.

The dwarf monster in his hand kept struggling, and even wanted to bite Wang Linchi fiercely, but Wang Linchi reacted quickly. Not only was he not bitten, but he also slapped the dwarf monster in the face with his backhand. Go ahead and knock this guy out straight away.

Even because he is now a game character, the opponent's health bar was directly knocked out.

‘The special nature of players is sometimes really inconvenient. ’

Wang Linchi directly dissected the dwarf monster on the spot. He had a knife, a skinning knife, a general-purpose off-hand weapon that does not attack, but when collecting animal monsters, there will be an additional drop increase.

This thing has no durability and is almost an artifact. If he hadn't been a game character, he would have used this thing as a shield. I guarantee you won't lose money if you buy over 1,800 of them. It's a pity that no matter how many game characters there are, He just depends on your defensive attributes, which can be considered as gains and losses.


Wang Linchi's dissection behavior naturally caused the dwarf monster to struggle crazily, but after being completely cut down by cards, demon-sealing formations, and copper coin swords, it had no ability to resist at all, and was silenced instead.

The copper coin sword has a 50% chance of silencing demonized enemies when attacking. The abyss monsters are obviously also resettled, so it will definitely count if it is triggered.

With his luck, it will basically trigger 50% of the time.

Unless the enemy has corresponding resistance.

When the dwarf monster's body was cut open, a stench emerged. This time Wang Linchi did not close it, mainly to analyze the situation, such as finding the source of the stench, or what the stench in the dwarf monster's body did.

Since it is a living thing, every organ or smell on the body has a reason for being born, and it is not just a random evolution.

Of course, it's possible that this thing didn't evolve.

When Wang Linchi dissected it, he also discovered that the thing was indeed scrawled.

On the other side, the Holy Lord has killed most of the dwarf monsters and captured three alive. As for the rest, he burned them with one breath to avoid unnecessary impact.

When everyone saw Wang Linchi's condition, they were extremely scared. After all, they cut open a monster, kept reaching out to touch the monster's body, and even looked at the inside of the monster's head.

"It's strange, this thing has no brain." When Wang Linchi opened the head of the dwarf monster, he found that this thing really had no brain in the physical sense. There was only a puddle of liquid-like existence and no solid structure.

However, this pool of liquid is balanced through pressure and has the corresponding functions of the brain. The disadvantage is naturally that it is underdeveloped.

This resulted in the IQ of this group of dwarf monsters being inferior to that of wild beasts, and even their instincts were somewhat incomplete, they just knew how to eat, eat, eat.

'Fortunately, the hunter's knife did no harm, otherwise it would have killed the dwarf monster directly. ’ Wang Linchi glanced at the blood bar on the head of the dwarf monster. During the process of his research, it kept losing blood. The reason for the blood loss was not the anatomy, but the damage caused by Wang Linchi’s game character.

Every action he takes against the Gremlins will be judged as an attack, and then cause fixed damage to the Gremlins.

Wang Linchi didn't have any good solutions to the inflexible behavior of "The World Given to God".

As a rule-abiding person, you simply don’t have enough ability to disobey the rules.

What he has to do now is to find a way to poke a hole in the rules so that he can pass.

Therefore, Abyss, as the mortal enemy of "The World Given to God", will definitely be able to give Wang Linchi corresponding measures.

Otherwise, what would he do if he didn't have time to study the abyss?

"Kill them all and throw them into the storage space." Wang Linchi glanced at the lifeless dwarf monster in his hand. Half of the original health bar was instantly emptied, obviously because he could no longer hold up the experiment.

When the Holy Master heard this, he quickly killed the three dwarf monsters in his hands.

In the game, there is suppression imposed on him by the game system, and there is no way to further study it. He can only sneak back through the storage space.

By the way, you can also check whether this abyss belongs to the "God-Given World".

If it is, it will show a BUG texture just like his Qingyun ink pen. But if it does not belong to it, and there really is a force called the Abyss, then this corpse may actually appear in the real world. The reason why it is said that there is Possibly, because it might be blocked by the wall between virtuality and reality, Wang Linchi needed to find a way to let the corpse pass.

Of the four dwarf monsters, except for the one in Wang Linchi's hands, which he kept in categories before being put into the storage space, the remaining three actually died without any pain and were still very intact.

Place them all in a quiescent area to prevent them from spoiling.

He took some water and washed his hands. His hands were sticky, and the black liquid on his hands was the remnants of the Gremlin's blood and brain fluid.

"Oh, if only you were Basha, you could spit some water for me." Wang Linchi looked at the Holy Master, this guy can only breathe fire.

If he could spit out water, it would save him a lot of trouble in the future.

Thinking about it again, the soul world is indeed deformed enough. Mental power is still in the basic stage of use. External interference requires soul skills and soul seeds. There is not even an energy system, let alone the use of various elements, awakening They are all a group of fighting maniacs whose brains are all about muscles.

"Master, please take those four little demons..." the village chief's son asked with some fear.

"Little evil devil? This is not a little evil devil. This is at best the evil devil's grandson." Wang Linchi interrupted the other party.

The so-called little evil monsters are naturally BOSS-level abyss monsters. This group of dwarf monsters are just elite monsters, so how can they be considered as such?

"But we can indeed see this little evil devil."

Wang Linchi took a look at the underground palace, and found that it was not difficult at all. In essence, it seemed to be some kind of formation against abyssal monsters, just like the demon-sealing formation in Nanling Village, but with different effects.

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