Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 227 Underground Palace BOSS·Alienated Dwarf Demon King

After dealing with the dwarf monster, Wang Linchi began to look at the entire underground palace.

The underground palace is actually very empty, but it is very large. According to Wang Linchi's estimate, the area is about the same as Nanling Village.

‘Is it possible for a dwarf monster to carve out such a large underground palace in the mountains? ’

There are many pillars standing on the entire underground palace. There are incomprehensible patterns on these pillars. There are also similar connecting patterns on the floor and ceiling of the underground palace.

‘A large formation? ’

Wang Linchi soon discovered that these patterns were somewhat similar to the Demon Sealing Formation, but unfortunately Wang Linchi could not decipher what these patterns were used for.

Soon, the mage's remains were found, located near the center of the underground palace.

It has become a withered skeleton this morning, but it seems to have been demonized?

[Demonized Suppressing Magician Dry Bones LV30,? ? ? 】

Wang Linchi was a little bit confused, why is this level 30? Although it is not even an elite monster, this level is too outrageous.

As the person approached, the dead bones of the magician began to move.

This group of demonized creatures and abyss monsters seem to have a certain sensing range. If a person does not enter this range, they will be alarmed even if they are dancing around, but if they enter the range, even if there is no movement, they will be noticed.

"Master... Master, your ancestor has moved." The village chief's son felt that all the frights he had in his life would be used up today.

"Can you speak? What does it mean that the ancestors moved? This means going home and taking a look." Wang Linchi complained.

As for the withered bones of the town magician, Wang Linchi didn't care at all. It was only level 30. If he had brought a BOSS template, he would have turned around and ran away, but unfortunately he didn't.

Regardless of the fact that the health value is a question mark, it is simply because Wang Linchi is not at a high level, so he cannot see it.

The Holy Lord emerged and smashed the opponent's skull into pieces with one punch.

However, this did not stop the magician Dry Bones. The opponent seemed to have retained some of his skills or abilities in life. He started casting spells as soon as he got started, but the speed was much slower, probably because he was dead.

Naturally, the Holy Master would not just watch the other person read the message and directly tear it in half, not horizontally, but vertically.

After this move, the opponent directly failed to cast the spell, and seemed to have suffered a backlash. Both parts of his body exploded, and bones flew everywhere.

Wang Linchi originally thought that this thing had a strong vitality and would not die even if it was turned into bone parts. However, it turned out that the body was too fragmented and died directly. He was reminded by experience.

On the other side, the Holy Master came over with a book. There was no name on the cover. It was a diary.

It was obviously written by the sorcerer during his lifetime, but I don't know how true this diary is. After all, most serious people don't keep diaries.

Opening the diary and starting to check it, the Holy Master stood aside and warned.

Wang Linchi glanced at ten lines, and after reading it, he looked a little bit "fucked".

‘Hey, there is indeed something wrong with the guide on the forum. ’

This magician came to Nanling Village and even helped suppress the evil demon. In fact, it was all fake. The real purpose was to seize the power of the abyss demon and make himself a real magician.

There are two types of mages, one is demon-suppressing, which is a serious way of subduing demons and eliminating demons, and the other is true demon, which abandons the human body and turns into an abyss monster, enjoying immortal lifespan, powerful power, etc. .

This underground palace is the demonic formation of the true magician.

As for why he knew this, it was naturally because the great demonization formation was built by the Withered Bone Mage and his teacher. His teacher was far superior to him in the means of suppressing demons, so he also enslaved some of the dwarf monsters.

The person who transformed himself into an abyss monster through the demonization formation in the underground palace was actually his teacher, and he came here to kill people and steal goods.

That's right, the evil demon under Nanling Village is the teacher of the Suppressing Magician, the true magician who successfully transformed into an abyssal monster.

'That's not right. Although he arrived a step late, his teacher has been successfully transformed. So how did this magician die? ’

Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this. First of all, he succeeded. Then he only needed to extract the power of his teacher and transform himself into a true magician.

How could he die when everything was going so well?

The doubts that came to my mind were answered instantly.

"There are other things in the underground palace!"

Wang Linchi's words shocked everyone, and then they scanned the entire underground palace and raised their eyes to the ceiling.

A big skinned rat was chewing a person silently. It was Qing Zhuang who followed him into the underground palace.

[BOSS·Abyss Monster·Alienated Dwarf Demon King LV20, HP: (1000000/1000000)】

"I have a million blood!!!" Wang Linchi couldn't help but cursed. This thing was too outrageous.

The skinless muscles on the back of the alienated dwarf devil formed a strange face, and he looked at Wang Linchi with a half-smile.

Wang Linchi's heart felt cold. The difficulty of the abyss was indeed abnormal.

The level 20 boss has one million blood, so how strong must the real magician who enslaved this alienated dwarf demon be?

Blood volume may not sometimes represent attack power, but it definitely represents strength.

He was certain that the face behind the alienated dwarf devil was the real magician sealed under Nanling Village. The other party seemed to be able to control the alienated dwarf devil to a certain extent.

The alienated dwarf devil gnawed off the person in his hand in two or two bites, and then crawled on the ceiling. In the blink of an eye, he turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the other young man.

It was quiet during this period, without any movement, and at an extremely fast speed.

If he hadn't met the Holy Master, Wang Linchi wouldn't have been able to react.

The battle between the Holy Lord and the alienated dwarf demon king was extremely fast. Wang Linchi could only see that the Holy Lord's health bar had been riding a roller coaster, rising and falling, rising and falling again.

It's not that there is no good news, that is, the defense and health recovery of this alienated dwarf demon seem to be extremely poor, and its attack power is not high.

The attacks falling on the Holy Lord can only be reduced by about 3% at most, which cannot reach the limit of 5%. However, its attack speed is very fast. Even in the third stage of the original master, the frequency is not as high as that of the alienated dwarf devil.

Moreover, this alienated dwarf devil seems to have no skills, and may have been silenced, so he cannot release his skills.

"Apart from the high blood volume and fast attack, it seems a bit inconsistent with the name of BOSS." Wang Linchi muttered in a low voice, and then looked back.

"It's sloppy..."

Just now, all his attention was attracted by the alienated dwarf demon king. When he came back to his senses and took another look, the people who followed him had all turned into a pile of blood wax.

Mainly because they didn't say anything before, Wang Linchi got used to it, and as a result, he couldn't call Wang Linchi even until his death.

The blood wax is boiling and has a tendency to melt further.

[Demonized Human Wax LV1, HP: (1/1)]

Wang Linchi casually added a strategy to this thing. The blood wax exploded directly, and a large number of human body parts burst out. It also emitted a unique smell, which was said to be the smell of blood, but it had the smell of burning after burning. It also has a unique incense.

The smell spreads and spreads.

The alienated dwarf devil also smelled it, and then the skinless muscles began to squirm, and the face on his back also twisted. But if you look carefully, the face seemed to be sucking the smell, and it also showed enjoyment. appearance.

Then, the alienated dwarf demon king abandoned the holy master and rushed behind Wang Linchi. His flexible long tail with a bone blade directly rolled up a puddle of human wax and stuffed it into his big mouth. Inside, I swallowed it without even chewing.

After eating a puddle of human wax, Wang Linchi clearly saw a layer of fine hair starting to grow on the other person's muscles.

Wang Linchi released the civil war strategy without hesitation and began to destroy the human wax. Anyone with a discerning eye could see this. The alienated dwarf demon king could improve his condition or further evolve by swallowing the human wax.

If skin and hair really grow, then maybe the opponent's original weakness of low defense and weak attack will be made up for.

"Ah!" As the human wax was destroyed, the alienated dwarf devil turned back and stared at Wang Linchi fiercely.

The next moment, he was heading towards him to kill him.

But the Holy Lord appeared again and blocked the path of the alienated dwarf demon king.

Wang Linchi was not idle at this time. He continued to use the skills of the scholar to weaken the alienated dwarf demon king and strengthen the holy master. He also added some combat strategies from time to time. Although the damage was dispensable, it was still somewhat useful.

'It seems that when the player's group was wiped out, they did not bring cannon fodder, but the player was directly turned into human wax. ’

The NPC human wax is level 1. If the player becomes a human wax, he must be at least level 20. After all, this is a level 20 dungeon.

If the alienated dwarf devil eats a puddle of level 20 human wax, it may not be able to grow full fur on the spot. If it eats more, it will not only make up for the defects, but may also increase its full strength.

What's more, the alienated dwarf demon king doesn't necessarily have to eat human wax, and the same goes for eating people.

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