Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 229 The true magic method, data deletion in the game system

"If you want to talk about damage, you have to be an old fox who has lived a long time."

[Pollution·True Magic Method]

[Type: Mission Item]

[After holding, all attributes -50%]

This copy of the true magic method is what Wang Linchi obtained from the underground palace and Nanling Village.

If there is only half of the underground palace, it is indeed half of the demon-suppressing inheritance. As a mission item, it can have additional effects on demonized enemies. But if combined with the remaining half, it can directly become a true magic method, and it also has Got polluted.

Fortunately, "God's Gift World" is not a vegetarian. It will appear fair when playing non-abyss difficulty copies, but when facing the abyss, it will naturally favor players.

Wang Linchi can directly hand over this mission item to "God-Given World" in exchange for 10,000 abyss crystals. After handing it in, this true magic method will be deleted from all the suspicions in Lingnan Village.

However, Wang Linchi did not hand it over immediately, but memorized it first.

During this process, the game system has been urging Wang Linchi to hand it in. It can be determined that this is very important to the game system and may be a loophole in Nanling Village.

It can be seen from this that "God's World" does not have as much control over the dungeons of various abyss difficulty as Wang Linchi imagined.

Fortunately, I can understand it. If I really want to be able to control everything, I don’t need the help of players.

I quickly went through the memory and then chose to hand it over.

After this inheritance disappeared, 10,000 abyss crystals arrived simultaneously, and a system reminder appeared.

[This is a non-stop update...]

There were quite a few repairs, but Wang Linchi saw one of the most inconspicuous update items at a glance.

[Repair the invalid items that appeared due to BUG in the Nanling Village Suspense and Abyss difficulty: Contamination and True Magic Method. All players who are currently in the copy of this difficulty will receive 100 abyss crystals as compensation]

As for other restoration projects, they may be real or fake, but Wang Linchi doesn't care too much.

Wang Linchi also had a share of these one hundred abyss crystals and received them directly.

"As long as one player achieves it, can the game system directly synchronize all parallel developments of the copy through this data?"

"This is indeed a very good idea. Players can fail countless times, but as long as the players succeed once, the game system can use the data of this success like a virus to cover all failures."

Wang Linchi watched the underground palace behind him slowly disappear. It had been forcibly deleted. Not only was the real magic method in his hand, it seemed to have used the Suspicious Cloud copy data of Nanling Village where Wang Linchi was located, and other parallel In the dungeon, there are probably underground palaces and dwarf monsters. The alienated dwarf devil and so on were all disappeared.

As for the real magician's face, I'm afraid he will also be forcibly wiped away.

Wang Linchi went to the southern valley to find the real demon-suppressing inheritance based on the information that the real magician had left for him. On the other hand, he opened the forum.

Sure enough, a player posted a message saying that he was kicked out of the underground palace when he was farming the corpse of a dwarf demon, and that he was missing a monster farming spot.

They can't defeat the elite monsters and bosses such as the dwarf monsters and the alienated dwarf monsters inside, but they can still defeat the demonized corpse at the entrance of the underground palace, not even the elite monsters. If the players can't defeat them, why are they still playing the game? .

Therefore, after completing the seal, you will turn around and brush a wave before leaving, and you can gain experience and some abyss crystals.

Of course, this may turn a one-hour speedrun into two hours, but the amount of Abyss Crystals obtained will be greater.

There was no cursing in the post, but I didn’t expect that the underground palace would be a BUG.

Then some game clubs and studios spoke out. The mission items they had also disappeared and were deleted directly.

This made them very unhappy. After all, half of the demon-suppressing inheritance was a mission item with positive effects, but the game system did not think about optimizing it, but directly uprooted it.

In other places, Wang Linchi might think that this was a one-size-fits-all approach, but here, Wang Linchi felt that it was more likely to pursue the victory.

The mission item formed by half of the demon-suppressing inheritance and leaving the true magician in a disabled state for life must be the latter. This can greatly reduce the strength of the true magician and allow players to better kill the opponent.

Otherwise, once the true magician breaks out of the seal and the face on the alienated dwarf devil's back becomes one again, the harm will be even greater.

However, the players don't understand, they only know that they have lost some money.

"Having said that, no one is maintaining "God's World", not even customer service." Wang Linchi looked at the forum, which was in a mess.

Because of this incident, many people began to set the pace on the forum. This was not the case with Yin Bing. The account number was one per person, unlike on the Internet where one person could have hundreds or thousands of accounts, and could also use scripts to automatically hang up.

There is a real-name system in "God's Gift World". After binding, you cannot have a second account, and the character cannot be deleted.

Therefore, if the Yin soldiers lead a lot of rhythm, or even post some inconsistent things, they will be recognized at a glance. More importantly, there is a character level in front of the account. You must have enough character level to lead the rhythm. Otherwise, it would be very obvious if a group of level 1 accounts were setting the pace.

If you don’t play the game and just follow the rhythm, no matter how many posts you post in the forum, there won’t be as many posts as normal people.

"It's probably going to be noisy for a while. After all, one resource point is gone."

"However, Nanling Village Suspicious Cloud is not the only one that speeds through the dungeon to gain resources. I will probably change the dungeon later if I feel that I am losing money."

Wang Linchi didn't pay much attention to what happened on the forum. With so many people in the world, it was normal for things to be chaotic.

"We're here, it should be this valley."

After closing the discussion on the forum, he looked towards the valley not far away.

I have to say that the other party is really good at choosing a place. It is surrounded by mountains and water. Except for the fact that it is prone to landslides and mudslides when it rains heavily, it is actually quite good.

Looking from a distance, you can see the beautiful mountains and clear waters. It is simply a good place to live in seclusion.

"This dungeon seems to have no boundaries?" Wang Linchi looked at the valley and suddenly remembered that if this was really the case, then there seemed to be no need for him to be limited to the Nanling Mountains and he could explore the wider world.

As soon as the idea came up, he tried searching on the forum.

"Ah, this... has a border. It doesn't look like it, but it's actually an air wall inlaid with textures." Wang Linchi quickly searched for the corresponding post.

There are a lot of weird players, and someone will definitely explore them.

"Yeah, I thought there were other ways to play, but I didn't expect it was still limited here."

Wang Linchi sighed and then headed into the valley.

"After walking for so long, the Lingnan Mountains are so unreasonable. There are only flowers, plants and trees, and not a single animal or insect. I guess if it wasn't so bare, there might not be any plants at all."

"However, there should be a computational cost issue with plants and animals and insects. After all, these two things can move and require additional computing power, and will also lead to various strange operations." Wang Linchi discovered that the copy and the real world The difference is that the ecosystem is simply fake.

"There is no need for an ecosystem to restart every three days. Players do not need to eat or drink water. The NPC natives have prepared food, and if the task is not solved, they will not need too much food."

"The cost is really saving. No wonder there are some system loopholes."

Wang Linchi quickly entered the valley and started looking for the inheritance location according to the clues.

The place of inheritance is still very hidden. The other party leaves it to his own heirs, not to his apprentices.

He suspected that the master and disciple had a falling out over the inheritance. The master wanted to leave the true inheritance to his son, but the disciple was naturally unwilling to do so, so he stabbed the master in the back.

Wang Linchi didn't care what the truth looked like. What he cared more about was that he had found the entrance to the inheritance.

After the other party transformed into the abyss monster and true magician, he no longer cared about his children or apprentices, but became a terrifying inhuman existence.

"It took too long and the entrance door lock broke?" Looking at the hidden entrance, Wang Linchi opened it according to the method provided by the face. The process went smoothly, except that the door did not open.

"It's really unreliable. This guy didn't even think that it would break after too long, or he thought his son had already taken the stuff away..."

Wang Linchi complained and directly summoned the Holy Lord.

He must get this inheritance today. It doesn't matter if the process strategy fails. He can use physical strategies to achieve his goals. The process is not important, what matters to him is the result.

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