Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 230 Identity props· Demon-suppressing inheritance

"So why does he think this thing can stop me for three days, or does he simply want to fool me?"

Wang Linchi looked at the inheritance location that was in disarray by the Holy Master, and he had already obtained the things.

[Demon-suppressing inheritance]

[Type: Identity props]

[Stored in the inventory, each time you enter the Abyss difficulty dungeon, you will automatically obtain the identity of the Suppressing Magician. The reputation of all non-demonized forces in the dungeon will be raised to respect. When using the identity, you can use negative, debuff, control and other skill effects on demonized enemies. Increased by 100%, causing an additional 100% final damage to demonized enemies]

[Tip: This prop can only be obtained once, is bound to the character, cannot be sold, cannot be dropped, cannot be discarded, cannot be destroyed, and does not occupy the inventory]

[Tip: When you have multiple identity props, you can choose your own identity when entering the Abyss difficulty dungeon]

This thing is not a mission item, but an identity prop. It doesn't even require clearing the mission. Like the Abyss Crystal, you can bring out the copy as long as you obtain it.

"Wait a minute, it wasn't modified by the game system to target the abyss."

Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter. It might have been really difficult in the past, but after the underground palace was uprooted, it also affected the inheritance and directly turned into welfare benefits for players.

Of course, there is also a need to come in. Once you arrive, you need to use brute force to open the entrance...

"Holy shit, couldn't it be that the corresponding quest line has actually been generated in Nanling Village, and it can be opened without brute force?" Wang Linchi felt a little shit.

But since Wang Linchi has already obtained it, it doesn't matter what the quest line is.

"No wonder it's called the Suppressing Magician. All the methods recorded in the inheritance are methods of suppressing evil spirits, including seals, formations, imprisonment, and imprisonment."

"There's just no way to kill him."

The first half of this demon-suppressing inheritance is exactly the same as the one in the underground palace, but the real difference is the second half.

"It's just that the suppressing magicians don't live long. Not only are they likely to die at the hands of evil spirits, but every time they suppress evil spirits, it is a devastation to their bodies. The more powerful the suppressing magicians are, the more fragile their bodies are."

"Correspondingly, every time you suppress evil spirits, you will be rewarded by heaven and earth, but this reward is really worthless."

Wang Linchi finally understood that the person who claimed to be the strongest magician would turn into a real magician. Firstly, he would gain more than he lost by suppressing the evil, and secondly, his lifespan would be near.

The rewards do not include lifespan. Destroying the body will inevitably affect lifespan, so magicians use their lives to suppress evil spirits.

Naturally, some people want to live longer.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect that the human Suppressing Magician and the Abyss Monster True Magician come from the same origin. The first half of their inheritance is exactly the same, and then they part ways in the second half. Even the Suppressing Magician can easily transform into the Abyss Monster True Magician. , and true magicians can also use more powerful magic-suppressing magic to deal with humans and other magic-suppressing magicians."

Wang Linchi didn't expect that things would develop like this, but it didn't matter. The two inheritances of the Suppressing Magician and the True Magician were already in his hands.

"Next, as long as I get the body of the abyss monster, the true magician, I will be sure to create a cheating device for the game." Wang Linchi is not a law-abiding person, and he will definitely not let it go if there is a shortcut.

"Unfortunately, I am just a game character here, and there is no way to become a magician."

If it were an aboriginal NPC, it would be a lot of problems to suppress the magician. However, if it were a game character, it would be equivalent to a control mage and specialize in demonized enemies.

Although the Suppressing Magician is weak, the Suppressing Magic is not in vain. Even the once most powerful Suppressing Magician was suppressed by the Suppressing Magic after he turned into an abyss monster.

It's kind of funny when you think about it.

After cleaning up, Wang Linchi left the valley and rushed back towards Nanling Village.

He spent nearly twelve hours doing this one after another, and the demonization of Nanling Village should have begun.

When we returned to the village entrance, we saw a group of people holding lanterns, torches and other lighting objects in anticipation.

The three people who stayed at the entrance of the underground palace and the people who died in the underground palace were also deleted, probably because of data correction.

"Master, you are finally back." The village chief hurriedly came over and asked with concern: "Did your trip to get the magic weapon go smoothly?"

"It didn't go well, but I did get the things. Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life." When Wang Linchi came back before, he did not alert others. Instead, he quietly entered the village, took the things and left quietly, so the people in the village Most people didn't even know that Wang Linchi had come back.

"By the way, are the young people in the village complete?" Wang Linchi asked. He was asking the group of people whose data had been deleted.

"It's all ready. I asked the young men in the village to help the mage before, but you refused. Now everyone is recharging their energy, waiting for the mage to give the order." The village chief didn't have any questions and directly took the photo. I'm waiting for you to speak with my breasts covered.

Wang Linchi understood immediately that the matter of the aborigines whose data had been deleted had obviously been resolved, either by refilling the data or by correcting the copies.

Wang Linchi prefers the latter.

"The first day is about to pass. There must be someone in the village who has been contaminated by evil spirits and has their minds deceived. They should be found as soon as possible to avoid being disrupted by evil spirits." After Wang Linchi had the identity tool of the Demon Suppressing Inheritance, He has changed from a fake and shoddy magician to a real magician.

Therefore, the reputation of Nanling Village has turned into respect, so the village chief will focus on Wang Linchi in everything.

When he first arrived in the morning, he would have regarded him as a liar. Even if the deception was successful, he would not have dared to let Wang Linchi go alone and would have to send someone to monitor him.

It's not like now, the other party agrees to whatever Wang Linchi says and actively cooperates.

"Have you heard this? Let everyone gather in the center of the village. It is about everyone's lives. You must not be careless." The village chief shouted to the back, and then received the shouts of everyone.

Then they dispersed.

"Master, you have been busy all day. You must be hungry. I will ask someone to bring you something to eat." The village chief said, and asked someone to bring some more food, including white flour steamed buns, meat and vegetables, and There is wine, and it seems that it is not something that their village can afford.

"No hurry, let's go to the center of the village first. Tell me what you did today." Wang Linchi did not take it. He was not reincarnated by a starving ghost. He must be focused on the mission.

"Let's eat and walk, just listen." Village said, passing a big steamed bun to Wang Linchi, and then said: "I have sealed the ancestral hall today, and asked everyone to..."

The village chief had considered everything thoroughly. For the sake of his own life, he even sealed the ancestral hall. No stubborn old man jumped out to resist and said that the ancestral hall was important. Secondly, he had to restrain everyone and other matters.

It can only be said that the village chief is indeed a capable person, not just a loser.

"Yes, you are much more thoughtful than me." Wang Linchi naturally did not hesitate to praise him. The village chief did consider more than him. He is not from Nanling Village, or even from this world, so in the plan, there is no Instead of considering the survival of the entire village, the village chief took everything into consideration for himself.

"Whether I take it seriously or not, that's what I should do." The village chief responded to Wang Linchi's compliment humbly, as this was normal human sophistication.

The gathering of the villagers was completed quickly, mainly because the number of people was small and they had been prepared in advance, so they naturally came at a moment's notice.

Wang Linchi observed the problems of the villagers through his soul vision.

"You, you, you, and you." Wang Linchi pointed at a dozen people in succession, and then said: "You come out."

The person whose name was called was naturally panicked, but he stood up honestly.

"The pollution is not deep, and there is still a chance to save it. You follow my instructions, first..." Wang Linchi started to ask them to carry out the method of eradicating evil pollution according to the demon-suppressing inheritance. Wang Linchi wanted to help, but the problem was It can't be helped, and it's not the real body, so it can be replaced with mental power.

As a game character, mana can only be used to release skills and cannot be mobilized by him at all.

"I don't know whether it will succeed or not. You can only do your best. After all, I don't have much confidence in the strength of this evil spirit."

"Besides that, what else do you..."

Wang Linchi asked everyone to set up multiple formations, including demon suppression, demon control, demon banning, etc., and even a peripheral demon sealing formation. As for whether it could succeed, he could only give it a try.

If he succeeds, he will be able to kill the abyss monster, the true magician, more easily.

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