Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 231 Is the BOSS’ health value filled in randomly? ? ?

‘Are the restrictions so strict? ’

Wang Linchi looked at the various large formations that had no effect. It seemed that "God's World" did not want players to come into contact with the extraordinary power related to the abyss.

So everything is isolated. Even if it is made according to the method in the demon-suppressing inheritance, what it makes is just an empty frame, and it is not recognized by the game system, so there is no way to artificially create mission props.

"Master, do you think it's effective?" the village chief asked anxiously.

"It has no effect. The influence of this evil spirit is too powerful." Wang Linchi sighed.

This made everyone's hearts sink, and the village chief was also anxious: "What should we do? Are you sure?"

"We are still sure. Don't worry, these things are just the icing on the cake. It doesn't matter whether they are there or not." Wang Linchi also comforted him.

This is true, his behavior is simply a matter of beating three poles if there are dates but no dates.

If it succeeds, everyone will be happy. If it fails, it will be a BUG failure at best.

If you want to create the corresponding props, I'm afraid it's not possible to rub them out with bare hands. You also need to be certified by the corresponding occupations and skills, otherwise it will just be a superficial thing.

Wang Linchi suspected that this was not a restriction, but protection.

The power of the abyss may be able to contaminate players through some channel.

"That's good, that's good. We've almost done it. Do you think there's anything else we need?" The village chief looked at Wang Linchi eagerly, meaning that if there's anything else to prepare, let's continue. If not, you, old man, It's time to deal with this evil.

Their attitude towards Wang Linchi was indeed respectful, but that didn't mean they wouldn't urge him, even if they said so in a tactful way, after all, their lives and fortunes were at stake.

Wang Linchi nodded: "I'll start right away. The next step will be to fight the evil spirits. The affected area may be a bit large. You all should evacuate Nanling Village as far away as possible. I will take action in ten minutes."

"You can't support yourself alone, why not..." The village chief meant to leave some people to help.

But before he finished speaking, Wang Linchi interrupted: "No, stay here to get in my way."

What if this group of people becomes the BOSS’s blood pack?

What's more, he plans to open the seal himself later and put together a complete demon-sealing formation. If they see this, their favorability will directly drop from respect to hatred, and they may backstab him.

"The Master is righteous, and we will follow the Master's wishes." The village chief didn't say anything, and then he led the people and ran towards the outside of the village.

Wang Linchi squatted down and started reading.

There is really no need for him to do it himself, the game system will do it for him.

Anyway, just a progress bar appears, saying that it is being unblocked, and then a percentage appears.

It took ten minutes for the progress bar to finish running, so Wang Linchi said he would give them ten minutes to evacuate the village.

Ten minutes is enough. The old and the young sit on the cart, and the young and strong push directly in relay. The speed is still very fast.

The ten-minute reading was over quickly, the seal was unlocked, and countless black clouds filled the air instantly.

Wang Linchi didn't care about this at this time, but immediately opened the demon-sealing formation to check the attributes. After all, it was the Holy Master who dealt with the true magician, not him.

【Demon Sealing Formation】

[Type: Mission Item]

[Stored in the inventory, releases an area with a covering radius of (level × 10) meters. Within the area, all attributes of demonized enemies are -20%, health recovery -50%, mana recovery -50%, skill cooldown +50%, casting speed -50%, demonized enemies have a 10% chance of double consumption of mana when releasing skills, demonized enemies have a 10% chance of burning mana when attacked]

"Damn it, this thing is awesome." Wang Linchi saw the effect of this demon-sealing formation, which made the magic-type demonized enemies extremely uncomfortable.

"Damn ants, how dare you..." As soon as the real magician came out, he roared and poured out a large number of spells.

It was just a little embarrassing, as the opponent's first wave of attacks all landed in the open space.

Someone on the forum has already summarized how to avoid the first wave of mana coverage. In fact, it is very simple. That is, the position where the true magician's reading bar is released must be selected well. If it is selected correctly, it will not appear in front of the true magician. But behind.

As soon as the opponent comes out, he will release a large number of spells instantly, without even looking at where you are.

The Holy Master immediately backstabbed, directly triggering the mana-burning effect. Wang Linchi also threw out all the skills he could throw. The scholar's skills provided buffs to the Holy Master and debuffs to the true magician. In addition, the negative, debuff and other effects of the demon-suppressing inheritance were doubled, which caught the true magician by surprise.

"Very good, beat me to death." Wang Linchi has also been throwing the skill of Civil War Strategies at True Magician, mainly because he only has such a high-attack skill. Even if other skills have attack effects, then It's just an auxiliary, more of a functional effect.

Although the true magician was given the upper hand and was beaten a little embarrassed, it did not affect his strength.

"Damn little thief, pay me back..." The real magician turned around and saw Wang Linchi hiding far away and attacking him all the time. The Holy Lord's punches and physical damage did not make him angry, but his anger had just risen. , a little confused, what did he want Wang Linchi to give him in return?

‘Damn it, the game system cannot completely delete the memory of the abyss monster! ’ Wang Linchi knew why. It was just to be shameless with him. However, after the data was deleted, there was no way to know, but some instincts were still left.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter what it is. If I kill you, I can get it back." The true magician stretched out his hand to easily block the Holy Lord's attack. His face without facial features squirmed, and then his whole body became like rubber. Keep rising.

It was still a bit human-like at first, but now its limbs are slender, and even its neck extends like a plesiosaur. When it reaches out, a large number of black claws like centipedes emerge.

Wang Linchi looked at his blood volume and looked a little bit "f*ck". He hadn't even reached half of his blood yet, so why did he directly enter the second stage?

True magicians at this stage have the ability to cast multiple spells and are also good at close combat. Even the frequency of spell casting has increased nearly ten times.

Then a large number of spells bombarded him.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi also ran away to avoid the attack. The Holy Master was not afraid at all. He carried a large number of spells that fell on him, and the attacks continued to fall on the true magician.

As for Wang Linchi, he has been using the recovery skill of Blue Blood Painting to refresh the blood of the Holy Lord from a distance.

The Holy Lord's health once again entered a roller coaster state, falling and rising, rising and falling again. The real magician was a little confused by the ups and downs.

And then... the real magician failed.

His mana has bottomed out, making him unable to cast spells.

The reason is very simple. The Demon Sealed Domain reduces his mana recovery by 50%. Secondly, releasing the mage has a 10% double consumption. In addition, when attacking, there is a 10% probability of burning mana of the same damage and the Holy Lord's own drain. Soul Devouring also has the effect of absorbing mana. If this continues, no one will be empty of mana if he doesn't have it.

The main reason is that the Holy Master has fast and high attacks, and the effect of burning mana and absorbing mana is strong enough. Otherwise, if it were other players, it would not be possible for the real magician to be empty of mana so quickly.

However, the true magician without blue is not something that ordinary players can deal with.

"You... Damn it!!!" The true magician roared and rushed towards the Holy Lord. Since he couldn't release the spell, he naturally resorted to hand-to-hand combat.

Without the threat of spells, the danger level of a true magician to the Holy Master has been greatly reduced.

It's true that the opponent has more hands behind his back, but that doesn't mean he will win if he has more hands. There is a huge gap in physical attack power compared to spell attacks.

At least Holy Lord's current health roller coaster is a bit slow. Unlike before, a spell can trigger at least 5% of Ka Mei's health limit, and physical attacks can only trigger 1% or less.

"Why can't you die honestly and you have to fight against me!" The real magician seemed to have a brain problem and yelled such a strange question.

"Why can't you die? You have to block my way." Wang Linchi came up and yelled, and added a strategy to the real magician, which directly triggered the re-release of LV10 calligraphy and gave him two hair.

[BOSS·Abyss Monster·True Magician LV20, health value (2301506/5000000)]

'What the hell, this health bar is randomly marked, five million...' Wang Linchi complained in his heart. He really didn't look carefully before and thought it was half a million, but the string of zeros left him speechless. .

Fortunately, the Holy Master is powerful enough, with all twelve spells activated, plus the mission items and cards for demonized enemies, he has now knocked out more than half of the opponent's health.

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