Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 232 Killing, Suppressing Magician’s Notes

When the real magician's health dropped to only one million, the opponent finally entered the third stage.

At this stage, no player has ever beaten it. The highest record is in the second stage, and then was destroyed by the True Magician Group after the transformation.

"Ant, you don't understand the greatness of the abyss at all." The true magician's voice was filled with madness, and black clouds began to escape crazily from his body, wrapping his lower body, looking like a man with a large number of centipedes growing on his back. A dark version of the Djinn with legs.

The next moment, the health value that originally only had one million left began to rise crazily. At the same time, a large number of spells were also thrown out by the opponent.

Entering the third stage not only enhanced his strength, it even allowed him to recover. Wang Linchi didn't know how much of his mana was restored and didn't show it, but his health was restored to four million.

‘The spell frequency is so fast, I wonder if the Holy Master can hold on. ’ Wang Linchi has been brushing blood for the Holy Master, but he doesn’t know the specific situation.

The main reason is that he doesn't dare to show up. He is not as thick-skinned as the Holy Master. If he is really bombarded by spells when he shows up, he will probably fail before he can save him.

The mana this time was much stronger than the last time, and all the mana was lost without being beaten by the Holy Master.

‘It won’t be that the third stage can restore mana faster. ’ Wang Linchi felt a little cold in his heart as he felt the non-stop spells outside.

If this is the case, there may not be much chance of winning.

Fortunately, his health recovery has not increased, otherwise he would really be unable to resist.

The bombing lasted for about ten minutes. The Holy Master could withstand it and Wang Linchi ran fast. If it were other players, they would have been sent out of the dungeon as early as ten seconds ago.

"It's empty again, good news!" Wang Linchi was very happy, at least he wasn't casting unlimited spells.

After the true magician ran out of mana, the situation once again returned to the previous situation where the Holy Master suppressed the opponent.

Wang Linchi breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the real magician's mana would be strong again.

"Who is that? Didn't you say that you want me to see the greatness of the abyss? Why did it fail?" Wang Linchi stretched out half of his body, looked at the real magician's health, and said provocatively.

This made the real magician even more angry, but because of the magic system, he was forced to attack physically and was still pestered by the Holy Master. Otherwise, he would have rushed over to have close contact with Wang Linchi as soon as possible.

‘There is still one third of the blood volume, this thing is really durable. ’ Wang Linchi cursed in his heart, but when he turned around, he saw a fireball hitting him.

He turned around and ran away without hesitation. Although he still didn't have time to dodge, it directly cost him 5% of his health.

"Grandson, if you have the ability, continue." Wang Linchi perked up when he saw this.

He seemed to be losing money, but in fact he was not losing at all. The real magician probably spent a lot of time saving up the mana to release the fireball technique, forcing the opponent to use it to save the money.

For Wang Linchi, no matter how high your damage is, it will only be 5%. With his recovery efficiency, he can recover in the next second.

The real magician was so angry that he was itching his teeth. Unfortunately, he had no more mana. He had just recovered when the Holy Master punched him and it was empty again.

"Sneaking around is nothing!" The real magician said clumsily.

But Wang Linchi didn't care at all: "With a heretic like you, there's no need to talk about moral principles. I've always gone to school side by side."

When he started to madly turn on the trolling mode and continuously attacked the real magician personally, the opponent's health dropped to less than 500,000.

"Just wait for me, we are not done with this matter." Although the real magician wanted to peel Wang Linchi's skin and cramps, the fact was that he could not break through the entanglement of the professional bodyguard Holy Lord, and was even suppressed to the point where he was about to be killed by the Holy Lord. The main level of death.

So the first thing I did was to say harsh words and run away.

Once he is out of the scope of the Demon-Sealing Formation and the Holy Lord's continuous attacks, it only takes five minutes for him to fully recover. Then he will come back and let Wang Linchi see what cruelty is.

Black cloud wings appeared behind him, and he immediately spread his wings to fly away, preparing to escape.

As a result, the Holy Master directly jumped, floated, and charged with flight, knocking the real magician who had just taken off back to the ground.

"You're stupid, I can fly." Wang Linchi mocked.

Holy Lord does run on two legs on the ground on weekdays, but it doesn't mean that he can only run.

The mentality of a real magician is going to explode. You two are too shady, you know how to do everything.

"Ah! You will definitely die today!!!" The real magician rushed towards Wang Linchi. Look at this look. If Wang Linchi is not killed, he will not rest in peace even if he dies.

As a result, he didn't even take two steps before he was dragged back by the Holy Lord.

"Hit me, come on." Wang Linchi continued to provoke and provoke hatred in a cowardly manner.

This is not a meaningless thing. As long as the opponent's attention is on him, the opponent will not have enough ability to prevent the Holy Lord's attacks, and the attacks received will be greatly increased, and the faster his health will drop.

Commonly known as losing one's sense of proportion.

‘After being locked up for a long time, my mentality and rationality have been greatly weakened. This is probably the only weakness of a true magician. ’

In terms of skills and attributes, the real magician really has nothing to say. Under the spell wash, even if the player can figure out and avoid the opponent's open attack, the second wave of spell wash, except for top players and wealthy players, basically No player can handle it.

However, these two types of players can only reach the second stage at best, not the second stage of empty blue.

"Wait, if you have something to say, we can talk about it."

When the health value dropped to only 100,000, the real magician panicked. He couldn't escape or kill. He was about to be beaten to death, so he immediately thought of giving in. .

"It's okay, he beat him up, let's talk about ours, but you have to hurry up, because we will run out of time." Wang Linchi came up and said this.

The true magician felt that these words sounded familiar, had he heard it somewhere?

"I can give it to you……"


[Your summons killed...]

Before the true magician could speak, he was beaten to death by the Holy Lord. It was still a step too late, and the abyss crystals exploded all over the place.

"Oh, if you want to talk, you should have talked earlier. You have to be stuck. Now it's better. Let's die." Wang Linchi complained, and then started to pick up abyss crystals. There must be at least 10,000 abyss crystals here.

"The explosion rate gap between abyss monsters and demonized creatures is huge." Wang Linchi smiled and stuffed all the abyss crystals into the inventory, and then looked at the true magician.

After the other party died, the black cloud also dissipated, but the distorted image of the mutated monster still existed.

After all, the transformation of a demon into an abyss monster is an irreversible thing. Even the species has changed, how can it possibly change back to a human form?

"Put it away." Wang Linchi quickly threw the real magician's body into the storage space and arranged it properly. This thing was to be brought back to reality for research.

"But having said that, I haven't already killed the BOSS and completed the dungeon, so why isn't it over yet?"

Just when Wang Linchi was puzzled, a group of villagers also rushed back. After seeing the movement stopped, they definitely wanted to take a look.

If Wang Linchi wins, then everyone will be happy. If the evil devil wins, then come back and fight hard. After all, there is no point in running away.

"Master, have you suppressed the evil spirits again?" the village chief asked tremblingly.

"The demon has been defeated. You don't have to worry about the threat of the demon anymore." Wang Linchi followed the other person's words and responded. There must be some reward or the plot is not over yet.

"Nanling Village will remember your great kindness and kindness."

"By the way, this is a handbook left by another town magician back then. It was dug out in the old house and given to you as a reward." The village chief said, handing over an old copy. Old book.

【The Magician's Notes】

[Type: Mission Item]

[When held, the settlement evaluation of this copy is S level. If the evaluation is S level, an additional 10% of the abyss crystal reward will be obtained]

"Thank you very much." After Wang Linchi put away the magician's note, he finally cleared the level.

At the same moment when he cleared the level, the World Report also appeared again.

[World Announcement: Congratulations to the player Linchi Xueshu for successfully clearing the Abyss Level·Nanling Village Suspense...]×3

Subsequently, the Abyss difficulty dungeon of Suspicious Cloud in Nanling Village was permanently closed, and all players who were still speed-running Abyss Crystals were kicked out of the dungeon. This caused many voices to complain about Wang Linchi on the forum.

After all, it involves their own interests, and few people will be generous enough to express their understanding. Even Wang Linchi is not so generous.

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