Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 233 Settlement, Reward for the Second Abyss Difficulty

[First Pass Reward·Unique]

[Card Copper Sword (0/1), exchange requirement: 10000×Abyss Crystal]

[Card·Devil Sealing Array (0/1), exchange requirement: 10000×Abyss Crystal]

Wang Linchi's clearance evaluation was S-level, and with the Magic Suppressor's Notes, he directly received an additional 20% of the abyss for this harvest. He spent 20,000 abyss crystals to get the two cards without hesitation. This thing has the highest value and is a must-have for the difficulty of fighting the Abyss.

Abyss difficulty seems to be the highest S-level evaluation as long as you clear the level. It is not like the four difficulty levels below, which have different requirements such as clearance time and number of hits. But think about it, the former is a real sword and a real gun. The latter is actual combat, and the latter is military training, which must be strict.

"There are also skill books, so I bought them."

Wang Linchi bought the active skill called Step by Step and learned it directly.

[Active·Step by Step LV1 (0/1000)]

[Skill introduction: Use Wenqi to launch attacks and slow down the enemy's attack and movement speed]

The single target slows down, not only the movement speed, but also the attack speed. Wang Linchi directly threw in 45,000 skill proficiency to reach the maximum. The duration did not change, but the effect became a 50% reduction.

Most of the auxiliary skills will not increase the duration, but only increase the effect. Anyway, the skills in his hand are like this. They all last for ten minutes and cool down for five minutes. Unless there is preparation or other increases, it can be changed.

Wang Linchi started to search again. This time, the first pass reward did not have a formula similar to Four Gentlemen Wine. The first pass reward only had two cards.

It may be due to the deletion. For example, the original demon-suppressing inheritance, an identity item, was also one of the rewards for the first pass, but it was released and became an ordinary item.

This made Wang Linchi suspect that "God's World" may have some kind of limitations. Otherwise, why would there be so many restrictions on players? Just upgrade all players to full level, give each player a set of top-level equipment and full-level skills, and then throw them away. Just open Wushuang in each copy of the Abyss difficulty.

As for what the limitation is, it may be computing power, resources, or something else, which forces "God's World" to do this.

Wang Linchi did not spend all the abyss crystals, but selectively purchased some things and then directly exited the settlement.

He once again passed the dungeon for the first time, and just like last time, he gained the mastery of passive armor common to all professions.

[Passive·Armor Mastery LVMAX (10000/10000)]

[Equip armor regardless of level requirements]

Don't tell me, the effect is good.

At present, he only needs one accessory master to complete it.

Just like weapons have main hands and deputies, armor naturally includes clothes, pants, shoes, etc.

"Then if you clear the level again, you should be able to get the accessory mastery."

Wang Linchi finally figured out that after clearing the level three times, the universal passives for all professions should be the same set of rewards.

In this copy, his level soared directly from level 1 to level 26, mainly due to two BOSS and a large number of elite monsters. The experience he gained forced him to this level.

"I remember there seems to be some kind of reward at level 20?"

Wang Linchi opened the task bar and found that it had been completed and then received it directly.

The special mission of the third turn also appeared again.

He chose the hardest one without hesitation.

[Second Advancement · Five]

[Task: Reach level 30 (26/30), clear the level 30 abyss difficulty dungeon (0/1)]

[Reward: 1 special advancement certificate for scholar profession level 30, 1 set of quality equipment for scholar profession set for level 30, advanced title: Navigator]

The name is very simple, Wang Linchi thinks it shouldn't be difficult... right?

"After the second level up, I can unlock a little more of my strength." Wang Linchi's experience in devouring game characters after the second level will not only help him become stronger, but also further unlock his own strength. .

As for leveling, now it seems that it is really not difficult.

Entering an abyss difficulty dungeon can basically regain the lost experience.

Then I opened the scholar career suit gift box that was given as a special reward at level 20.

When he opened it, he saw that the advanced suits belonging to his unicorn suit were all prefixed with white tiger. The equipment effects remained unchanged, but the equipment attributes increased. Of course, the components also changed from a five-piece set to a six-piece set.

[2-piece set: Reputation +200]

[3-piece set: 20% off the price for items purchased in the store]

[4-piece set: experience gained is 3 times]

[5-piece set: Root +2, Spiritual Power +2, Comprehension +2]

[6-piece set: fixed damage +500, fixed defense +500]

The attributes of the suit are not that important, it is mainly based on the effect of the suit after activation.

Wang Linchi is quite satisfied with this, especially since the experience gained has been increased from two times to three times. As for the other things, the effect of the 5-piece set is better, and the other things are dispensable for Wang Linchi. He mainly focused on dungeons, and his reputation was useless. He was self-sufficient and did not need a store. He did not enjoy any discounts when exchanging abyss crystals.

As for the fixed damage, it's even worse. He's not fighting, he's more of a support. That damage is basically better than nothing for the monsters in the abyss difficulty, and the fixed defense can't bear to be looked at. Those five hundred points are simply not there. To whatever extent he is useful, he mainly relies on Ka Mei's attack that does not exceed 5% of the life limit.

In the dungeon, Wang Linchi's equipment can only be regarded as the icing on the cake, mainly relying on cards and holy masters.

"But you can't rely entirely on these two, you still have to add something to yourself."

After Wang Linchi took a look at his mount, pets and wings, he felt that it was still necessary to upgrade these things, even if it was to add some attributes to him.

There is an advantage to this kind of things, that is, if he loses his level, these things will not fall with him. He can increase them as much as he needs, no less. For example, mounts, even if they are not released, can still provide Wang Linchi with corresponding attributes. Increase.

In terms of equipment, Wang Linchi has no shortage of equipment for the time being, so he uses these things that look very expensive but are actually very expensive as a means of improvement.

"First, upgrade the donkey and wings."

"Pets...forget it, I don't have enough abyss crystals to exchange for the top pets."

The top batch of pets each requires 100 million abyss crystals, and this is just the beginning. The pets must be fully qualified, and the pets must be fed with potential pills, and then the pets must be added with skills, In exchange for materials, pet equipment is made, and then the pet equipment needs to be strengthened, refined, and enchanted...

With one set, a billion abyss crystals would not be able to withstand it. After all, they are all cultivated according to the most top-notch methods, so how could it be less?

Of course, it is not so easy to fill up the mounts and wings. As these two things evolve, various things will become available, such as transformation, essence, spirituality, skills, talents, etc. It is easy to fill them up. Just produce enough abyss crystals.

"As far as I'm concerned, I can get these two to the third level."

Ye Tian looked at the Black Thieves Guild who was escaping in embarrassment in front of him, and couldn't help showing a hint of joy.

In this life, the Black Thieves Guild was completely broken up by him. Even the second generation was killed back to level zero by him. It was probably wishful thinking to keep up with the large army again.

Then this trace of joy was quickly restrained by him.

‘Who is this Linchi Xueshu? It was incredible enough to clear the level 10 Heifengzhai Abyss before, but now he has even cleared the level 20 Nanling Village Suspense. ’

‘Is it possible that he was also reborn? ’

'No, it's impossible. Even if he is reborn like me, with the current player data, it is impossible to beat the third stage of True Magician. ’

Ye Tian had more and more doubts in his heart.

In the previous life, the mystery in Lingnan Village was solved after a year and a half. It was only through the cooperation of several large guilds through certain props that the level was cleared.

At that time, he was just a slave player who was oppressed by the Black Thieves Guild. He didn't know much about it and could only read a few things on the forum.

However, after his rebirth, many changes occurred that frightened him.

‘It seems that I have to speed up my pace so that my strength can lead the people in the guild to conquer the level 20 Abyss difficulty dungeon. ’

‘The growth rate is still slow. ’

He looked at the ranking list, and all the people on the list were people from his guild, but even like this, he still felt slow.

Everyone in the guild is a powerful person with a surname in the past life, such as the future Ice Queen, the Charming Witch, etc. They have Ye Tian to guide them all the way. Their growth may not be as fast as in the previous life, and their potential may not be effectively realized into strength. But the level, equipment and even skills are far better than the previous life.

‘Let’s take them to the next Abyss difficulty dungeon in three days. If it’s level 20, the attributes accumulated after three days should be fine. ’

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