Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 253 The invasion begins, a wave of demonized creatures

When the countdown reached zero, huge cracks began to appear in the ground outside Taisu City, and monsters with the prefix "enchanted" or "demonized" crawled out of the cracks.

A suffocating sense of terror was oncoming, and the players who were originally eager to fight were also frightened by this momentum.

Even the Qiu bearded family was like this. They didn't expect this to be the case at all.

After all, in their eyes, the enemy should be a mob, but when they met, they met such a ferocious existence.

Ye Tian, ​​on the other hand, looked solemn. This situation reminded him of the attack of the abyss demonic tide. In his previous life, these demonized creatures were not qualified to appear on the battlefield. What they faced was A true monster of the abyss.

If the abyss demonic tide encountered in the previous life were this group of people, all the players would laugh out loud.

Just looking at the player's performance again, I feel a little helpless. After all, they have not experienced it.

"It seems that the plan has changed. Hunting the BOSS will have to wait." Ye Tian said helplessly. He actually did not expect that the game system would actually simulate the abyss demonic tide, even if it was a low-end and inferior version.

"It's okay, go as planned, I'll take over." Wang Linchi said, directly summoning the Holy Master.

As soon as the Holy Lord appeared, he directly used the monkey charm to expand his size, and even expanded to the maximum, turning into a giant beast.

Then he faced the demonic tide and smashed it over. The dragon and pig spells and various card effects cleared a large area in just an instant.

"The plug-in you are talking about is your summon." Ye Tian was a little weird. He knew that Wang Linchi's profession was a scholar, but he didn't expect that he would focus on summons.

‘It seems that it is indeed my fault. ’ Ye Tian suddenly understood why there was no news about Wang Linchi in his previous life.

In his previous life, he didn't get the limited game cabin, but he got it in this life, which caused the original quantity to change, causing an accident, which led to Wang Linchi, an unknown person in the previous life, to get the limited game cabin. , successfully rise through the acquired talents.

As a rare talent limited to the game cabin or a companion pet, as long as it is cultivated properly, it will definitely be good.

He was not sure whether Wang Linchi's holy master was a pet or a talent. It might also be some growth equipment, but it was true that he was very powerful.

"What's the name of your pet? I'll exchange it for one too." The bearded man looked at this scene with some dumbfounded eyes. There were not only ordinary monsters there, but also elite monsters. In the end, they couldn't withstand the Holy Master's move.

"Oh, it's a limited gift package in the game cabin, and I'm a little lucky, so this pet is almost like cheating." Wang Linchi disguised the Holy Master as a companion pet in the limited gift package.

"I see. No wonder he is so strong. You are the Emperor of Europe." The bearded guest teased.

It's just that although the Holy Lord is strong, there is no way to stop such a huge number of demonized creatures on the frontal battlefield. He can only withstand one position at most.

Fortunately, the players also reacted immediately and started the battle without hesitation.

As for Taisu City, the protective barrier has been opened at this time. A group of aborigines climbed onto the city wall and began to cast spells to consolidate Taisu City to prevent it from being breached by demonized creatures.

Boom ~

There was a huge movement in the crack.

A pair of terrifying hands sewn together from various limbs protruded from the cracks in the abyss and grabbed onto the ground. This action caused the death of countless demonized creatures.

[BOSS·Abyss Monster·Suture Giant View LV10, health value (1000000/1000000)]

"Hiss, this thing has actually appeared in our place." Wang Linchi couldn't help but gasped. He had experienced this BOSS before and even overturned.

The main reason is that the size is really too big, even the Holy Lord is not that big in front of this BOSS.

Just as Wang Linchi finished speaking, a head bigger than the city gate squeezed out.

"Damn it, I'm going to hold this BOSS down." Of course Ye Tian knew this BOSS, but not in the dungeon, but in the future. At that time, the Stitched Titan was not level 10, but level 200, with a bigger size. It is huge to tens of thousands of meters, and no player can deal with it.

The opponent's current physique is like a small shrimp compared to the future.

"No need, the Holy Master can solve it." Wang Linchi sneered.

The reason why he overturned before was because this BOSS was too difficult to kill. It had a lot of passive skills that reduced damage and increased recovery. It would be a waste of time to kill it.

It's different now. It's easy for the Holy Master to kill the opponent. Do you really think that the large number of card increases on his body are just for viewing?

Even if most of them are focused on survival, they still have corresponding attack capabilities.

The Holy Lord turned into a ray of fire and forcibly opened a line of blood in the tide of demonized creatures, directly reaching the position where the Stitch Giant Watch BOSS crawled out.

As soon as the opponent crawled out half of his body, the Holy Lord's sharp claws penetrated the opponent's neck, forcibly pulled him out of the crack in the abyss and threw him over his shoulder.

This scene is still very shocking, just like a three-year-old child lifting a 1.9-meter strong man and throwing him over his shoulder.

Bang ~ boom ~

A huge sound erupted, and the huge body of the Stitching Titan directly hit the wave of demonized creatures, causing widespread death.

These deaths were naturally attributed to Wang Linchi's kills, and a large number of abyss crystals and points rose steadily.

The game system is a rare kindness. When participating in an event, you don't need to pick up the abyss crystals you get. As long as you kill them, they will be sent to your inventory.

"You can earn points just by lying down. No wonder you said you cheated." Ye Tian looked a little complicated. He had buffed Wang Linchi and the Holy Master before, so he could get 0.1 points every time, which was a little less. , but it’s all about making money on the side, and the same goes for the Qiu bearded family.

It's normal to apply BUFF before starting a fight. Even as a vigilante, people have skills that can increase their status.

Wang Linchi also has it, so if they kill monsters, he can also get points, but it should be a little more. The reason why there is only 0.1 points is because the proportion they provide is too small. The Holy Lord can open Wushuang, except for himself In addition to strength, it is more about the effect of the card.

The little increase they gave is actually not much.

"You tell the Holy Master not to kill him yet. If you use the BOSS as a weapon, you can sweep a large area." The living dead rarely said a word, reminding Wang Linchi.

"What a great idea!" Wang Linchijing thought about killing the BOSS and realizing it, but he did ignore this blind spot.

After receiving Wang Linchi's instructions, the Holy Master immediately stopped attacking the Stitching Giant Temple, then grabbed its neck without hesitation, and then began to spin, like a giant windmill.

At this moment, a large bloody area was immediately plowed out of the frontal battlefield.

"The killing is coming, everyone take action!!!"

Although the Holy Lord has launched a large-scale clearance operation using the BOSS as a weapon, the abyss crack is too big and there is no way to act as a complete line of defense.

So naturally a large number of demonized creatures approached Taisu City.

Ye Tian, ​​Qiu Bearke and others also took action together. Naturally, they did not take action before because the enemy was not close to their shooting range.

Rush in? With this number, I am afraid they would be overwhelmed on the spot. With so many demonized creatures, one person could kill them all at once, not to mention that these enemies themselves are stronger than them.

Of course, not everyone stopped charging. Human shields formed a line of defense. Coupled with various states, recovery and treatment, it did not collapse at the first touch, but blocked the first wave of impact.

The health value of most of the human shields has basically reached the red line. Fortunately, the treatment was timely and the health value was brought up. Otherwise, after blocking the first hit, the second hit would be gone.

"It's too strong. Are you sure this thing is an activity and not here to torture us?"

"Here I go, treat him, treat him quickly."

“There’s a monster leak, plug it up quickly!!!”

Players' voices rose and fell one after another, and the situation was like a pot of porridge.

Seeing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but miss the players in his previous life after killing a demonized creature with remaining health with his sword energy. The quality and tacit cooperation of each of them.

It is already very good to be able to use human shields to form a line of defense without collapsing. Don't expect too much. After all, we have never experienced an abyss invasion. We are still facing this group of... rabble with a playful attitude.

Ye Tian knew that the position of demonized creatures in the abyss was the same as that of current players. The combination of cannon fodder and rabble had no status at all.

Wang Linchi didn't have much idea. Anyway, he was idle. After the magic card took effect, the assistant controlled his game character, standing still among a group of level 10 magic creatures.

The high health and defense combined with the special attack effect are similar to those of the smaller Holy Master. The only pity is that the damage is fixed damage and the output is much worse. However, no matter how bad the output is, it is not something that ordinary monsters can defeat. If it were an elite monster, it might be able to carry it.

Level 10 is not yet an abyss monster, and is already behind the times for Wang Linchi.

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