Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 254 The second BOSS appears

"It's strange, why is there no relief at all?" Wang Linchi noticed one thing. It was clear that there was a Holy Lord at the forefront who withstood most of the demonized creatures. As a result, the pressure did not decrease at all, and casualties appeared more and more. too much.

Ninety-nine percent of the players have died at least once, so the entire defense line has collapsed, and most of them have evacuated to the walls of the main city.

Wang Linchi and others were also on the city wall at this time, but he did not die, but retreated.

"The game system has adjusted the pressure. Our side is more resistant to pressure, so more demonic creatures are put in." Ye Tian has known this reason for a long time, and it was also distributed in this way in his previous life.

The strong fight against the strong, and the weak against the weak.

Otherwise, if we really relied on the so-called fairness, we might have been destroyed by the abyss monsters long ago.

As for the balance in the early stage of the game, it is actually just to screen out more potential people. The limited gift pack is a kind of support. The initial balance allows capable people to come forward, so it is not a kind of support.

The gradual realization of limited gift packs is also a test. It is good luck for you to get the gift packs. Whether you can turn this good luck into real power is another matter.

"There is also this saying, who is the co-author and who is being taken advantage of?" Wang Linchi complained, no wonder why he is like this.

But he is still doing well. Not to mention other servers and the main city, based on his location in Taisu City, except for his line of defense, the remaining three lines have long been defeated.

When players die too many times, they become war-weary. They are unable to defeat again and again, and their experience is deducted when they die. On Wang Linchi's side, he can activate Wushuang, but on the other side of ordinary players, the mobs are just like BOSS, constantly scratching.

"Whoever is strong must bear enough responsibility." Ye Tianyun said lightly. He had already been used to this kind of thing in his previous life.

With the scheduling of the game system and their own will to survive, everyone at that time had this idea.

"You keep saying one thing after another." Wang Linchi felt that Ye Tian was right. If the Dajing court had understood this truth, it would not have ended up like this.

It's just easier said than done.

Ye Tian looked at his constantly activating talents and the continuous stream of demonized creatures coming from the distance, which made him feel a little dazed.

His attribute plundering talent can be plundered simultaneously with the Holy Lord's kill. However, because he is an assist, what he plunders is not the complete attributes, but only one percent of the normal plundering. But even so, it is still a A huge gain.

The Qiu bearded family has gone offline and they have to take care of their son. After all, being a cancer patient is not an easy task.

They play games to accompany their sons, not for fun.

So now only he and Wang Linchi are left.

"You said, these monsters are going to appear in reality..." Ye Tian watched the Holy Master becoming more and more crazy as he killed more and more, and for a moment he couldn't help but think of himself in his previous life.

"That is definitely a disaster. You don't have to know what it means. If you pick up any demonized creature, it will have at least several times the physical fitness of a human being. They don't even need to dodge bullets. They can survive a hail of bullets. Get the driver out of the tank."


Wang Linchi calmly analyzed the situation for Ye Tian.

"Can Chen State be able to withstand it?" Ye Tian found that Wang Linchi's analysis was clear and logical, and he couldn't help but ask.

"I can't bear it." Wang Linchi simply said three words.

Nonsense, this is just the performance in the game. In reality, without the suppression of the game system, the strength is more terrifying. The technology is very strong, but these are just demonized creatures. There will be abyss monsters in the future, which are simply not something that humans can deal with. of.

Even if the soul world is pulled over, it may not be able to stop these terrifying abyss monsters.

"Indeed." Ye Tian nodded, and then asked: "Do you want to join my Tianshen Palace?"

If it was before, Ye Tian would feel uncomfortable, but now, he doesn't feel that way at all, because he understands one thing, that is, the strong man in the previous life, because his appearance may not necessarily lead to the rise, but in the previous life, maybe Even unknown little people may be influenced and shine.

"No need, I'm more suitable to be alone." Wang Linchi rejected the other party's solicitation.

Why join the other party's guild if you have nothing to do? It's not necessary.

"But if anything happens, you can come to me. Let's make a deal first and bring the vase to me for leveling up." Wang Linchi didn't say it too harshly.

"Then let's download the dungeon together." Ye Tian nodded. He didn't care if Wang Linchi didn't join. As long as they were on the same journey, there was no need to care whether they could reach the end.

"Okay." Wang Linchi did not refuse this time.

After spending some time with Ye Tian, ​​he found that the other person had changed a lot, which made him even more curious about what the other person had gone through to become like this.

It was like a sudden enlightenment.

"Wait, the second BOSS is coming?!" Ye Tian said suddenly.

Wang Linchi looked in the direction pointed by Ye Tian. He had never seen this BOSS before.

[BOSS·Abyss Monster·Shadow of Dying LV10, HP (100000/100000)]

"A shadow? Look at this speed, he must be an agile assassin."

The health value is only 100,000, which is only one-tenth of that of the Stitch Titan. However, this means that the opponent's attack power must be higher.

"The Holy Master can't get away," Wang Linchi said.

Although the Holy Lord used the Stitched Giant Watch BOSS as a weapon and started killing all the way, there was really no way to escape. There were too many demonized creatures around. If the Holy Lord himself was not one of the products of cheating, he would have been killed. Otherwise he would have died long ago.

"I'll go deal with it." Ye Tian said.

It is definitely unrealistic to let Wang Linchi solve it. After all, Wang Linchi's profession is a scholar, and he is destined to be more of a Tiger Balm character. The damage values ​​​​are all fixed damage. With the Holy Lord, it is indeed very suitable to go alone, but let Wang Linchi do it. There is basically no chance of winning against the BOSS.

So he can only go.

"Can you do it?" Wang Linchi was a little surprised. He didn't think Ye Tian had the ability to deal with the BOSS.

Ye Tian looked at his rising attributes, and then smiled: "Of course I can do it, how can a man say he can't do it?"

Before, he really couldn't beat him, but now he is confident with his attributes.

Besides, you can still be resurrected after you die, unlike the previous games where you were forced to merge with reality, and if you die, you are really dead.

And he is a swordsman. How can someone who will advance to become a swordsman in the future be afraid of fighting?

It is better to take what is straight than to seek what is wrong. This is what his swordsman instructor said when he first became a swordsman.

"Well, shall I help you?" Wang Linchi's real thought is that this is a BOSS after all, and he also wants a lot of points, equipment fragments and skill fragments.

However, Ye Tian obviously misunderstood Wang Linchi's meaning, and then nodded: "That's just right. With your help, I can feel a lot more relaxed."

Scholar is a rather strange profession. He can fill any position. With solid damage plus physical damage and mixed damage, he can adapt to most scenes. It is very suitable when paired with a swordsman like him who has no shortcomings.

"It's a pity that I don't know how to control a sword, otherwise I would fly you down." Ye Tian also said.

The two quickly climbed down the city wall, and the shadow of death silently clung to the protective barrier outside the city wall, penetrating straight in as if entering an uninhabited land.

Ye Tian saw this scene with a look of surprise.

"This BOSS must die!" In his two lifetimes, he saw for the first time an abyss monster that could ignore the protective barrier of the game system.

I didn't see him in his previous life, so he might have died. In this life, he must die, otherwise the game will merge with reality in the future and the opponent will sneak into the safe zone, and the consequences can be imagined.

It's at level ten now, but ten years from now it won't still be at level ten, just like the BOSS of Stitch Giant.

Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes: "What a murderous aura. Who is Ye Tian? This kind of murderous aura is not simple." ’

The murderous intent he was talking about was not a certain gas or breath, but a temperament, a temperament formed by crawling around on the edge of life and death and causing extraordinary killings.

Wang Linchi doesn't have this kind of temperament in him, but he has seen it. After all, he has ruled Tianshangjing for a period of time with the halo of the protagonist. He has seen many fierce characters. Although Ye Tian's murderous aura is not as good as those characters, but he appears On a homebody, it seems very inconsistent.

‘Information that is one step ahead of others, and an unconventional temperament. ’

Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of the existence called the Reborn. Otherwise, there would be so many unreasonable points that would be unexplainable.

As the protagonist is a reborn person, it makes sense and Wang Linchi would not be surprised at all. He is also a time traveler himself, so he denies what reborn people do.

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