Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 264 Support from the game system·Meteor rain from the sky

The huge light and the sound of explosions tore a road apart.

"Quick, support it for up to five hours. You must reach the location of the Egg of the Abyss within five hours!" Wang Linchi roared.

The main reason was that there were so many people. Otherwise, if Wang Linchi were to advance at full speed, it would not take five hours to reach the center of Wanxuan City.

After all, it is the main city of the game, so it is definitely not small.

Seeing this, Ye Tian nodded solemnly, waved his hand, and everyone poured into the city, speeding along the road that was opened.

When Wang Linchi saw this, he didn't say anything, but looked at the very laggy kill reminder and reward reminder. Wang Linchi's move was considered to be a bug in the game system.

But he didn't feel any happiness, but felt very heavy in his heart, because this meant that "God's World" and the game system were not so invincible when facing the forces of the abyss. He had only guessed before, but now after facing it head-on, Have a deeper understanding.

The world today is exactly the same as the soul world when it encountered the Great Ruins. It can basically be described as being unable to resist.

The game system cannot cope with just an egg of a descendant of the abyss. So if it is a real abyss, you can understand the difference with a little comparison.

‘Oh, what a trap. ’ Wang Linchi complained a little about the Samsara Seal. After all, it was a treasure used by the protagonist. However, the side effects were so severe that it was indeed used to take advantage of others.

"Have you been noticed?" Wang Linchi noticed that a large number of demonized creatures were rushing towards his position.

Demonized creatures cannot get close to the opened blood path, but they can go to and from the city wall where Linchi is located. After all, the only protection he has here is the Holy Master.

"The eggs of the children of the abyss not only gave birth to self-awareness, but were even able to observe the location of the entire Wanxuan City?" Wang Linchi was certain that these demonized creatures came towards him not because of their own wishes, but because they were manipulated came.

"It's just that your methods are not enough." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sneered. How could he, a person who is so afraid of death, put his own life and death at risk? Then he pulled out a small remote nuclear explosion device. device, turned around and threw it to the Holy Master.

The Holy Master took possession of the device and immediately pulled the trigger. The demonized creatures coming from all directions were instantly torn to pieces by the terrifying explosions.

When doing things, he always considers his own life first, and then considers other things.

Unless his life is really at risk, he will think about risking his life.

Under this heavy firepower, all demonized creatures would be unable to get close.

Wang Linchi did not feel proud, because the hidden dragon effect given to him by the Holy Master had just unknowingly turned into a real dragon effect.

This means that a crisis is coming, or it may be that he is in a desperate situation.

Five minutes later, Wang Linchi saw a huge figure approaching in the distance.

[BOSS·Abyss Monster·Troll Evil Corpse LV100, health value? ? ? 】

Wang Linchi's pupils shrank.

"All the level 100 abyss monsters have leaked in. How do you handle the game system???"

If he hits this thing on the head, his long-range nuclear blast probably won't be able to break the skin.

The long-range nuclear blast can kill the level 10 and level 20 abyss monster BOSS in seconds. It takes three hits at level 30, and ten hits at level 40. However, most of the people in Wanxuan City are at level 10, and the remaining levels are basically less. can be ignored.

But if a level 100 one comes out, that would be too much.

[Scheduling resources...]

Fortunately, the game system is not so rigid that Wang Linchi has to shoulder the responsibility. The game system is not a fair and just system when it comes to fighting against the abyss, but is biased in favor of the players.

"Hurry up and make arrangements. With the opponent's situation, he can be here in ten minutes at most. If he is slapped to death here, the five legions will be wiped out together." Wang Linchi urged.

This time the game system didn't respond, probably because it didn't have time to react.

After seeing this level 100 abyss monster, Wang Linchi also understood one thing, that is, there must be a big problem with the overall defense line of "God's Gift World". Otherwise, how could a level 100 monster leak in? Those who were at level 30 or 40 before were already going too far.

"Don't let me die before I leave the army..." Wang Linchi was a little crazy.

[Resource scheduling completed, suppression completed]

After five minutes, the game system gave feedback.

Then he saw a huge meteorite falling from the sky, hitting the troll corpse straight up.

"This damn guy isn't dead yet, why are you really suppressing him???" Wang Linchi watched as the troll corpse was hit in the head, then staggered to the ground and seemed to have been severely injured.

But just as he finished speaking, a large series of meteorites appeared in the sky, one after another bombarding the place where the troll corpse fell.

A series of loud noises, vibrations, impacts, dust, etc. rolled towards Wang Linchi, but they did not arrive, but were limited to a certain range, which was the limit of the game system.

After smashing for fifteen minutes, Wang Linchi watched the name and health points on the head of the troll corpse shatter into pieces.

"Huh~ Fortunately, we didn't come out of Wanxuan City. Otherwise, it would have been really bad this time."

"No...this is worse."

Wang Linchi felt lucky at first, but when he came back to his senses, he realized that he did not come out of the city, which meant that there were cracks in other places that could not be squeezed. The cracks were still very big. Otherwise, how could a hundred-level abyss monster squeeze in? Come in.

"Isn't this going to be a paper craftsman? The world is really in tatters and the protagonist is mending things, right?" Wang Linchi complained.

In the world of souls, Wang Linchi could still say that if the sky falls, there will be someone tall to hold it up, but that can't be done now. He is one of the tall ones, so this time he has to be the one to hold it up.

He didn't do it in vain. He mainly used his reputation to recharge the residual seal of reincarnation. Not to mention, after this time, his reputation will definitely skyrocket. As for whether it is good or bad, that is another matter.

Wang Linchi quickly returned his attention to the road. He watched the machine begin to emit high temperatures, and his mental energy was also severely reduced.

"It's made of scraps, as long as it can be used." Wang Linchi estimated that the machine's wear and tear was more serious than he thought.

"It can only last about five hours and twenty minutes at most, which is a full forty minutes less than I expected."

Wang Linchi likes to be cautious. He said five hours, and it must be more than five hours. The calculation is so accurate. What if this piece of junk is destroyed in advance.

Besides, if Ye Tian and the others go well, they will be able to arrive in about four and a half hours. If not, Wang Linchi can only try his best to hold on, and there will be nothing he can do if the machine explodes.

As for his mental strength, there is no need to worry about this. His recovery ability is guaranteed. Anyway, as a cheater, it is only a matter of common sense.

It's a pity that the hook is not big enough and there is no way to win win win.

"It's so dangerous. I thought Linchi Xueshu was going to fail." Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the corpse of the troll being bombarded to death by meteorites. When he saw the 100-level BOSS, his heart was also lifted. It reaches the throat.

If Wang Linchi died, they would also die. Without Wang Linchi's cover, there was no way they could survive among the monsters.

Later, when I saw the meteorite bombardment, I naturally understood that the game system had taken action.

"Why doesn't the game system throw in hundreds of meteorites and just drop a large chunk in seconds?" Qingmeizhuojiu complained.

Ye Tian glanced at him, and then said: "Yes, we are."

"???" Qingmei Zhuojiu was a little confused. He didn't expect Ye Tian to say that.

"As long as we die here, the game system will directly detonate us. This place is already occupied by the abyss, and the game system has no way to control where meteorites rain." Ye Tian explained.

"Ah? Just throw the meteorite out. How can it be controlled?" Qingmeizhuojiu didn't understand.

"This involves order and chaos. It's not as simple as you said." Ye Tian did not elaborate. It was not suitable here. It was not suitable for them to march all the way.

God's Hand was thinking about order and chaos in his mind. He was not ready to continue asking like Qingmeizhuojiu, but he knew in his heart that the real world was probably about to be reshuffled.

If he can survive, he needs to consider what to do next.

It would be best to take advantage of it, for example, by taking refuge in the Demon Slayer who is number one on the list. The other party obviously knows a lot of inside information and has been committed to fighting against the Abyss.

Take refuge in the abyss? This is not what he should think about at all. You want to take refuge with the other person, but the other person just treats you as food.

God's Hand's understanding of this aspect is still very clear.

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