Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 265 Help, clearing the last hundred meters of obstacles


Wang Linchi watched as sparks burst out from the remote nuclear explosion equipment and it made a crunching sound. It was obvious that it was on the verge of collapse.

"Fortunately, there was no accident." Wang Linchi looked at the time. It was four hours and forty minutes. Although it was ten minutes later than he expected, it was already very good. He was originally given five hours.

"For the last 100 meters, I'll help you because of your punctuality."

Wang Linchi muttered in a low voice and looked at the equipment again: "Treat it as waste."

This thing requires the right time, place and people to be used. The conditions to be met are really difficult, especially the bugs in the game system and the erosion of the abyss area. It is simply dancing on the tip of a knife. Wang Linchi simply does not want this situation to happen again. .

But now, it is of no use.

"Calibrate coordinate position."

Wang Linchi's eyes fell on the huge egg of the Children of the Abyss in the distance. Now, the size had expanded so much that even from his position, he could see it.

Corresponding data began to appear in his mind, and then he directly activated the overload mode of the remote nuclear explosion equipment.

"Your code name is little boy. Now fly for me."

Wang Linchi did not hesitate to provide a little power to the 'little boy', and then the long-range nuclear explosion equipment ejected and turned into an arc in the air. It was propelled by the impact of the explosion and flew towards the position calculated by Wang Linchi.

The speed was very fast, and in less than three seconds, nothing could be seen.

"Let's go now, don't kill these losers." Wang Linchi called to the Holy Master.

The Holy Lord is unparalleled in killing the group of demonized creatures that are coming. He will definitely kill them all. After Wanxuan City was captured, it became the largest abyss crack, and it has been sending a steady stream of demonized creatures and abyss monsters. , the emptying speed is not as fast as the filling speed of these things.

The Holy Master immediately pulled back, then picked up Wang Linchi, turned into fire and rushed towards the egg of the Abyss's heir.

Subsequently, a large number of abyssal monsters chased after him. The Egg of the Abyss Children would not let go of a culprit like him. The most important thing was that he was worried that Wang Linchi would continue to engage in some tricks.

However, the Holy Lord is extremely fast, and it may not be easy for the abyss monsters to catch up.


Three minutes later, a dazzling mushroom cloud bloomed where the eggs of the Children of the Abyss overlapped.

This one is not small, it is even more powerful than Wang Linchi's self-destruction.

"Ye Tian and the others should be fine. After all, it exploded above the head of the Egg of the Abyss, and it is quite far away from them."

Wang Linchi was unsure. After all, they were far away and Wang Linchi couldn't see clearly.

However, it is certain that the Egg of the Abyss's Children was stunned by the explosion, because all the demonized creatures and abyss monsters under its control were temporarily confused, at least when it came to chasing Wang Linchi.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the Holy Lord led him along the way.

"At the speed of the Holy Master, it will take fifteen minutes to arrive at the fastest possible speed."

In fact, if you want to go faster, you can also hitchhike with the 'little boy'. Even if the speed is too fast, you may not be able to get off the car in time, and he will be sucked into the mushroom cloud.

The mushroom cloud gradually dissipated. Wang Linchi looked at the egg of the descendant of the abyss. It could not be said that it was unscathed. It was at least a little bit broken, but it had already recovered before Wang Linchi could see it clearly.

"There is no special attack, so the damage is really not big." Wang Linchi was not surprised. This situation was actually expected.

It's just that his hand did stimulate the eggs of the children of the abyss, causing the original rate of squirming breathing to become faster. Before, it was steady breathing, but now it is rapid breathing.

And this time, the opponent does not have to let the abyss monsters and demonized creatures fight each other to make them die before absorbing them. Now, they can forcefully absorb them as nutrients while they are still alive.

"Before, you had to put up a fig leaf to cover yourself up when eating the same kind of food. Now, you can eat it openly and honestly, and you really don't have any shame at all." Wang Linchi thought to see if he could anger the other party.

Judging from the performance of the eggs of the children of the abyss, they are not immune to aggressive generals.

Just as he was thinking about this, he saw a gray shadow coming towards Wang Linchi like lightning, but the Holy Master reacted faster and reached out to pinch the gray shadow.

After going deep into the core area of ​​​​the abyss, there is no power coverage of the game system, and the name, health value, level, etc. are not visible. He is the only one outside. Wang Linchi can be sure that this abyss monster is not strong. It can only be level 20 at most. No more.

He can't see the information, but his mental power and thinking force field are still there, and he can completely distinguish the strength of this abyss monster based on its physical quality.

But no matter what this thing was, the Holy Lord pinched it and crushed it into pieces.

The game system cannot support it, but the player’s power is still there!

A gleam appeared in Wang Linchi's eyes, which was similar to a flash of cold light or a flash of light. However, this was not a flash of light in his eyes, but a manifestation of his mental strength reaching its peak.

Here, he can have 30% of the power, 30% of the 660,000 mental power, which is 200,000 mental power.

If he did not aim at killing, but instead treated these demonized creatures and abyss monsters by restricting and trapping them, it would still be possible.

What's more, he has the inheritance of the Suppressing Magician. Do you really think that his nuclear explosion method is purely mental? There is also a large amount of magic-suppressing inheritance mixed into it.

"Now I understand why the magicians only suppress but don't kill."

A large number of overlapping magic circles were constructed by him through mental power, forming illusory brilliance. All the incoming demonic creatures and abyss monsters were temporarily suppressed, preventing them from becoming a hindrance to Wang Linchi.

"Because they only have this method. Unlike players, they have special attack power given by the game system."

All monsters will fall from the sky like dumplings as long as they touch the light of the spiritual power suppressing magic circle.

Wang Linchi originally didn't want to use this move. After all, he mobilized 200,000 mental power, not 20,000, which belonged to the king bomb. Wherever there were two king bombs thrown at the beginning, it was not a one-handed bomb.

If he had a bomb, he wouldn't be so desperate.

"The mental power suppression array can at least block all monsters below level 50."

Wang Linchi estimated that a level 40 abyss monster just collided head-on with his mental power suppressing magic circle and was suppressed on the spot.

"A game character, a high amount of mental power, a demon-suppressing heritage, a special attack, a support, and a control, the combination is indeed more powerful."

“The only drawback is that it’s not universally available.”

Wang Linchi understood one thing at this time, only he could use this method, not everyone could possess his terrifying mental power.

If it is the original Suppression Magician, the power they use is the power of the abyss monster. If they use it too much, their life will be short-lived. They will be eroded by the chaotic power of the abyss monster and eventually become a demon.

It is for this reason that the game system prohibits players from contacting and using the power of the Suppressing Magician.

Players only have the right to use the game characters. Once the game characters are eroded by the chaotic power of the abyss monsters, it will inevitably affect the ownership of the game system.

Ye Tian got up in embarrassment. The terrifying explosion just now naturally affected them, but because of the distance, the threat was not great.

"Everyone, keep attacking!" Ye Tian shouted.

Although the formation was in shambles, the morale and morale of the army had been completely mobilized by him in these four and a half hours.

He knew that this was the last help Wang Linchi gave them. All the abyss monsters in the last hundred meters were shaken away, allowing them to get closer to the eggs of the children of the abyss.

As for why they were slightly injured or even not injured at all, Ye Tian could only attribute it to Wang Linchi's good skills and accurate distance control. Could it be that he was lucky?

God's Hand and Qingmeizhuojiu also climbed up and shouted: "Hurry up, don't waste time."

Fortunately, everyone is a player. Although it hurts, there are no fatal injuries, fractures, concussions or other problems. At most, the health value is reduced. After getting up, he rushes and heals himself.

It can only be said that even if only four-fifths of the protagonist's halo is left, it still has a powerful effect. It condenses a group of ragtag people into brave soldiers who are not afraid of death in a short period of time. The combat experience may not keep up, but obey the orders. The necessary condition for a soldier is to not be afraid of death and dare to charge. Otherwise, if you are timid and afraid of death, you will not be a good soldier no matter how experienced you are in combat.

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