Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 266 Hatching, the newborn heir of the abyss

When Wang Linchi arrived, there were only less than 300 people left out of the 12,000 people, but the effect was extremely significant. The eggs of the children of the Abyss were in danger, and a large number of cracks appeared on their bodies.

In the cracks, a large number of flesh and blood tentacles spread out, frantically surrounding the players and devouring the abyss monsters to recover and accelerate hatching.

Nowadays, the players who can survive are basically those who have enough strength and are not cannon fodder.

Seeing Wang Linchi's arrival, Ye Tian was also happy. Not dying was the greatest help.

"The body is too big to be suppressed by the magic-suppressing array." Wang Linchi looked at his own magic array, and then compared it with the egg of the Abyss's heir. The gap between the two sides was a bit big, and there was really no way to deal with it.

In the end, I could only try to draw out 100,000 mental energy and use it as a magic circle before throwing it out. When it landed on the egg of the descendant of the abyss, it was imprinted on the surface like a mini tattoo.

Unfortunately, it did not have the same immediate effect as the abyss monster, but the speed and reaction dropped by half.

At the same time, the Holy Lord was already close, and the functions of devouring blessings, luck, etc. in Soul-Drawing were raised to the maximum, and he punched down, causing a huge amount of damage.

However, Wang Linchi's heart became more solemn, because the Holy Master did not receive any blessings, indicating that the other party had the ability to suppress luck, otherwise it would be impossible to withstand it.

Ye Tian should also have it. He was able to absorb it before because he was willing.

So now he wants the protagonist's luck from the Egg of the Abyss's Heir. There are two ways, one is to let the other party give it to him voluntarily, and the other is to let the other party be given to him voluntarily.

The former is obviously unrealistic and can only be given to the other party voluntarily. At present, the only option is to use force.

After the Holy Lord's punch, the power of the game character exerted a huge restraint effect on it, and an extremely obvious crack penetrated directly from the bottom to the top.

"The damage caused by the Holy Lord is really terrible." Ye Tian couldn't help but sigh.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi began to release skills to increase and weaken. He was actually quite puzzled. It was clear that there was no signal coverage of the game system in Wanxuan City. Why could the power of the game characters continue to be used? Is it because players can not only connect to the Internet with the game system, but also connect to the LAN themselves?

But now there is no time to think so much, but after a set of silky combos, he then added a mental power to suppress the magic circle.

"How's the situation?" After Wang Linchi finished this, he walked next to Ye Tian and asked while releasing Wen Zhan's strategy and Wise Horse as attacks.

After leaving the coverage of the game system and cheating to gain 30% of the main body's strength, the power of Xinluanyima also returned to normal, from a full 1 point of damage to his mental power, and there was no cooling time.

"The situation is not optimistic. As you can see, it may not be that easy to kill the eggs of the children of the abyss." Ye Tian was also a little depressed.

Even with the high-damage Holy Lord, this is a drop in the bucket.

"This time, I feel like I'm going to be in trouble." Ye Tian smiled bitterly and touched his nose.

Wang Linchi glanced at him: "What, do you have rhinitis? I remember that game characters don't have disease functions."

This made Ye Tian quite embarrassed: "A subconscious reaction."

"Oh, I thought you had rhinitis." Wang Linchi complained, and then continued: "This thing is really high health and defense, plus there is no game system, it is difficult for us to handle it."

"Neither of the two conditions given is an achievable task."

It would still be possible to recapture Wanxuan City if we give 1.2 million players, but 12,000 cannon fodder is not even enough. If Wang Linchi had not developed the self-destruct module, it is estimated that the city gate has not been hit yet. Not to mention the large number of monsters that spawned from the cracks in the abyss, and they couldn't kill them as fast as others.

Otherwise, how could Ye Tian choose beheading to deal with the eggs of the children of the abyss.

"Just do your best and obey fate." Ye Tian had no choice at this time, and he would have taken action long ago if he had a solution.

"No, you can't listen to destiny. I think destiny is on the enemy's side." Wang Linchi said.

Looking at the countdown to the mission, it is very likely that the eggs of the Children of the Abyss will hatch earlier than the countdown predicted by the game system.

However, early hatching is not a good thing. There is a word called premature birth.

What Wang Linchi had to do was to force the eggs of Abyss's children to hatch early so that they would be born prematurely.

In this case, not only will it be inherently deficient, but its initial strength will be even weaker.

No matter how he forced it, it was very simple. He directly changed the Soul-Draining Devouring on the Holy Master and initialized the effect it absorbed back to its original effect.

"Hiss~" Wang Linchi couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air. This must have been too much.

Ye Tian glanced at Wang Linchi strangely, and then asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. The Holy Master attacks with blood-sucking and mana-sucking, and then will give some of it back to me. I took a look just now, and it's indeed a lot." Wang Linchi briefly summarized it.

"It's because the Holy Lord's attack is too high." Ye Tian corrected him. He also had the blood-sucking effect, but he couldn't feel it at all. It was just a normal level.

Wang Linchi thought about it, and it was the same, and not only was the holy master's attack power high, but the effect of absorbing souls and swallowing was also powerful. The nine ghosts plus the dragon crystal of the son of the Dragon Emperor were not strong enough to have a problem.

With the Holy Lord's violent attack and absorption, coupled with the negative state of the soul-melting poison intertwined with the negative state of the wandering mind, after several attacks, the egg of the descendant of the abyss felt like a serious illness.


Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, and suddenly saw a large piece of flesh and blood falling down and hitting the ground.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the entire shell of the Egg of the Abyss's Children falling down, like a landslide.

Wang Linchi had good eyesight and saw some kind of scales rubbing against the flesh and blood shell, and then, a vertical pupil suddenly opened.

That position is where the eyes of the descendant of the abyss are, and he is observing the entire world.

"Evacuate quickly!" Ye Tian reminded all surviving players to evacuate quickly.

It was a good idea, but it was still a step too late. The entire flesh-and-blood egg exploded instantly, and a large amount of blood-colored liquid poured out in a torrent as the flesh-and-blood egg exploded.

A giant lizard-man or dragon-man or something like that burst out of its shell in an instant.

"Ant!" As soon as the son of Abyss was born, he burst out in anger. He was forced to be born early. If he wanted to make up for his innate shortcomings, the price he had to pay would be very high.

"Damn it, let him be born!" Ye Tian looked unwilling. He recognized the descendant of the abyss. He had not been able to recognize it in the egg before, but in his previous life, the descendant of the abyss was famous.

‘The head of the Abyss Demon God, the original demon descendant, the Destiny Demon God! ’

‘If I were stronger, as long as I killed this descendant of the Abyss, I would definitely delay the invasion of the Abyss! ’

Ye Tian had a good idea, but it was a pity that he was not strong enough.

When Wang Linchi saw this, he narrowed his eyes and realized that this guy seemed to be a bit bluffing.

"Holy Master, let him make it big." Wang Linchi directly asked Holy Master to give it a try, and once again adjusted the proportion of the effect of soul-sucking and swallowing.

And he also drew out 200,000 spiritual power, turned it into a horse, and smashed directly towards the descendant of the abyss.

Suddenly, a huge bulge appeared on the chest of the descendant of the Abyss.

It exploded with a roar, and a large amount of flesh and bones exploded out.

"If you can fight, this guy is trying to trick us into leaving!" Wang Linchi said immediately.

The next moment, the Holy Lord also arrived in an instant, and punched the son of the Abyss with all his strength on the knee. The sound of bones bursting, causing the son of the Abyss to immediately break a leg, and he was still running. , causing him to fall directly to the ground.

What's more important is the luck feedback.

‘Another fifth of the protagonist’s luck! ’ Wang Linchi felt happy when he saw the suppressed luck.

It's just that the two fortunes are different. The fate of Ye Tian's protagonist is normal at first glance, while the fate of the protagonist of Descendants of the Abyss is chaotic, but it can still be effective.

"Ant, how dare you steal my..." The descendant of the Abyss who fell to the ground immediately noticed that his luck had been intercepted, so he wanted to speak without hesitation, but the Holy Lord immediately reacted and struck with a punch. on his mouth, making it impossible for him to say anything else.

It's a pity that the opponent was on guard and this punch failed to absorb the opponent's luck, which made Wang Linchi a little depressed.

It's a bit of a loss. If he had four more punches, he would have become the protagonist of the abyss.

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