Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 267: Protagonist duel, who doesn’t have destiny yet?

Under this turn of events, Ye Tian naturally turned around and attacked the Abyss children without hesitation.

The damage is a bit bad, but it can't stand up to his high frequency of attacks.

Upon seeing this, players such as God's Hand and Qingmeizhuojiu also turned around and besieged them together.

As a result, the damage was lowered by another level. It can only be said that the operation was as fierce as a tiger. If you look at the damage again, if it were digitized, it would all be -1, -1.

The Children of the Abyss were being besieged a bit miserably. At first glance, it seemed that they were sure of victory, but Wang Linchi was keenly aware that something was wrong.

With the halo of two-fifths of the temporary protagonist, Wang Linchi also has some of the protagonist's intuition. Coupled with his own luck, good luck, good luck and other things, he can barely catch up with a protagonist.

So I think Descendants of the Abyss might be playing him.

It's just that he can't find any clues, and it's impossible to stop now. Ye Tian and others are getting more and more energetic in killing.

What's more important is that everything is moving in a good direction, and the aura of the descendant of the Abyss is getting weaker and weaker.

Even if Wang Linchi opens his mouth, no one may believe him.

Looking back, Wang Linchi discovered a huge problem, that is, the abyss monsters and demonized creatures that had been there before had disappeared without knowing when.

There was only a large pool of strange flesh and blood on the ground, and more importantly, the cracks in the abyss were still open.

"Damn it, this guy swallowed all the monsters!" Wang Linchi shouted immediately.

When Ye Tian heard these words, he couldn't help but retreat subconsciously, and the vigilance engraved in his instinct burst out instantly.


The head of the Scion of the Abyss exploded, splashing everywhere, and players who were closer died on the spot.

A small figure walked out.

"Thank you so much. If it weren't for your attack, I wouldn't have been able to swallow the source of the abyss and go one step further, allowing me to transform into a more perfect demonic form."

This time, the dragon-like characteristics of the descendant of the Abyss became more and more obvious, but he was still a dragon, and his height became 1.5 meters, which seemed a bit strange.

But the terrifying power within the body should not be underestimated.

"Oh? Among the sons of destiny born in this world, I don't know who has stronger luck than me, the son of the abyss." The eyes of the son of the abyss fell on Ye Tian, ​​and he could tell the same kind at a glance.

The difference is that he knows his identity and can use his protagonist's destiny to a certain extent, unlike Ye Tian, ​​who can only passively trigger it.

"If I kill you, if I want to give birth to another child of destiny in this world, I'm afraid my vitality will be severely damaged."

"Just in time, I can use it to make up for my lost luck." When the son of Abyss finished his words, he had already arrived in front of Ye Tian, ​​and the dragon's claw was about to dig into Ye Tian's heart in an instant.

Although the game characters have no weaknesses, they do have upper limits of endurance. After this move, Ye Tian, ​​even with the passive skill of locking blood, cannot block the second move.

Fortunately, the Holy Lord's speed was not bad, and there was a collision in an instant, directly knocking away the Children of the Abyss.

"Ant, you and your master..."

Wang Linchi didn't know what was wrong with the descendant of Abyss. Anyway, he talked a lot. The Holy Master didn't care about this, and his attacks fell on the descendant of Abyss like a gust of wind and rain.

It's just that the effect is not great. The other party's physical strength is indeed extraordinary.

So at this time, Holy Master and Wang Linchi played negative status flow.

A large number of negative states were constantly connected, reorganized, and fused in the bodies of the children of the abyss, and finally turned into new and different negative states, forming a series of cycles.

In short, even if you can't beat it, you will be disgusted to death.

After a large number of negative states broke out, the strength of the descendants of the Abyss dropped visibly.

"Huh~ Damn it, how can a mere ant possess rules-based abilities..." The descendant of the Abyss gasped for air.

It is true that he had considerable strength when he was born, but it could not hide that he was just born. Even if he had the corresponding inheritance, there was no way to fully digest it and transform it into combat power immediately.

The son of Abyss looked at Wang Linchi with fear. Just now, he thought that the other party was just a thief, but when he moved towards the other party, he could see that the other party's luck was rising steadily, and the number even exceeded that of him and the real world. The son of destiny.

In a one-on-two fight, he was suppressed.

The reason why Wang Linchi dared to be so reckless was because he knew this. Just now, the hidden dragon state given to him by the Holy Lord evolved into the true dragon state again.

At this moment, he looks more like the protagonist than the two protagonists.

"I'll let you go today, but next time, I won't be like this..." The descendant of Abyss wanted to run away. As the protagonist who knew that he had destiny, he naturally understood how terrible Wang Linchi's luck was, so he took action He will definitely lose, and Wang Linchi will have the ability to turn bad luck into good luck, and turn adversity into good fortune.

If there was only a single piece of luck, the descendants of the Abyss would not necessarily be afraid, but Wang Linchi not only had the luck of the world, but also robbed him of the luck of the abyss, which was a double destiny.

He still hasn't figured out how, as a descendant of the Abyss, one-fifth of his Abyss luck could be taken away by an ant who ran out of nowhere.

If it were the living Son of Destiny, it would be reasonable, but the current situation was all kinds of unreasonable, so he wanted to run away.

As a result, before he finished speaking, he was punched by the Holy Lord, which made his mentality explode.

"Die to me!!!"

The power of the abyss directly penetrated the Holy Lord's head. As a result, the Holy Lord was completely fine and could continue to attack at close range.

The Holy Lord is not a living creature, so what if he lacks a head? He can still move even if he only has one finger left.

Seeing this, the Children of the Abyss opened their mandibles to the limit, spitting out terrifying light, directly engulfing the Holy Master.

When Wang Linchi and Ye Tian saw this, they hid quickly, otherwise they would be affected.

There were also several players who had no time to react and were partially touched. The light quickly eroded their entire bodies like pollution. In the end, these players collapsed into a pool of black crystalline objects.

"Hahaha, can't you fight? Come again!" The heir of Abyss smiled arrogantly, and then his eyes fell on Ye Tian and Wang Linchi: "Without this slave, I think what can you... do... ?”

He hadn't been arrogant for three seconds when he saw another Holy Master emerging in front of Wang Linchi.

This Holy Lord thing is similar to leeks in the ground. Wang Linchi can grow it by pouring some mental power into it. His recovery ability is extremely powerful, so there is no need to worry about insufficient mental power.

"Ah? Summoned object? Isn't it a pet?" Ye Tian was also a little confused. What's the difference between this and cheating?

If a pet dies, it means it is dead. It is not like a summoned object. It is a skill type. It can be summoned again even if it dies. The Holy Lord is so powerful that he always thought it was a pet. Most of the summoned objects have time limits or are... Depends on player attributes.

"No, I didn't say it was a pet." Wang Linchi asked the Holy Master to beat the descendant of the abyss directly, and then answered Ye Tian's question.

"Are you sure? Don't change your breed again." Ye Tian complained.

On the other side, as a descendant of the Abyss who was born less than ten minutes ago, he went completely crazy this time.

He felt that he must have been targeted, otherwise he would not have encountered this situation. He clearly had the advantage, but he felt so aggrieved.

"The breed must not be changed. By the way, do you think that this descendant of the Abyss is like a giant baby with a brain that is not very easy to use?" Wang Linchi asked.

Ye Tian sighed: "No need to look like this, I'm just a baby, not even an hour old."

"Terrible." Wang Linchi said these two words. He saw that in the process of fighting the Holy Lord, the children of the Abyss were constantly improving their combat experience and their own wisdom, becoming more and more mature, from a baby to an eight-year-old Around, not even ten minutes before or after.

Once this growth rate breaks out, there will definitely be a big crisis in the future.

Wang Linchi took away one-fifth of the opponent's protagonist's luck, which is no different from a mortal enemy. He will never stop fighting.

So Wang Linchi's first idea was to kill this guy to avoid future troubles.

"Apart from the Holy Lord and you, I'm afraid we won't be able to cause enough damage to the Children of the Abyss. It's a bit difficult to kill them." Ye Tian's eyes twitched.

"If there is still a chance, I will hold back the children of Abyss while you go and occupy Wanxuan City."

"He ate all the monsters, and the cracks in the abyss were unable to spawn monsters. This is a good opportunity!" Wang Linchi said immediately.

Don't be stubborn at this time. There is still time anyway. As long as the power of the game system comes, he does not believe that the newly born Abyss Children will still have the strength to resist. If the Abyss Children are fully developed, it is still possible. Forget it now. .

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