Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 274 The first abyss invasion is over!

"The event is over. I didn't expect that the final mode would change from siege to a gladiatorial arena." Wang Linchi flexed his body. In the last five days of the event, because monsters were no longer refreshed, and other places were really unbeatable, all Relying on Wang Linchi and Ye Tian.

Then the mode was reset, letting Wang Linchi and Ye Tian work as coolies... Well, Ye Tian was the only one working as coolies, while Wang Linchi hung up the whole time and kept learning various modern knowledge.

The education and knowledge in the soul world are countless times worse than this world.

Awakened people can fight better than ordinary people, but the only advantage is that they can fight, and everything else is a disadvantage.

"It's normal. Otherwise, if there is only this little time left, how can we deal with so many abyss monsters? We must gather them together." Ye Tian said.

In the last five days, there were actually many players participating. Most of them were forced to come by daily tasks. One person might not be able to defeat them, but if you form a team and die a few more times and grit your teeth, you can still complete the task. .

The game system will not issue tasks that you cannot complete. The daily tasks of such forced players are not to kill. Most of them are to cause some damage to these demonized creatures, even if they are completed.

As for the abyss monsters, forget it. They are far beyond what players can fight at this stage. It is possible that the two people who entered Wanxuan City with Wang Linchi and the others, God's Hand and Qingmeizhuojiu, can work together to kill the abyss monsters.

In the Arena mode, all the abyss monsters are finally cleared away. As for the demonized creatures, there is definitely no way to do this. Even after previous weakening, there are still too many.

But it doesn't matter. As long as the abyss monsters die, the remaining demonized creatures can be easily solved by the game system.

Directly use the power of order to obliterate them all.

Afterwards, everyone was kicked out of the arena. Many people were crying because their daily tasks had not been completed yet. As a result, the event ended first, and the subsequent punishment was probably unavoidable.

Wang Linchi naturally won't pity him. He is trying to save your own world, but as a result, you are not willing to work hard. What reason does he, an outsider, have to pity or sympathize with you?

"What free time do you have recently?" Ye Tian asked.

"I don't have much free time. I have to clear the Abyss difficulty dungeon. What about you?" Wang Linchi asked in return.

Now that the event is over, he plans to enter the level 70 dungeon. Currently, he is still level 63. Now he needs too much experience to upgrade. The experience gained from the event is really just a small profit.

"I'm going to deal with something." A cold light flashed in Ye Tian's eyes.

Of course, what he has to deal with is the betrayer, but not the previous betrayer. The previous betrayer had long been executed by the game system, and had been made public in order to warn others. This incident also caused an uproar.

Otherwise, players can just go about their daily lives honestly? Naturally, it's because the game system really dares to kill people.

Ye Tiansha's betrayers have already been colluding in secret and have not caused any real losses. However, if they really cause losses and deal with them, the only ones who will lose will be themselves.

As a reborn person, he naturally holds a list in his hand.

As for the need for evidence and the violation of human rights to kill the other party before causing any damage? Ye Tianke didn't care about these things. This was something that should be considered legally and morally. What he was thinking about was how to kill the other party to minimize the loss.

If you really have to wait until the other party commits a crime before you start to pay attention to justice and procedures, then who will pay attention to justice and procedures for those who died because of the destruction caused by the betrayer.

"The matter about the Destiny Demon God? Isn't it difficult to deal with?" How could Wang Linchi think that Ye Tian would kill people? He didn't know this at all, so he could only think of this matter.

"This matter is not urgent. We will wait until I get the inheritance together." Ye Tian denied it, but he did not reveal his thoughts, and then said: "I will need some time, probably a month."

"Will we fall behind?" Wang Linchi asked.

"No, it's an extra mission." Ye Tian looked at his mission. He had communicated with the game system through the feedback interface and had obtained the corresponding mission.

As long as he kills people with the power of chaos, he can get a percentage of experience points. Yes, as long as he reaches 100%, he can be upgraded, unlike normal channels that produce numerical experience points.

"Okay, see you then." Wang Linchi didn't hesitate too much. The two parties were friends, but they wouldn't take the initiative to explore anything.

Ye Tian nodded and went offline directly.

Wang Linchi carried a huge amount of abyss crystals and went to the exchange office in Taisu City.

'This time, I should be able to fully use the wings and mounts directly, and...'

After calculation, there are still seven liver points that can be filled up. For example, a player's root bone can have a bone acupoint, spiritual power has a source of spiritual power, and his understanding also has a tree of understanding. It requires a lot of resources to be poured into it to improve it. These are all It is a new liver point that is opened after leveling up, and its main focus is numerical games.

For pets, it is definitely not enough. Mainly to exchange for the top pet, 100 million abyss crystals are needed. Unless he kills another abyss descendant, otherwise, don't even think about it.

Because the exchange is just the beginning, the money spent later on buying skill books, making pet equipment, improving pet qualifications, etc. will be even more terrifying.

But it's not without its advantages. Once the pet is fully set, it will be more powerful than the player.

So Wang Linchi is prepared to do it next time.

The small assistant was activated, automatically redeemed, and automatically upgraded. Wang Linchi opened it and looked at the large number of equipment fragments and skill fragments in his hand.

The most precious among them should be the two types of fragments of top-level self-selected equipment and top-level self-selected skills obtained from the emergency activities in Wanxuan City. Killing the abyss monster BOSS imposes greater restrictions because there is no self-selection.

He didn't care about skills. Wang Linchi directly chose the top-level optional equipment first.

The equipment level is raised to level 1000, and a series of requirements such as full enhancement, full enchantment, etc. are selected as requirements, and the scholar profession is selected.

Needless to say, there are quite a lot of them, densely packed together.

Wang Linchi then filtered out the additional conditions and only required one level of equipment.

There are not many pieces of equipment left.

It was changed to a set combination, and it was immediately empty with just two clicks, leaving only two sets.

[Level 1000 Scholar Professional Suit·Haoran Zhengqi, exchange requirements: optional equipment fragments × 100]

[Level 1000 scholar professional suit·Friendship between gentlemen, exchange requirements: optional equipment fragments × 100]

Wang Linchi took a look and finally chose the first set. In fact, they were all the same. It didn't matter if it was on Wang Linchi anyway. There would be a chance to get it in the future.

After redeeming it, he immediately equipped it, and then cool special effects appeared on his body. Wang Linchi quickly turned it off.

These special effects are formed by full enhancement and full refinement. After all, in the web game mode, the cooler the better.

Haoran Zhengqi's suit is extremely large, consisting of a total of seventy-two pieces of equipment. If Wang Linchi hadn't only needed to click to use it, he wouldn't have known that he could fit in so many items.

As for the set effects, they were even more powerful. There were one hundred and eight set effects. Wang Linchi didn't even know how the extra thirty-six set effects came about.

It can only be said that it is a thousand-level suit, and as long as the enhancement effect of the web game is turned off, at first glance, he will appear to be a gentle and gentle gentleman. The premise is that Wang Linchi does not speak or make trouble, and people can feel good about him at a glance. .

"As expected, a man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. The way I dress, I look like a human being... a bird... well-dressed." Wang Linchi felt that he had done too many damaging things, plus he had a bad opinion of himself. It is easy to skew oneself towards the villain, which leads to the current evaluation of oneself being skewed to derogatory terms.

"All the remaining level 10 suit equipment fragments will be put on the auction house and replaced with abyss crystals."

This thing is useless to him, but it is very useful to other players. As long as he exchanges 100 pieces, he can exchange for a top-notch ten-level suit with full strength and essence, which is much stronger than the equipment they have.

After processing, all the skill fragments, whether top-level or not, were exchanged for passive skills. The top-level ones were exchanged alone, and the non-top-level 5 fragments were exchanged. The skills in exchange were full-level passive skills, which saved him more money. Use Abyss Crystal in one hand to reach full proficiency.

In fact, the conversion is not much different, it is nothing more than an improvement in attributes and an improvement in skills.

"This kind of numerical game feels really good..." Wang Linchi can be sure that it is not just him and Ye Tian who have been improved this time. God's Hand and Qingmei Zhuojiu should also be improved a lot. After all, the fifth The entire legion was wiped out, and only the four of them received rewards from the emergency recruitment mission.

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