Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 275 The distribution of game characters’ strengths

"This is so cool."

"The special effects of the web game are in tatters, but the artists really saved this thing's life."

Wang Linchi looked at the Nine Heavens Supreme Divine Dragon King's mount that evolved from a donkey and the Phoenix Nirvana Divine Feather Wings that evolved from chicken wings. As long as the vulgar special effects are turned off, they are still very beautiful.

In addition, the four selected liver points, such as the root bone aperture, the source of spiritual power, the tree of understanding, and others were also raised to the limit, causing his three attributes to skyrocket.

"It's a pity that there are not enough abyss crystals, otherwise I can fill up the rest."

There are more liver points to increase the value. His few abyss crystals are not enough to fill them all.

However, the game system will definitely not lose money. Even though Wang Linchi smashed so many into it, they were actually transformed from abyss crystals. They were essentially resources provided by abyss monsters. Maybe the game system even collected them when it helped transform them. What about the handling fee?

As for why so many liver points are divided, Wang Linchi also has a guess. It is probably because the game characters cannot carry too much power, so they need to be divided.

Therefore, web games with a lot of krypton gold points are an excellent choice. As long as you change it, turn the krypton gold points into liver points and then divert them, you can make the game characters withstand the power that was originally unbearable, and make them more capable. To be strong.

After he graduated nine liver points, he directly rose to the first place in these nine rankings.

Ye Tian went to do some work and turned the abyss crystal into strength. However, even if he wanted to turn it into money, he couldn't do it in a short time. Wang Linchi was able to be so fast only with the help of a small assistant. If he switched to manual, it would not be as efficient. So fast.

Suddenly, Wang Linchi's reputation rose again.

The only drawback is that he has a bad reputation.

Mainly because his previous treatment of the Third Army was too criticized.

This matter must not be hidden. When the four legions merged, the people of the third legion complained, and then it spread. Coupled with the use of interested people, it immediately became infamous.

For this, Wang Linchi can only express his sincere gratitude.

If someone hadn't added fuel to the fire, his remnant seal of reincarnation wouldn't have been able to charge so fast.

It's a pity that they can only talk about it. No one can cause any substantial harm or loss of interests to Wang Linchi. Instead, they have given Wang Linchi enough benefits.

So Wang Linchi didn't pay much attention to it.

He doesn't want to dominate the world or win people's hearts. All he needs is reputation, and there is no need to worry about whether it is good or bad.

And notoriety also has its benefits. Before, there were people who dared to approach him shamelessly, but now no one comes to him at all, which makes him much cleaner.

Good people will be pointed at a gun, but they won't dare to do that to a bad person.

After checking again, I hung the unnecessary items on the stall. This time, instead of using abyss crystals and game currency, I settled with real currency.

This is used to make the final payment to the nutrient solution company.

Until now, most players still use game currency. Abyss crystals are rare materials and cannot be exchanged for them. This is only possible unless Wang Linchi sells equipment fragments.

Being able to settle with real money is actually more popular among powerful players. After all, there are only three ways for players to obtain currency, which are monster drops, mission acquisition, and selling goods. Forget about doing business. Finance has also been suppressed by the game system. The value is directly limited. No matter how high you speculate, the game system will not recognize it.

And you can't transfer money for no reason. There must be a transaction. However, the transaction must match. For example, for a piece of level 1 equipment, you cannot ask a sky-high price to ensure currency.

The essence of currency is not for finance, but to make players stronger. If you have taken away people's money and it is not enough to buy medicine, how can you become stronger?

Of course, you can also give it as a gift. You need to explain the reason and pass the review and confirmation of the game system, and it will be controlled.

This will indeed prevent the rich from getting richer.

The guild also has public funds that can be donated, but the purchased items will also be monitored by the game system. Once abuse of power is discovered, the guild will be punished.

Fortunately, the game system is not really overpowered, and real-money purchases are also enabled.

At first glance it may seem like you are losing game currency, but the value is different.

The currency in the game is one of the derivatives of the power of order and is used to resist the abyss. For the game system, the real currency is just a bunch of useless codes and banknotes. You can become stronger in this way without any cost. Players, it's definitely worth it.

And as the game system controls reality more and more powerfully, real currency is also constantly depreciating, and is gradually transitioning to game currency.

After Wang Linchi set up his stall, he immediately went offline.

When he was offline, his phone was buzzing with text messages. Once he made a purchase, the money would be transferred to his savings account.

Seeing this, he immediately silenced him.

"There is still some time. We should be able to get the nutrient solution today."

A week ago, Wang Linchi commissioned an agency to operate it. They said it could be done within seven days, but he didn't say it would be done once a day. He didn't have that much time.

The activity ended on the morning of the seventh day, and Wang Linchi was able to check on the progress with peace of mind.

The agreement was for three o'clock in the afternoon, and it was only twelve o'clock at noon. There were still three hours, which was enough for Wang Linchi to prepare.

"Ye Tian left home?" Wang Linchi suddenly realized this.

Ye Tian is definitely not online. They are friends, so you can tell whether they are online by looking at the friend column.

"Then where did he go and what matters did he deal with?" Wang Linchi's expression became serious.

"As a reborn person, what you have to do will definitely affect the future, and it is likely to be some big event."

"Having said that, after Ye Tian's enlightenment, it seems that he no longer takes the harem route, but the career route."

Wang Linchi discovered such a blind spot, which was a good thing for him. After all, he could feel much more relaxed when there was a protagonist facing the disaster.

‘I hope that in the next world, I will no longer be asked to be the tall one. ’ Wang Linchi thought to himself.

He never thought that this world could withstand the invasion of the abyss.

With this ability, he wouldn't have been defeated until now.

After Wang Linchi dealt with it some more, he got up and went to make tea.

As Party A and a major customer, it must be Party B’s agency.

They were on time and arrived at three o'clock.

He took out a large bag of documents and explained them carefully to Wang Linchi.

The reason for being so meticulous is not because they are dedicated, but because Wang Linchi has not paid a large amount of the final payment.

How else could you control them and ask them to do their work seriously? It was true that the money they gave was large. Wang Linchi didn't bother with the initial payment, but the real big deal was the remaining balance, so they couldn't help but do the work.

"Well, you are all elites. I am very satisfied with this cooperation." Wang Linchi nodded and said.

Everyone was happy when they heard this. It was time to make the final payment.

But Wang Linchi had a problem.

"However, documents are documents. We still have to conduct an on-site inspection of my company, right." Wang Linchi naturally couldn't believe that the documents given by the other party were reasonable, so he believed them and paid the balance.

If he tries to trick himself later, he will be in trouble when the time comes. The other party supports the legal department, and he can drag Wang Linchi with him once he gets the money.

"That's natural. Don't worry, Mr. Wang, everything is done according to the contract specifications." The other party's project leader said hurriedly, and then motioned to his people to drive, preparing to take Wang Linchi to the site to take a look.

Ye Tian got out of the car carrying a backpack. He had just arrived at the airport.

Occasionally, some inheritance of the Destiny Demon God comes to mind. The memory must be gone. From birth to death, there is not even a day. Compared with the majestic inheritance, there is naturally a gap.

‘Can the system detect it? ’ Ye Tian silently called for the game system in his heart.

[Everything is normal, the anomaly described by the player has not been detected, and effective updates and targeting cannot be carried out]

'Sigh... No wonder in the previous life, the demon was so terrifying that even the game system couldn't do anything about it. ’ Ye Tian was also a little helpless, this was just the newly born demon god.

Fortunately, the game system has provided him with multiple layers of protection. Once the Destiny Demon wakes up and wants to seize his body, he will find that he is facing an enhanced hedgehog.

The game system was unable to find the destiny that the Demon of Destiny had left on him, but it was able to put enough protective measures on Ye Tian to find out the opponent. As long as the Demon of Destiny was caught by the game system, it could use the power of order to forcibly Executed.

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