Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 276 Abyss Difficulty·Fall of Qingzhou

"This time the scope actually involves a state. It is indeed getting more and more difficult."

After Wang Linchi solved the problem of the nutrient solution, he directly entered the level 70 abyss difficulty dungeon.

The copy is called The Fall of Qingzhou.

Three months later, the abyss monster sealed in Qingzhou will be unsealed and will destroy the entire Qingzhou.

This is the final BOSS. There is currently no clue. In addition, there are many abyss monsters and demonized creatures scattered around.

In addition to dealing with the abyss monsters, Wang Linchi may also have to face the pursuit of the Demon Suppressing Alliance. There is a branch of the Demon Suppressing Alliance in Qingzhou.

That's right, it was the Demon Suppressing Alliance who unsealed this terrifying abyss monster. Therefore, Wang Linchi not only had to kill this abyss monster that broke out of the seal, but also finally destroyed the entire Demon Suppressing Alliance branch.

The rewards are very generous. The rewards from the Demon Suppressing Alliance alone are far better than those for killing abyss monsters everywhere. The main reason is that the group of Suppressing Magicians in the Demon Suppressing Alliance are really weak.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they slay demons and have powerful magic powers.

However, in the eyes of players, a group of summoners who are good at control are not as professional as serious summoners, and they can be manipulated by summons, which is simply a shame for summoners.

"But my identity bug, how should the game system solve it?"

If Wang Linchi arrives in a place where there is no Demon-Suppressing Alliance, there will indeed be no problem with his identity as a Demon-Suppressing Magician. After all, no one will know whether you are real or fake.

But there is a demon-suppressing alliance in Qingzhou, and the group of demon-suppressing magicians in the demon-suppressing alliance who have been contaminated by abyss monsters and become almost insane, can tell at a glance that there is something wrong with his identity.

"The soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the soil. It's not me who worries anyway." Wang Linchi didn't care much about his identity. He came to kill, not to play intrigue.

Then he naturally headed towards the city gate nearest to him.

That's right, he was refreshed at the gate of the city again. He didn't even know what the special preferences of this game system were, but he was actually refreshed here again.

"Are you the Lord Magician?"

Wang Linchi was about to enter the city when a man dressed as a servant came over and asked in a cautious and respectful tone.

"Yes, something happened?" Wang Linchi felt that the person to pick him up was coming.

After having an identity, the game system will arrange an entry point most of the time, and will provide branch lines with corresponding help to the main line.

Just like the previous city master mission, although Wang Linchi's completion was a little off track, he still gave enough help to enable Wang Linchi to cheat more smoothly.

It's really impossible to pass the Abyss difficulty dungeon without cheating.

"That's right, Master Mage, it was my master who invited you, and a sedan has been arranged for you." The servant said hurriedly.

With that said, the bearers on the side hurriedly carried the sedan over.

"Don't tell me, the treatment is quite good." Wang Linchi couldn't help but say. The last time he went to the city to meet the city lord, he walked there, but this time there was a sedan to sit on.

Got on the sedan and walked directly towards the city.

The soldier guarding the gate kept his eyes straight, for fear of offending Wang Linchi. In Qingzhou, the status of the town magician was not low at all, and he belonged to the privileged class.

"Why did your master invite me here?" Wang Linchi asked.

The servant was waiting beside him. When he heard Wang Linchi's words, he also responded: "It's some private matters in the house. When you get to the house, my master will tell you in person."

"Don't worry, even if you don't accept the job, your trip will not be in vain."

The other party seemed to be afraid that Wang Linchi would leave, so he added another sentence.

Wang Linchi didn't have much idea about this, so he couldn't extrapolate the clues he got.

"Yes." Wang Linchi responded and then did not respond.

At this time, he was estimating his own strength. It stands to reason that his game character should be stronger than his real body now. After all, the thousand-level graduation equipment and a large number of passive skills not only increase the character's Attributes, as well as various special effects and skill enhancements.

It is far more powerful than the current version.

Thanks to the three mastery skills of weapons, armor, and accessories, he can ignore the level requirements for equipment.

Otherwise, there is really no way to become so strong relying on these things.

Coupled with enough cards, he suspected that the basic skill of the scholar profession, Civil War Strategy, could instantly kill the level 70 BOSS. This was due to the attribute crushing from the numerical monster.

He vaguely guessed that this might be done intentionally by the game system in order to train him and then deal with the children of the abyss.

After all, Wang Linchi could also see the strength and danger of the children of Abyss.

After walking for about an hour, the sedan finally stopped.

Wang Linchi felt that he was really not enjoying his life. He was almost uncomfortable sitting in this sedan chair.

The main reason was that the sedan was not big, and the sedan bearers would inevitably be tired after walking for a long time, but Wang Linchi did not make things difficult for them.

"Master Mage, we're here." The servant said respectfully.

Wang Linchi got off the sedan before the other party could say anything. The servant was stunned at this situation.

Looking up, I saw that this family had an extraordinary family background. The threshold and door showed that they were no ordinary people.

The plaque on the gate reads "Zheng's Mansion", and there are also small plaques such as "House of Good Deeds" and "Moral Characters". It seems that it was written by a big shot, and then carved into a plaque to show his power. As for why it is hung outside, it must be It's hard for people to see it if it's hung inside, so how can it be displayed?

After entering the Zheng Mansion, the person who received him this time was the head of the Zheng family, a somewhat stout middle-aged man with a sad face named Zheng Li. He was also polite when he saw Wang Linchi.

"Mr. Master, I've been waiting for you. Please save the dog this time." When the other party saw Wang Linchi, he didn't show any politeness. After greeting him, he grabbed Wang Linchi's hand and said: An anxious look.

"Don't worry, let's talk slowly." Wang Linchi calmly withdrew his hand. It wasn't because he didn't respond, but mainly because he wouldn't be able to attack if caught by the other party.

Regardless of who you attack, you should always be prepared.

"I was the one who was rude. Master, please come this way." Zheng Li said, leading Wang Linchi into the hall and asking the maid to watch tea.

After sitting down, he started talking.

Wang Linchi summarized the content. It was probably that his son was deceived by online dating, and the person opposite him was asking for ransom. Of course, online dating refers to the exchange of letters, and the person who was cheating was a group of demonized people. On weekdays, he relied on Cheating, catching and robbing people and goods.

Zheng Li was also feeling bitter. If it were just a group of demons, he would really be able to deal with it. Unfortunately, there was an abyss monster standing behind this group of demons. Most of the human goods in the demon's hands were filial piety to this abyss monster.

This abyss monster was so powerful that even the city lord turned a blind eye. In desperation, he had no choice but to go to the Demon Suppressing Alliance and ask the Suppressing Magician to mediate.

Yes, mediating, not subduing the devil.

Even if it means taking the Zheng family's property, as long as his son can come back.

Fortunately, it was Wang Linchi who he met. If he had been replaced by those real magicians, he would have been eaten up and wiped clean and the whole family was sent to feed the abyss monsters.

"This matter is quite difficult." Wang Linchi put on an air and looked like it was difficult to handle.

"Don't worry, as long as you are willing to help, I am willing to take half of the Zheng family's wealth as reward." Zheng Li, who was the son of his old family, loved him very much, and directly gave half of the family property to Wang Linchi to help.

Zheng Li's son is not a spoiled playboy, but a pretty good heir.

"Whether it's money or not is another matter. Tell me what happened to that group of demons." Wang Linchi ignored the topic and was more concerned about the mission.

Hearing this, Zheng Li also felt happy, which meant that Wang Linchi was moved, so he thought for a moment and said: "This demon is a group of mountain people from the Cuiqing Mountain outside the city. He is a good man, but Cuiqing Mountain doesn't know about it." When did a snake demon come and occupy the Cuiqing Mountain, calling himself the Green King, and enslaved the surrounding mountain people, turning them all into demons."

"That's why the demons started to do these evil things. They are also a group of pitiful people, and there are also monsters. From then on..."

Wang Linchi listened quietly. He didn't stupidly ask why the Demon Suppressing Alliance didn't send a magician to succumb to the demon. If he really could have invited one, this green mountain wouldn't have been left unsolved until now.

"Then are there any places like Cuiqing Mountain around here?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Yes, there are three more places, namely..." Zheng Li did not hide anything and told everything he knew.

Wang Linchi's heart sank. These four areas were probably feeding the people of the entire city, and the demonic creatures were their farmers, ready to harvest people at any time.

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