Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 278 Identity Props·Aristocratic Family Emblem

When we returned to the Zheng Mansion, it was indeed dark. Fortunately, the Zheng family was a big family and had a certain status in the city, otherwise they would not even be able to enter the city gate.

The other people who were rescued were sent away, and it was impossible for Zheng Li to really take these people in.

"This is your family heirloom, it's quite interesting." Wang Linchi looked at the special token in his hand. It was an identity item and said it was one of the rewards.

The other reward is naturally half of the Zheng family's property.

Wang Linchi didn't think it was a good idea, but he didn't refuse. If he had money, many things would be much easier to handle.

【Family emblem】

[Type: Identity props]

[Stored in the inventory, each time you enter the Abyss difficulty dungeon, you will automatically gain the identity of the head of the family, and gain 50% of the wealth of the owner with the highest wealth of the family in this dungeon]

[Tip: Wealth includes fixed assets, personal connections, influence, etc.]

[Tip: This identity has a high probability of being coveted by NPC forces]

Not to mention, the value of this identity is no less than that of a magician. Although it does not have any combat power bonus, if it works well, it can complete the mission without losing any blood.

It's a pity that it's not suitable for Wang Linchi, but more suitable for those who rely on strategy to make a living. Wang Linchi really can't take this path. On the contrary, his status as a suppressing magician is more suitable for him.

"It's not worth mentioning that I made you laugh," Zheng Li said.

If Wang Linchi re-enters this dungeon, he might be able to directly take away half of Zheng Li's power.

Judging from the current situation, the Zheng family should be the largest family in Qingzhou.

"Okay, when will the remaining half of the family property be delivered? After we settle the payment, I have other things to do." Wang Linchi kept advancing before retreating.

To be honest, Zheng Li was willing to give half of the Zheng family at first because his son was gone. Now that his son is back, it feels very distressing for him to give so much.

Zheng Li's son Zheng Lin's eyes widened. He wanted to share half of the Zheng family's property. This was too greedy.

He knew before that his father paid a big price to save him, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

"I'm afraid it will take some time. Why don't you stay here for a few days, Master?" Zheng Li gritted his teeth and finally thought about delaying it for a while. It would be best if he could not give it or give him less.

Wang Linchi also saw what the other party was thinking, but did not point it out. He said with a smile: "It seems that I have made a lot of money. Is it enough to give you seven days?"

"Do you think you can extend the grace period? How about one month?" Zheng Li felt that since Wang Linchi had taken the initiative to give in, there was still room for negotiation.

The next moment, Wang Linchi's expression darkened.

"I'm giving you seven days. It's a notification, not a discussion."

The eyes of the Holy Master on the side glowed with red light, and the pig talisman did not trigger, and exuded extremely powerful power.

This made Zheng Li panic immediately. The other party could even kill evil spirits, let alone ordinary people. Even if they were killed, no one would stand up for them. They could destroy the Zheng family and others.

"Okay, okay, I will make arrangements for you, Master, within seven days." Zheng Li gave in immediately, while Zheng Lin on the side hesitated to speak, and finally did not dare to speak at this juncture.

He is still discerning. Although he feels uncomfortable about this, he also understands that if he really talks nonsense, it will definitely make the situation more dangerous.

The Zheng family was already at a disadvantage, and there was no room for resistance.

"Don't change your mind about what you have agreed upon." Wang Linchi warned the other party.

He may not want it, but the other party cannot refuse to give it. After all, you agreed to give it first, but then he refuses to give it to you after helping. This is not only a breach of trust, but also makes you think that he is easy to bully and deliberately embarrasses him.

If it hadn't been agreed at the beginning, Wang Linchi wouldn't have made things difficult for the other party.

Then he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Master, please come here. I have asked the servant to arrange a room for you. I will ensure that you will live comfortably during these seven days." Zheng Li said flatteringly.

Wang Linchi originally planned to leave the Zheng family, find a place to stay for one night, and clean up the abyss monsters around them these days, but after thinking about it again, it was indeed not as comfortable as the Zheng family outside.

As for the undercover operation, forget it. There is no rush. He still has to get some information.

For example, the matter of the Demon Suppression Alliance.

When heading to Qingcui Mountain, Wang Linchi had already asked Zheng Li on the sidelines. The other party did not know the specific situation of the Demon Suppressing Alliance. It was good luck to invite Wang Linchi, the Suppressing Magician, because he had contacted the city lord.

It is estimated that it will not succeed under normal circumstances. The city lord will not help this. All the magicians are not good people. There is no need to bring trouble for themselves.

However, the game system directly inserted Wang Linchi's identity, allowing the originally failed plot to be continued.

After learning the cause and effect, Wang Linchi also found it a bit interesting. It was somewhat similar to the function of the residual seal of reincarnation to add an identity to him, but the focus was different.

The identity given by the reincarnation residual seal is more like directly modifying the data, and this identity prop is given with corresponding logic. If the two can be combined, maybe his identity will be more complete in the next world, and it may not even be transparent. Maybe he can have enough social status.

This remnant seal of reincarnation can be achieved if enough luck is invested in the protagonist, but if you study it carefully, you will find a lot of unreasonable points.

For example, his current parents do not exist at all. There are car accident records, but there are no corpses or ashes. If you check further, you can't find your grandparents.

And with the identity prop technology of the game system, the acquired identity can be directly continued to a reasonable point, so that there will be no identity problems.

Zheng Li arranged a small independent courtyard for Wang Linchi, and there were good-looking maids to serve him. However, Wang Linchi was not used to having people around, so he sent them all away.

"It's different for a wealthy family. They can actually open up guest rooms with independent courtyards in their mansions." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh.

It's a pity that no matter how much money you have, it won't help. When meeting a supernatural being, money cannot provide him with sufficient protection. Instead, it may become the bane of the other person.

Just like this time, if it weren't for Wang Linchi's appearance, Zheng Li would have been eliminated.

Then what the Zheng family will face next is a group of evil wolves. If you don’t have a son, you won’t be able to have another son. You will only become someone else’s meal. All forces will want to kill you for meat, even members of the family with the same surname as you. That's the same idea.

As for resistance, if one force can resist you, how can you resist if all the forces in the city join forces to deal with you?

What? Kill Zheng Lin again? I'm afraid this won't happen. Everyone still follows the rules. He died at the hands of evil spirits before. Zheng Li didn't have enough strength to take revenge. But if other forces take action, Zheng Li can't take revenge on the monsters of the abyss. Is it possible that he still doesn't have the ability to take revenge on fellow ordinary people? Other forces of man.

When the time comes, they directly hire murderers to kill them. Even if they can't kill this extremely powerful group, they can still kill all their outstanding heirs, or even kill most of the main family members, and the side branches will fall into a struggle for power.

Furthermore, everyone eats people secretly and wears a fig leaf. When trouble occurs, they want to kill people. Other forces will be the first to kill you, an unruly person.

Ordinary people have to abide by the rules. Unless you are also a magician, you don't have to abide by the rules of ordinary people, but you have to abide by the rules of the Demon Suppression Alliance.

"Dad, do we really want to give half of our family property to that mage?" Zheng Lin looked unwilling.

"Otherwise? Didn't you see that the demon under his command really dared to kill people?" Zheng Li was a little tired. He was really scared just now, and then he complained: "If you didn't do it yourself, why would you do it? To this point."

Zheng Lin also looked guilty, but he quickly thought of a way: "If we can bribe the evil spirits under the other party's command and make them work for us, wouldn't it be..."

"This..." Zheng Li was moved.

This time, he finally understood that no matter how powerful he was, what could he do? If he didn't have enough power, he would just be a human being.

"How can a demon be so easy to bribe? The demon looks so loyal at first sight." Zheng Li was moved, but also worried.

"Leave this matter to me, but I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money." Zheng Lin thought, if he could bribe the evil spirits, wouldn't he also be able to become a high-ranking magician? Then who would dare to think about the Zheng family? ?

"Go to the accounting room to get it, but you have to be careful about this and don't let the mage know about it, otherwise the family will be destroyed." Zheng Li naturally understood the risks of this matter.

"Don't worry, dad, I'm sensible." Although Zheng Lin had a plan, he couldn't do it with such a big fanfare.

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