Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 279 Look at this attitude, you have to compare it

"What's going on with this guy?"

The next day, Wang Linchi felt a little strange. He found that the boy named Zheng Lin was trying to feed the Holy Master something strange.

It looked like a human part, which made him unable to understand what the other party wanted to do.

The Holy Master doesn't need to eat, and even if he eats, he won't eat people.

"Isn't it because he plans to bribe the Holy Lord?" Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter.

Looking at it this way, it looked a bit like it, which made him dumbfounded. What was this?

The other party should have never come into contact with the Suppressing Magician. After all, the two are not on the same level, so how can they be so easy to come into contact with.

Just like the owner of the canteen at the entrance of the village, there are a few people who know the different positions in the province, and they may not even know who the senior officials are.

Therefore, you can only form a judgment based on the information you receive. Therefore, he felt that he could subjugate the Holy Lord for his own use. This was probably due to his sense of superiority as the heir of a noble family.

To be honest, being able to bring human body parts actually shows that the other party is not a good person.

Otherwise, a normal person would hesitate when encountering such a thing, and it's not like there is no way around it when life is in danger, so he is forced to take action.

"Tsk, tsk, I'm still a good person."

"If this were a real magician, they wouldn't miss this opportunity."

"Forget it, I won't continue playing with this kid. I'll kill the remaining three bosses. Then I'll clear everything I can in this city. I'll try to complete the mission and leave within half a month."

Wang Linchi stood up, not intending to continue talking nonsense with the other party. The second white porcelain soul seed page on his body was born in half a month. Naturally, he wanted to complete the task as soon as possible and then go back and become stronger.

When leaving the yard, wouldn't it be embarrassing to give Zheng Lin a chance to deliberately make some noise so that he wouldn't have to give him a reason to kill someone?

If you want to kill, don't kill now.

"Good morning, Master Mage." Zheng Lin looked nervous and spoke a little stumblingly. As for the human body parts, they were hidden behind him because they were not big.

"Well, morning." Wang Linchi said in a neutral tone, then glanced at Zheng Lin's back and said, "The smell is so strong, remember to deal with it."

To be honest, Wang Linchi didn't even know what Zheng Li was thinking. Did he not know that Wang Linchi could see the scene through the vision of the Holy Lord? Still doing this little trick.

In this regard, Wang Linchi could only say that he was worthy of carrying forward the Zheng family. He was not only ruthless but also good at seizing opportunities.

It's easy to fall into Wang Linchi's hands, because people can't make money beyond their knowledge, and their knowledge of Wang Linchi is basically zero.

Zheng Lin's face turned pale. He naturally knew what Wang Linchi was referring to.

"Yes, it must be dealt with thoroughly." Zheng Lin was frightened.

"Next time you can change some things. Maybe the Holy Master will agree that cannibalism is not included in his diet." After Wang Linchi finished speaking, he took the Holy Master and left.

Zheng Lin's back was completely soaked with cold sweat.

"How could he know everything? This... this is really unbelievable." Zheng Lin looked a little dazed, but he quickly came to his senses and left in a hurry.

Now that he has been exposed, he must go back to his father Zheng Li to discuss what to do.

In his eyes, the fact that Wang Linchi was so unconcerned meant that he really had no way to bribe the Holy Master. If he wanted to keep his family business, he had to make another choice.

Wang Linchi left the Zheng Mansion alone and was stopped before he could take two steps.

"Master Town Mage, I would like to ask if you have free time today. My master is the lord of the city and I have come to invite Master Mage to come and have a talk." A luxuriously dressed butler said with humility in his tone.

Looking at this appearance, it is obvious that he has been waiting for a long time, at least in terms of sincerity, it is much greater than that of the Zheng family.

The Zheng family had sent a servant there before. Unlike the city lord, this housekeeper looked like the top leader in the house.

"My master has been on official business for two days in a row. He looks haggard. It would be disrespectful to come to invite the mage. That's why he asked me to wait here." The other party also hurriedly added.

This is most likely an excuse. After all, it is really not appropriate to ask the city lord to come and wait.

No matter how you say it, it's shameful. If it really comes, it will probably lose its majesty.

"Oh, what do you want from me?" Wang Linchi asked back.

He knew that this city lord was also a hindsight. If he really respected him, he should have come a long time ago. The reason why he waited until now was because Wang Linchi successfully solved the snake demon on the Green Mountain. If Wang Linchi not only failed to solve it, but died on the If you fall into the hands of a snake demon or get severely injured, the other party will not pay attention to you.

"I would like to ask you to discuss the matter of subduing demons." This butler obviously knows a lot and is able to deal with it with ease.

"It's okay, it's just that the Zheng family took half of their family property to hire me to succumb to the demon. I wonder how much the city lord can contribute?" Wang Linchi said jokingly.

It means don't look for him if there is no benefit.

"The city lord once said that everything is ready for you, Master. As long as you come in person, you will be satisfied." The butler continued.

Wang Linchi glanced around. In addition to the people from the City Lord's Mansion, there were other forces that wanted to invite Wang Linchi. However, some forces had no idea at all and didn't even have the etiquette to invite people.

Currently, the one with the best etiquette is the City Lord's Mansion, and of course the same goes for the Zheng Mansion. If it wasn't related to the main plot, Wang Linchi would definitely not eagerly stick to it.

Now he is still thinking about defaulting on his debt and poaching him, which means that Wang Linchi seems to have some value, otherwise his character would have sent the father and son on their way.

"Then let's see how sincere the city lord is. If he's not sincere enough, I'm going to go crazy." What Wang Linchi said was true.

"Please come this way, the carriage has been prepared for you." The butler waved and stopped on the luxury carriage on the roadside, and the coachman drove over skillfully.

After getting on the carriage, they headed towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Wang Linchi also chatted with the housekeeper on the way and got a lot of information about the city.

The carriage of the City Lord's Mansion is much better than the Zheng family's sedan.

The Zheng family is a big family, but this family is not the kind of family with hands and eyes. Instead, it is more like an upgraded version of a rich family, with money but no power.

After arriving at the City Lord's Mansion, the formation was also very large, and it felt comfortable to look at.

We greeted Wang Linchi all the way to the main hall.

"Your Majesty, Lord Magician, can come. This humble abode will really be in full bloom." The city lord was waiting outside the main hall, and went over to receive Wang Linchi as soon as he came out.

"The city lord's mansion has become a humble abode, so there will be no place to live." Wang Linchi said with a smile.

"It's a great honor to be able to see this city lord's palace in the eyes of Master Mage." The city lord complimented again smoothly.

The two entered the main hall. The city lord did not get down to business at the beginning, but was bombarded with all kinds of top hats and compliments. Someone else might have been so flattered by the compliments.

On the contrary, Wang Linchi was very sober. He was from the end of the world anyway. He would accept such words, but he would not take them seriously.

"City Lord, let's get down to business. I want to see my sincerity and also want to know what the City Lord has entrusted me with." Seeing that the time was almost up, Wang Linchi interrupted the City Lord's compliment.

The city lord was not embarrassed at all, and said smoothly: "Yes, yes, business matters are important. The main thing is that Master Mage, you are really the best among people. I admire you endlessly."

Having said this, the concubine on the side came over with something.

Wang Linchi glanced at the things above, his expression remained unchanged, and then said: "This thing of yours is indeed worth half of the Zheng family's property. Tell me what you want."

"I would like to ask the mage to help me investigate something in the Demon Suppression Alliance." The city lord spoke directly. Seeing Wang Linchi's expression change slightly, he added: "It's not a confidential matter. My younger brother is a Suppression Magician." , but I haven’t received any letters in recent months, so I would like to ask Master to help me check where I am going for business.”

Wang Linchi looked at the city lord jokingly and said, "No more than that. Let me ask you whether he is alive or dead."

Seeing Wang Linchi speaking so straightforwardly, the city lord couldn't hold back any longer and nodded: "Yes, Master Mage, please be more careful. If you can get some information, I will report it again."

"Okay, I will help." Wang Linchi agreed. As for whether he will go to help inquire, wait until he goes to the Demon Suppressing Alliance branch. Maybe he will go on a killing spree as soon as he goes there, and the people who survive will become Dead.

"That's great. Thank you Master Mage for your generosity." The city lord's face showed joy. After all, as an ordinary person, he could not even contact the Suppressing Magician, let alone explore the branch of the Demon Suppressing Alliance.

Therefore, it is rare to meet a magician like Wang Linchi, so it is best to pay the price to let Wang Linchi go.

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