Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 283: The magician who came to fall into a trap

"There is not much information, and it was deliberately covered up."

"But this is considered a normal situation. How could such secrets be spread everywhere?" Wang Linchi explored a large area in the city and found very few related to the Ten Industry Demons. This little information was still Found it from the city lord's mansion.

These are some fragments of words left by the younger brother of the city lord, the magician of that town.

I returned to the palace at night, and when I was about to enter, I saw two health bars.

"The Magician is here? It's so fast." This is something Wang Linchi didn't expect. He thought it would be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but he didn't expect it to come today. And looking at it, he shouldn't have just arrived, but has been here for a long time. A while.

Summoning the Holy Lord, he opened the door and walked in. Although the mansion was brightly lit, it was very quiet and the clear smell of blood could be smelled.

"Aren't you Yang Chenxu?" A tall, thin middle-aged man noticed Wang Linchi's arrival immediately and looked a little dissatisfied when he saw someone who was not the person he wanted to see.

Yang Chenxu and Wang Linchi knew that he was the younger brother of the city lord who was the magician.

"No, who are you?" Wang Linchi asked back. Judging from the other party's words, he probably didn't know where the city lord's younger brother had gone.

"Where are you from to suppress the magician? You crossed the border and came to my territory in Qingzhou without telling me? How dare you privately kill the fat sheep we have raised for so long." Another pudgy middle-aged man said Very unhappy, looking at this, they wanted Wang Linchi to give them an explanation, otherwise the matter would not be over.

These two were the only town magicians who came, and the abyss monsters supported by them were relatively average. The level 40 BOSS was considered good before, but unfortunately it was really not enough in the level 70 dungeon.

These two people should be middle-level personnel in the town magician, otherwise they would not be sent here to investigate.

Wang Linchi was actually curious. These two magicians could still maintain the appearance of middle-aged people and did not become old people. Was it because they had used less of the abyss monsters?

"I'm here to find the Ten Industry Demons. I wonder if you recognize them." Wang Linchi looked at the two people and could only say that he came at the right time. He thought he would go all the way to the Demon Suppressing Alliance branch, but he didn't expect them. Sent here by myself.

The expressions of the two town magicians darkened.

"He is here to cut off his beard. I thought you were here to fight the autumn wind." The tall and thin magician could hardly suppress his anger at this time.

It doesn't matter if you fight against the autumn wind. If you have done it once, you will let the other party go if you lose. Anyway, the other party can't take away all the fat sheep.

However, they have invested a lot of resources and time into these ten industry demons. As long as they successfully unblock them and support them, their status in the Demon Suppression Alliance will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and they can easily transfer from the branch to the main alliance. , live a life like a human being, and also enjoy the treatment of restoring life span.

Therefore, Wang Linchi's behavior was tantamount to being hostile to the entire Qingzhou Demon Suppression Alliance.

"In that case, just stay here." The pudgy Suppressing Magician couldn't help but snorted coldly, and then directly extracted his lifespan to support his abyss monster, and ordered it to kill Wang Linchi.


It was a good idea, but before the opponent's abyss monster had time to get close, it was crushed to death by the Holy Master.


The death of the abyss monster caused the squat magician to immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body began to age visibly to the naked eye.

"No, no, no, how is this possible..." The other party's expression was filled with horror. No matter how strong it was, the abyss monster he supported could not die in one encounter.

Offering humans to demons is an unequal treaty in itself. The death of the magician will not have any impact on the abyss monsters. However, if the abyss monster that is being donated dies, the magician will be severely damaged even if he does not die, and his lifespan will be greatly reduced.

The tall and thin magician's eyes shrank, and he decisively wanted to turn around and escape.

The opponent's abyss monster that can instantly kill his teammates can also kill him instantly. He doesn't want to die now.

The idea was very good, and it was implemented in a timely manner. Except for the fact that it was too late to run away, everything was good.

"No, save me, I can..."

Different from the short and fat Suppressing Magician, after the abyss monster of the tall and thin Suppressing Magician was killed, the backlash was so fierce that he bleeded from all his orifices as he spoke, and then his whole body felt as if he had been accelerated for fifty years. Old man It was in disarray, and finally the vitality disappeared.

"It's good luck, one of them is still alive." Wang Linchi looked at the short and fat magician and asked the Holy Master to pick him up. He looked very weak and old due to the backlash.

The death of the tall and thin Suppressing Magician was mainly due to Wang Linchi's attempt to scare the monkeys. If he wanted to prevent the opponent from being killed by the backlash, Wang Linchi was still sure to do it, just like this short and fat Suppressing Magician.

"Let me go, I'm valuable, I know the information about the Ten Industry Demons." The Puffy Town Magician immediately spoke to show his value.

Naturally, he couldn't shout that if you dare to kill him, he will fight to the death with you, or that his father or master is so-and-so, because it doesn't make any sense.

If it was really useful, Wang Linchi wouldn't do it right from the start.

"Yes, you are very self-aware, but I don't think you know anything." Wang Linchi caught him mainly to inquire about the situation of the Qingzhou branch of the Demon Suppression Alliance, and secondly about the Ten Industry Demons.

With their status as fat and thin magicians, their status in the Demon Suppression Alliance branch is definitely not high, otherwise how could they be arranged to investigate this matter.

"You should be able to live for a while, we can take it slow." Wang Linchi took the abyss crystal handed over by the Holy Master, and then asked: "Why did you think I was Yang Chenxu before?"

"He betrayed the Demon Suppression Alliance, and something happened here, so I thought it was Yang Chenxu who did it." The other party explained the reason very cooperatively.

"Because of the betrayal?" Wang Linchi was confused. How could the Suppressing Magician betray the Demon Suppressing Alliance?

"Lifespan, he overused the power of evil spirits, but there was no way to obtain the life-span-increasing treasures from the headquarters, so he betrayed the Demon Suppression Alliance."

After hearing this, Wang Linchi also understood that the Demon Suppressing Alliance was very serious about seniority. Yang Chenxu had no background and no qualifications, so he was at the bottom of the squeeze and was forced to use a lot of his life to drive the abyss. The monster completed its mission and collected resources for the top leaders of the Qingzhou branch of the Demon Suppression Alliance.

Seeing that the value was about to be drained out, and the superiors were dragging back the resources that were originally supposed to be given to him, he would lose his life if he continued, so he would naturally defect.

"Are there many new-generation magicians who have defected from the Demon Suppression Alliance?" Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter.

The other party looked at Wang Linchi and hesitated to speak, but was met with the fierce look of the Holy Master. Look at this situation, if he didn't say anything, he would definitely be crushed into mince by the Holy Master.

"Many, most of them were abducted and used as meat pigs..."

When Wang Linchi heard the other party describe it as a pig, he also felt that the Demon Suppression Alliance was really destroying its foundation.

Without fresh blood, how can we maintain growth?

I can only say that the world is really miserable. Geniuses who should have been regarded as hope were ignored and harvested.

Those who can possess the qualifications, complete the training, and pass the trial to become a magician are basically not ordinary people. After all, it is really difficult.

Of course, that was changed after people were sacrificed to the demons. Originally, all one had to do was have the qualifications, then learn the skills from the magician, and wait until he became a master.

How is it like now? It's almost like carefully selecting the fish on the chopping board. People only eat the precious ones, and ordinary Fish Town Demon League senior officials don't even bother to eat them.

"Is there no one who resists?" Wang Linchi asked again.

"Yes, but most of them are old because they have exhausted their lifespan and are no match for the Demon Suppressing Alliance." The short, fat Suppressing Magician suppressed them several times.

Yang Chenxu was one of the people who resisted, but he escaped.

"I see. Then tell me about the Qingzhou branch. I'm also very curious about your Qingzhou branch." Wang Linchi no longer dwells on this matter. With the current situation of the copy, It is very likely that he will face these problems of the Demon Suppression Alliance, and the only one he can contact is the Qingzhou branch.

As for where the headquarters is, Wang Linchi doesn't know. Even if he knows, he can't go there. The scope of this copy is only in Qingzhou.

"Give me some treatment first, I can't hold on anymore." The short, fat middle-aged man felt that his life was passing faster and faster, so he could only hope in Wang Linchi's treatment: "I have medicine for treatment in my pocket. "

Seeing this, Wang Linchi took off his pocket and held it in his hand: "It's okay, you still have a lot of time. Tell me some information and I'll give you some healing medicine."

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