Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 284: Demon-melting ritual, the plan of the elders of the Demon-Suppressing Alliance

"It is indeed a place where the real rich and powerful live, but it is different."

Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh, what is power, this is it.

The bustling city with a population of hundreds of thousands and nearly one million supports twelve people, and they live a life of luxury and luxury.

These twelve people are the controllers of the Qingzhou branch of the Demon Suppression Sect. Just as Wang Linchi had guessed before, the two fat and thin magic suppressors are only in the middle level. Although they are also squeezing the lower level magicians, But compared with these twelve people, there is a huge difference.

At least in terms of longevity.

According to the pudgy town magician, these twelve people have the ability to control abyss monsters regardless of their lifespans, and the leader of them, the elder, can become one with the abyss monsters.

Among these twelve people, eleven are deacons and one is an elder, who constitute the real power control of the entire branch.

As for the remaining twenty or so town magicians, most of them are related to these twelve people. For example, these two fat and thin people are the disciples of one of the deacons.

There were only one or two who were not, such as Yang Chenxu, who had no connections, so he was squeezed and ran away.

"Master, no one in the city will buy these weird things of yours. It seems that no one will want to donate them to the magicians." The butler on the side was a little confused.

This butler is the new butler. The old one was killed by Fat and Shou Town Magician a long time ago. There is no one alive in the entire palace.

There are only a few people, and to this group of magicians, they are just a small dessert to worship the monsters of the abyss.

If Wang Linchi hadn't killed these two people at that time, the whole city would have been empty.

"This is a surprise from me. Besides, don't you know that I am also a magician?" Wang Linchi glanced at the new butler and said.

The new butler was confused for a moment. He really didn't know that Wang Linchi was the magician.

"This... I am really blind and do not recognize your majesty, Master Mage." The new butler also reacted and said hurriedly.

"It doesn't matter. You will put these things where they should be according to my arrangements later. If someone stops you, just take out these things and they won't dare to stop you." Wang Linchi said and took out Two waist tags. This waist tag is the waist tag of Fat and Shou Zhenmo Si. It is a proof of identity.

There is no need to worry that someone will verify it, because they are all ordinary people, and all the magicians in this city are superior. If ordinary people go there, the first thing they may be is fed by the abyss monsters.

As for why the people in the city stayed as slaves instead of running away, it was naturally due to coercion and brainwashing, or what else could it be.

Because of love? I’m afraid I’m not thinking too much.

"Yes!" The new butler also cheered up, feeling that he was on his way to success.

"Go and do things. If you do well, you will be rewarded." Wang Linchi drew a big cake.

Naturally, this group of people left very excitedly.

Wang Linchi did not come empty-handed, but brought a large amount of gunpowder in the name of a caravan.

He has experimented that gunpowder can explode here, and the power is not small. The disadvantage is that it cannot cause much damage to the abyss monsters, and the game system does not recognize it as a prop or equipment, but it still has the power it should have.

So he sold a large amount of the Zheng family's property and added some improvements to make the gunpowder much more powerful, similar to that of white phosphorus bombs. Its main features are that it is flammable, non-flammable and highly toxic.

He transported the alienated gunpowder as a commodity, and then asked the caravan people to arrange it. The next step was much simpler, just ignite it.

When the whole city was in flames, he didn't believe that these pampered magicians would be able to sit still.

Come to confront them or attack them one by one? How troublesome that would be.

What Wang Linchi has to do is to first eliminate the enemy's home field advantage. The opponent has been operating here for who knows how many years. If there is any back-up, then he will be in trouble.

It's better to do it more simply.

Furthermore, it is true that alienated gunpowder cannot cause much damage to abyss monsters, but it can cause a lot of damage to magicians.

The Suppressing Magician who sacrificed people to the Demon Queen has lost most of his ability to cast spells. All his extraordinary abilities depend on the abyss monsters. Coupled with the various ridiculous lives he leads and the sacrifices he makes to the abyss monsters, his physical condition is even worse than that of ordinary people. If he really got burned, he would definitely be burned alive on his own.

However, there are exceptions. Because the elder can fuse with the abyss monster, his body is not weak, and he seems to have become a demonized creature and is further transforming into the abyss monster.

The Chubby Town Magician didn't know much about the specific situation. After all, they were not on the same level, so how could he know about it.

"Kind master, please give me some money."

A beggar pulled Wang Linchi's trouser leg, which surprised Wang Linchi.

"There are still beggars in the city? Isn't that right?" Wang Linchi looked carefully and found a clue.

"What you just gave me made me feel the danger. You want to attack the Demon Suppressing Alliance, don't you!" the other party said in a low voice.

"Are you... Yang Chenxu?" Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes with uncertainty in his tone.

"It's me. You should be from the Demon Slayer Army. Come with me. It's not safe because there are so many people here." The other party whispered again, then limped up and left.

Wang Linchi was certain that the other party was indeed seriously injured, and even the abyss demon he supported was dead. Due to the backlash, he was lucky enough not to die, but he also suffered sequelae.

All the town magicians thought he had escaped, and no one thought that he was still here. The typical darkness under the lamp was, of course, related to the fact that the town magicians did not pay much attention to Yang Chenxu. After all, a person with a short life span, No matter where he goes.

He followed the other person into an alley. The mess in the alley was in sharp contrast to the cleanliness outside.

Here, Wang Linchi saw more beggars, homeless people, etc., all of them were skinny, many had injuries on their bodies, and occasionally some corpses were seen.

The way he was dressed attracted the attention of many people, but Wang Linchi didn't care and soon followed Yang Chenxu to his residence.

A hidden and well-sealed basement. The disadvantage is that the air circulation is very poor and a strange smell lingers.

"Your demon is dead, how did you find something wrong with my things?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Half-dead, I betrayed the Demon-Suppressing Alliance not because of lifespan, but because I stole the elder's demon-melting ritual. Although I didn't completely merge with the Xin Xuan Demon I supported, I still gained some abilities, such as Perception of danger and keen intuition." Yang Chenxu sat down.

"Then you were discovered, and then you defected." Wang Linchi continued his train of thought.

"Almost, I was discovered during the ritual. If they had been slower for half an hour, I would have succeeded." Yang Chenxu didn't care at all whether the secret was leaked.

"Tell me what you want from me." Wang Linchi got straight to the point.

If the other party exposes his identity and comes to look for him, he must be asking for something.

"As expected of a member of the Demon Slayer Army, he is so majestic!" Yang Chenxu praised him first, and then said: "What I want is very simple, that is to send me away from here and live in the territory of your Demon Slayer Army."

"Don't worry, the demon-melting ritual failed. Although I gained some demonic abilities, I will never be able to support the demons again in my life."

Hearing this, Wang Linchi nodded: "Then, what help will you provide?"

Wang Linchi is not a member of the Demon Slayer Army. He doesn't even know what the situation of the Demon Slayer Army is, so naturally he can't help in vain.

"Elder, he has been worshiping the Ten Karma Demons in Qingzhou for so many years. Next, he plans to use the entire Qingzhou as a ritual sacrifice and use the power of the Ten Karma Demons to become a real evil demon."

"Send me away, and I'll tell you how to break the demon-melting ritual and re-seal the ten-karma demon."

"Believe me, I know all the secrets." Yang Chenxu said.

"Yes, but the premise is that you must hand over the contents of the demon-melting ritual, plus all the secrets you know." After Wang Linchi finished speaking, he added: "I will send you out of the city first."

Wang Linchi is interested in the ritual of melting demons. As for sealing the demons of the ten karma? Forget it, his purpose is to kill directly.

The seal cannot complete the task.

"Okay, it's a deal." Yang Chenxu agreed without hesitation. It's already so bad anyway. How much worse can it be? If you can change your life, it's actually pretty good. Don't expect too much. .

As for whether Wang Linchi was a member of the Demon Slayer Army, Yang Chenxu actually didn't care.

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