Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 285 Burning the city, the elder is really old

Gloomy green firelight lingered throughout the city, and chaos spread crazily.

Outside the city, Yang Chenxu also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I can go now."

An hour ago, he was taken outside the city and told everything he knew.

"Not bad." Wang Linchi was quite satisfied, and the boy said very politely: "I'll let you live this time, and I'll live up to the reward your elder brother gave me."

Yang Chenxu didn't have too many troubles about this, and behaved sparsely and normally towards his elder brother's behavior.

The two of them have a very good relationship, but they also understand that it cannot be exposed now. The more you care, the more the other party will use it to take advantage of you.

It was precisely because of this that he didn't go back to look for his elder brother. Doing so would only put himself in a trap and cause trouble for his elder brother.

"Then I'll take the first step. If you want to go to the Demon Slayer Army, go north to Xuanzhou. There is a Demon Slayer Army base there." Yang Chenxu finished expressionlessly and left limping. .

Wang Linchi also kept his promise. He would let the other party go this time, but the next time he would kill him in exchange for a reward.

This should be regarded as the final reward of Yang Chenxu's line, but the way Wang Linchi completed it was rather special. The normal process must be based on investigation, and the game system did not expect Wang Linchi to use Burning City.

As for Yang Chenxu, after completing the mission in this line, he should follow the player, acting as a warning device for the player.

Wang Linchi didn't need this alarm. Instead, he drained the opponent's mind of all the knowledge.

The other party must be hiding something, otherwise why would Wang Linchi say they would meet again next time?

Wang Linchi briefly deduced the demon-melting ritual, and found that there are some problems. If these problems are singled out, there is not much problem, but once used, they will become terrifying hidden dangers.

If Yang Chenxu really gave him all the content, how could Wang Linchi mention it next time.

The main reason is that now is not the right time. He has to kill everyone in the Demon Suppressing Alliance branch in Qingzhou first.

"Damn it, who dares to cause trouble in the Demon Suppression Alliance!" an angry voice spread.

This is the elder who is preparing to become an abyss monster with the help of the Ten Industry Demons. He performed a demon-melting ritual with an abyss monster named the Red Blood Demon, and possesses some of the abilities of the Red Blood Demon, although these abilities are low-end versions. Yes, but it is at a higher level among the magicians.

A bloody flame expanded directly, constantly melting the green flame, but with little effect.

The whole city was on fire, and with the opponent's little ability, there was no way to put out the fire.

After seeing that nothing could be done, the elders of the Demon Suppressing Alliance escaped in embarrassment with the Suppressing Magicians.

He is indeed immune to being burned by these flames, but other magicians cannot.

Fortunately, the abyss monsters they supported were strong enough to protect them from escaping. The disadvantage was that every town magician was ten years older.

Naturally, the abyss monsters want to open their mouths. It’s okay not to give them life span. They can’t die anyway. If they weren’t worried about having no one to support them after they die, this group of abyss monsters probably want more than just ten years of life, and maybe even flesh and blood. Everyone has to take a bite.

They treat you like a little bread to begin with. If you die, the Demon Suppressing Alliance will give them another one. What's the big deal? It's just that you may need to find food by yourself, so it will be a lot of trouble.

Wang Linchi had already been waiting for them at their escape position. How to calculate it was very simple. Just surround three and miss one, and the opponent would definitely run towards the gap.

If the other party thinks there will be an ambush, that's another matter.

"It seems that you are the mastermind behind the scenes." The leader, an old man, showed many characteristics of the abyss monsters, and looked at Wang Linchi who stopped them with a very unkind tone.

"With such cruel methods, you are probably not a member of the Demon Slayer Army. It is more likely that you are just a suppressing magician from another branch of the Demon Suppressing Alliance."

"You want to be rewarded by cutting off Lord Hu Shiye Demon?"

The other party analyzed a lot on his own, and Wang Linchi said that you were right.

This old man did not age due to lifespan like other town magicians. He has really lived for such a long time, which shows that he has been in a high position for a long time and has the privilege to restore his lifespan or ignore the encroachment of monsters in the abyss. .

"You're right, that's what I thought." After listening to the other party's analysis, Wang Linchi looked like you had seen through my plan.

This made the old man hesitate for a moment, and then his expression became more and more gloomy: "You are very courageous, but you don't know that there is a gap between magicians. You have just become a magician, but you still dare..."

Wang Linchi didn't listen to the threat behind him, but he somehow felt that the old man's words seemed familiar. Had he heard it somewhere?

"I just remembered, a certain unlucky guy who had been depraved once said this to the King of Hell, and he disappeared after saying that." Wang Linchi quickly remembered it. At that time, it seemed like it was the first time he had ever interacted with the King of Hell. It was a deal with the King of Hell.

As soon as these words came out, the old man was interrupted from threatening words.

"Come on, kill this kid, and I will go to the headquarters to apply for you in terms of lifespan!" The old man was almost furious.

A group of suppressing magicians couldn't help but get excited, and without hesitation, they offered the abyss monsters with lifespan to them.

"Think about it, he's just talking about the application. Whether it can be submitted is another matter." Wang Linchi complained.

He had experienced this before and had experience, so he reminded these unfortunate people.

But don't say it, the effect is still quite good. All the magicians looked at the elder, asking if you can give me an accurate confirmation.

The elder became more and more angry. Just as Wang Linchi said, he only applied, whether he could come down was another matter.

If he can apply and get it, he will all be happy. If he can't apply, everyone will be happy.

"Of course, I am the elder of the Demon Suppressing Alliance!" At this time, I can only hold my nose and admit it, and I will talk about it later.

"It's definitely not a powerful elder. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better if he could be sent to the branch and be with the General Alliance?" Wang Linchi said, while the Holy Master took action directly.

The strength of the abyss monsters supported by this group of suppressing magicians is really average. They are all hovering around level 50, and the old man's red-blooded demon has reached level 70.

The Holy Lord rushed into it, just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, killing indiscriminately.

"How dare you make a sneak attack!" The old man's eyes were splitting. He had obviously been pampered for so many years. All he had met were flatterers. This was the first time he had seen such a lack of martial ethics.

"Yes, why don't you dare? You can bully the minority with your strength, why can't I make a sneak attack?" Wang Linchi complained again. He was really used to privileges and felt that the world should be his.

"Quickly, protect me. If I die, it won't be easy for you." The old man hurriedly retreated and hid beside the red-blooded demon.

However, this time, the other magicians did not obey orders at all. They were about to die themselves, but they still protected you?

He ran away immediately and ignored the old man at all.

It's just that they can't run as fast as the Holy Lord.

The Holy Lord did not kill these magicians, but instead attacked the BOSS abyss monsters present.

If you kill an abyss monster, you can also kill a magician suddenly, so you can buy one and get one free.

Most of the Suppressing Magicians are of little value, only this elder of the Suppressing Magic Alliance has value.

Seeing the abyss monster falling down like straw, the old man panicked and even ordered the red-blooded demon to take action. However, he regretted it after he had done so, because the red-blooded demon began to drain his lifespan.

"Damn it, do you know who my son is? How dare you do this to me!!!" Seeing this, the old man couldn't help but roared at Wang Linchi.

"Ah... I've seen people call my master so-and-so and my father so-and-so. This is the first time I've met you calling my son so-and-so. What, are you planning to trick me?" Wang Linchi also found it novel.

"You can't kill me, let me go. My son is one of the Demon Suppressing Kings of the Demon Suppressing Alliance. If you kill me, the entire Demon Suppressing Alliance will fight you to death and will come out to hunt you down." The old man continued. Work hard to identify yourself.

"Well said, will the other Demon Suppressing Kings agree to the Demon Suppressing Alliance coming out to deal with me?" Wang Linchi understood. It turned out that he was a well-connected person and an old fool. No wonder he could do such weird things.

If it were a normal person, it would not be a threat now, but it would be an escape. In the case of the Scarlet Blood Demon, it is really possible to escape.

"Don't worry, I'll be measured and I won't let you die." Wang Linchi said, and the Holy Master had already reached out and tore off the scarlet-blooded demon's head, along with a long spine.

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