Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 286 Another contaminated mission prop

"Sure enough, the world is so big that there are all kinds of wonders and wonders."

Wang Linchi understood clearly that the elder of the Demon Suppressing Alliance was indeed a piece of shit and could not hold up the wall at all.

The Eight Demon-Suppressing Kings are the eight most powerful people in the Demon-Suppressing Alliance, excluding the leader. They are responsible for all the rights of the Demon-Suppressing Alliance.

The son of Elder Mud is also a model of grassroots counterattack. Apart from the blood on his face that was tricked by his father, he has no other problems.

Later, I was really deceived and had no choice, so I threw this piece of mud into Qingzhou.

He was a scumbag who indulged in food, drink, prostitution and gambling before he became an elder. After he became an elder, he became arrogant and domineering. He even lost his brain and made enemies for his son everywhere.

It wasn't until he was kicked out of the General Alliance that things calmed down a bit, but later he also came up with even more bizarre tricks. Yes, it was the Ten Karmic Demons.

The General Alliance actually does not agree with the unblocking of the Ten Karmic Demons, and they really cannot afford to support them.

However, Elder Lanni was different. He felt that he could do it. After all, he could raise a son who was one of the eight demon-suppressing kings. Coupled with the compliments from some of the relatives who followed him, he suddenly lost his judgment. ability.

Then of course he started messing around, and Wang Linchi's blood pressure went up.

As for the other party's operations, Qingzhou was still there, and he felt that it was an overdraft of the whole state's luck to keep the peace, otherwise he would not have been able to wait for the elder Mud to sacrifice the blood of Qingzhou with the demon-melting ritual.

Fortunately, the other party also has an advantage, that is, he is afraid of death.

After Wang Linchi asked the Holy Master to pinch the head of the mud elder, he just said whatever he asked. He even handed over the demon-melting ritual to him. And originally, Wang Linchi didn't know how he got out of the town. The Demon General League brought out such a precious thing.

【Pollution·Demon Melting Ritual】

[Type: Mission Item]

[After holding, all attributes -50%]

Just like the real demon inheritance that Wang Linchi obtained before, it was also contaminated.

And this thing is even weirder than the True Demon inheritance. It is sewn with a large amount of human skin. It looks very irregular, and the words in it have a strange rhythm.

After Wang Linchi wrote down the content, he sold it directly to the game system and let the game system handle it.

[Repair the invalid items that appeared due to BUG in the Abyss difficulty dungeon: Pollution and Demon Melting Ritual. All players who are currently in the Abyss difficulty dungeon will receive level 1 concentration abyss crystal compensation]

This demon-melting ritual is different from the true demon inheritance. There is only one true demon inheritance, and it only exists in the copy of Suiyun in Nanling Village. However, this demon-melting ritual can be said to be used by the entire top level of the Demon Suppressing Alliance. So across a lot of copies.

Now, because Wang Linchi submitted the original copy to the game system, the game system caught the root cause and directly erased the entire copy.

This was deduced by Wang Linchi through the announcement. The previous announcement included the Nanling Village Suspicious Cloud copy, but now it does not. Instead, it is replaced by the Abyss difficulty copy, which proves that it is all the Abyss difficulty copy, not a single copy.

And the compensation this time is also extremely generous. Level 1 Abyss difficulty crystals can be converted into 100,000 Abyss crystals. If this... it seems to be nothing. Which player would come to a level 70 Abyss difficulty dungeon now if he has nothing to do? Wang Linchi I came back alone, so this is the actual expenditure.

"The demon-melting ritual should be based on the inheritance of true magicians and further improved."

"Compared with real magicians, there is still a big gap."

The true magician Wang Linchi met was indeed only level 20, but that was because he was sealed. If he grew up normally, even Wang Linchi would not be able to see the upper limit.

Just because the other person is in their infancy, you cannot say that the other person is not good.

"Interesting, it should be the other party's disciple who developed the demon-melting ritual through the manuscripts or other things he left behind."

"It's a pity that the side effects are really serious."

Compared with sacrificing an abyss monster to allow oneself to evolve into an abyss monster, the demon-melting ritual requires the use of the abyss monster and integrating its own power, which means that the user will be symbiotic with the abyss monster. If the abyss monster cannot be successfully suppressed, the user will be Become a puppet.

Therefore, the most basic requirement for people who use the demon-melting ritual is to have extremely tenacious willpower.

As for the mud elder, if he really uses the demon-melting ritual on the Ten Industry Demons, his fate will only be to become the puppet of the Ten Industry Demons.

And Yang Chenxu is a genius. If the mud elder hadn't interrupted the demon-melting ritual, maybe he would have succeeded.

"Wait a minute, this demon-melting ritual doesn't say it can't be used again after failure."

"This guy is playing word games with me!"

Wang Linchi's face darkened. It was true that Yang Chenxu said before that he could not support the demons because of the failure of the ritual, but that did not mean that he could not continue to use the demon-melting ritual.

He was fooled by his own logic. After all, if he couldn't even support the demon, how could he use the demon-melting ritual?

"Now it seems that he is not only dark under the lamp, but also has a plan that I don't know about." Wang Linchi felt that this kid must have planned something.

Even if he hadn't come, there would still be corresponding backup plans.

"Demon-slaying army?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of such a force.

An organization that resists the Demon Suppression Alliance and takes the elimination of demons as its own mission. Anyway, this is the situation in Yang Chenxu's mouth. Wang Linchi doesn't know the specific situation. If it is true, then it is certain that this force will definitely have a hard time.

Wang Linchi has tasted the taste of reverse versions.

"If I didn't burn the city, I would have been able to contact the Demon Slayer Army through the normal process. But now everything is wrong, and even the follow-up has been changed by me."

According to the process, he will gain Yang Chenxu's trust and use this to join the Demon-Slaying Army.

Judging from the current situation, the status of the Demon-Slaying Army in the game system should be opposite to that of the Demon-Suppressing Alliance. It is in a supported situation. If players join it, they will receive a lot of rewards.

"Forget it, this time is the best." Wang Linchi didn't pay too much attention to this matter. For him, it was okay to contact him in the next dungeon.

"Let's go back first. With the detailed information about the demon-melting ritual and the ten industry demons, if the efficiency is fast, this copy can be completed within three days."

Wang Linchi looked at his level and found that he was already level 70. However, because he had not completed the advanced task to reach level three, his experience points had overflowed, but there was no way to upgrade.

He actually doesn't have much dislike for this advanced system. Other players might find this situation really disgusting.

However, in Wang Linchi's eyes, it is a protective mechanism, otherwise the growth of the game character will affect the player's own consciousness, and the connection between the two is very close.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Linchi thought of taking away the game characters.

"It's just the other monsters in Qingzhou, do you want to clear them out together?" Wang Linchi thought about this matter. It was a source of income after all, but after thinking about it again, he gave up. There were too many and it was difficult to deal with, so he might as well Just take the big head.

"I'm finally back." Looking at the City Lord's Mansion not far away, Yang Chenxu was no longer limping, and he didn't look like the beggar he had been before.

He was injured before, but that doesn't mean he can't recover.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." The city lord looked at Yang Chenxu and felt relieved. He had been missing for so long and had no news at all, which really made him worried for a long time.

"I still got the message from you, brother, otherwise I wouldn't know that the plan has been completed." After Yang Chenxu entered the room, he saw the food on the table and wolfed it down without caring about the image.

"Oh? It seems that the magician is quite capable." A glint flashed in the city lord's eyes.

"He is very capable. He should have destroyed the Demon Suppressing Alliance branch in Qingzhou three days ago, and now he may have even tortured out all the secrets from that useless elder." Yang Chenxu corrected his brother's words, He plotted against Wang Linchi, but he didn't think he could be Wang Linchi's opponent.

"The seal has been loosened. All we need next is...just...just what is needed?" The city lord's eyes were a little confused. He had a plan, but he forgot the key things.

"Of course I just need..." Yang Chenxu also stopped chewing. He found that he had no memory at all, and there was only a blank in his mind, as if a large piece had been wiped out.

"This...isn't it a failure?" The city lord looked at his younger brother with an embarrassed look on his face.

"A big evil demon took action and erased the related things in our memories." Yang Chenxu's expression suddenly darkened.

He remembered his plan, which was to use the Ten Karmic Demons, but how to use it, how to use it, and other related memories disappeared out of thin air.

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