Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 287 Abyss Demon·Ten Karma Demon (Fusion in progress)

"What kind of thing is this..."

When Wang Linchi rushed back, the whole city turned into an endless whirlpool.

The ten karma demons broke through the seal and came out.

And Yang Chenxu was forcibly merging the ten industry demons at this time.

"The system has already fixed the bug of the Demon Melting Ritual. How come there are still people who can fuse it..." Wang Linchi gave feedback directly.

【Under detection...】

He thinks that this vicious bug can be fixed directly, and he can save the boss fight.

[Detection completed, the reverberation reflection Yang Chenxu did not use the demon-melting ritual as the fusion medium, but used other methods of blood sacrifice to forcibly fuse]

[The corresponding task items have not been obtained, and the bug fix cannot be performed]

This means that there is no sample, and the cost of directly erasing it is too high, unless Wang Linchi can provide the corresponding sample as the root cause.

"Ah... okay, but what the hell is this NPC Yang Chenxu? Is the upper limit so high?" Wang Linchi complained.

Now he somewhat understands the subsequent development. Elder Mud probably did not successfully complete the demon-melting ritual, but was intercepted by Yang Chenxu, assuming there was no player interference.

However, even if there is player interference, if the player takes the role of city leader and turns Yang Chenxu into a teammate, he may end up being cheated.

After all, Yang Chenxu had his own ambitions from beginning to end.

"Let's do it, just in time for the BOSS to read the message." Wang Linchi directly asked the Holy Master to kill towards the whirlpool above the city. The Ten Industry Demon is not currently level 70. It seems that it has not developed due to being unblocked in advance. to the limit of the copy.

[BOSS·Abyss Monster·Ten Industry Demon (Fusion) LV65, HP:? ? ? 】

Although the level is insufficient, the health value is a question mark, and I don’t know why, but it is not displayed.

"You came much earlier than I thought."

In the whirlpool, Yang Chenxu's face emerged, but there was a strange face folded on it, which should obviously be the original face of the Shiye Demon.

Wang Linchi did not answer, but frowned as he watched the huge whirlpool and the Holy Master fight together.

The main reason was that he found that the Holy Lord would actually fall behind. This should not be done at all. With the blessing of the Holy Lord, his strength would definitely be able to easily crush the Ten Industry Demons. However, the fact was that he was strangely suppressed and beaten by the opponent.

The Ten Karmic Demons are indeed larger than the Holy Lord, but being bigger does not mean they are stronger.

The blue whale in the sea is bigger than the Holy Lord, but with one punch from the Holy Lord, the blue whale is reduced to pieces.

In his estimation, the Shiye Demon was just a big showman, but he didn't expect him to have real skills.

The little assistant turned on, intervened through mental power, and immediately noticed the problem.

"Gan, no wonder he is so strong, I cheated with you!" Wang Linchi couldn't help but curse.

After the Ten Karma Demons broke out of the seal, under the leadership of Yang Chenxu, they directly integrated the bad karma of everyone in Qingzhou into one.

The Holy Lord's attack falls on the Shiye Demon, and all damage will be transferred to the people of Qingzhou.

Therefore, if the Holy Lord wants to kill the Ten Industry Demons, he must first kill everyone in Qingzhou and let the Ten Industry Demons return to normal levels. Otherwise, he will not be able to hurt the Ten Industry Demons at all.

An absolute defense built with human lives.

According to Wang Linchi's progress analysis, Yang Chenxu started the integration when he returned yesterday. The main reason was that he was delayed for three days at the Demon Suppression League branch, otherwise he would have easily caught up with Yang Chenxu who returned to the city.

But he didn't regret it. When he raided the Qingzhou branch, he gained a lot, even if the whole city was burned down by him.

"For the sake of helping me once, take your demon and leave Qingzhou." The Shiye Demon with the face of Yang Chenxu said.

Judging from what the other party could say, Yang Chenxu should be the leader in terms of status. It is indeed a bit of a fantasy that the Ten Industry Demons would be suppressed.

Wang Linchi didn't respond. The distance was too far and his attack skills couldn't reach him. As for being distracted, it would be useless if used by a game character.

"Alas, it wasn't me who attacked you. The hidden dragon effect on my body has not turned into the real dragon effect."

"It means that either you are just an empty show, or the damage is too low." Wang Linchi is not running now. Of course, it is because the Holy Lord's True Dragon Arrival effect has not responded. This can also prove that the other party There is no threat to Wang Linchi.

Yang Chenxu couldn't help but hesitated. He couldn't understand what Wang Linchi said, but he could understand what Wang Linchi meant, which was to reject his kindness.

"In that case, let's stay here." Yang Chenxu moved towards Wang Linchi without any hesitation.

Immediately, Wang Linchi saw a large number of negative statuses on the screen.

They are all sin-type effects, but most of them are converted into gain effects.

The mission item Qibao Bracelet has a 50% probability of converting the sinful skill effects and talent effects that fall on him into buff effects. With his European Emperor attributes, the probability of taking effect is naturally higher.

At first, Wang Linchi thought that the negative status and control were okay, but what if he encountered an attacking person? Looking at it now, it seems that the Shiye Demon has no ability to attack.

The right power is all focused on high health, defense, and negative control. The damage is estimated to be indirect damage caused by continuous damage and burst damage caused by negative control.

However, this kind of negative status and control will be eliminated even if there are fish that slip through the net and are not converted into buffs. He has cards that purify the negative status of demonized enemies every second, and there are more than one.

Therefore, you can purify several negative states in one second, and you don't care about these negative effects at all.

"How could you be okay!" Yang Chenxu was a little shocked. He never expected that someone could resist the sins of the Ten Karma Demons.

This sin is not only the fault of the Ten Karma Demons, but also the fault of the entire Qingzhou, and its power is enough to imagine.

"Maybe I'm thick-skinned." As Wang Linchi spoke, his whole person turned into a shadow. Before Yang Chenxu could react, Wang Linchi had already entered the city.

Then he looked at the secondary exemption from banning. The cooldown of this thing was over, and Wang Linchi used it without hesitation.

A 10-minute countdown appears.

‘Ten minutes, 10% strength, it should be...well, it seems a bit blatant. ’

Wang Linchi took another look and saw that the ten-minute countdown did not go down and stayed at ten minutes. The second thing was the strength. It was not 10% as he imagined, but 30%.

Without the help of the game system to cheat and destroy the balance, no one would believe it.

What's more important is that the shackles of my game character seem to have been relaxed a little.

This means that the effect of his Wandering Horse is no longer the previous set of combos that showed a series of -1 damage and had to cool down for ten minutes, but is now the same as in reality. As long as you have enough mental energy, you can explode at will.

Sticking to useless rules is not the style of the game system. As long as it can weaken the power of the abyss, it doesn't matter whether it is fair or unfair.

Abyss won’t even talk to you about fairness, so if you foolishly try to talk about fairness to the other party, wouldn’t you be asking for your own death?

Wang Linchi directly stuffed 200,000 spiritual power into Xin Yuanyi Mali, and then smashed it without hesitation.

It had been restricted before, and the range was indeed not enough, but if it was cheated, it would definitely not be the range of the original game character.

‘The game system also followed suit? ’ Wang Linchi suddenly realized that some kind of power was attached to his mind.

Wang Linchi guessed that this power was the power of order, so that his willful horse could gain a special attack on chaos.

Otherwise, the most that can be done is to seriously injure the ten-karma demon, but not to kill the ten-karma demon at all.

Yang Chenxu also sensed the threat and controlled the whirlpool-like body of the Ten Karma Demons, frantically extracting the bad karma of everyone in Qingzhou.

From a literal point of view, it is a good thing. After all, people will turn to good deeds when they are free of bad karma.

However, if this is the case, then the Ten Karma Demon is no longer an abyss monster. When it extracts bad karma to supply itself, it also extracts everyone's lifespan, including souls and vitality.

The vortex suddenly increased, and even Yang Chenxu's face became larger and clearer.

"Stop immediately, otherwise the entire Qingzhou will be buried with me!!!" The voices of Yang Chenxu and the Shiye Demon overlapped.

Wang Linchi didn't care at all about the life and death of the entire Qingzhou. Even the life and death of all the creatures in the Abyss difficulty had nothing to do with him. They were just a group of reverberations, not real people.


The mind and body fell on the Shiye Demon, and the terrifying storm tore the body of the whirlpool, tearing it to pieces.

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