Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 296 Killing, the powerful vitality of the devil

The shock demon god's bull-headed face was a little distorted, and he found that he couldn't kill the ant opposite him.

Every attack was just a miss, but the opponent's attacks were extremely disgusting. Each time they hit his head, they would also impose various negative statuses.

The other party was not harmed, but he himself was seriously injured.

"It's almost almost every time. When you usually practice, you're always almost the same." Wang Linchi mocked.

This made the anger in the Shock Demon God's eyes almost overflow. These words were really too damaging.

"What a shame, today I have to..." Just when the Shock Demon God was about to say harsh words, a pair of big hands grabbed his two horns.

Wang Linchi held back the Shock Demon God. During this time, the Holy Master dealt with other abyss monsters brought by the Shock Demon God.

The Holy Master grabbed hold of the two horns of the Shock Demon God and pulled them out, looking like he was planning to break them off by the roots.

This made the Shock Demon God very angry. If he attacked him directly, it would be a sneak attack in the battle. However, it was like an insult to attack his horns. This was tolerable.

He turned around and prepared to give the Holy Lord a good look.

As a result, Wang Linchi teased him again and attacked him from both sides. It was a dilemma.


When the Shock Demon God was about to take action, the Holy Master had already broken off the horns on his head.

"Hiss~ I'll kill you!!!" The Shock Demon God's eyes were red, and hot white gas spurted out from his nose. He turned around and started fighting with the Holy Lord, and he was like crazy, fighting very fiercely.

Wang Linchi picked up the pair of horns. He didn't expect that the Shock Demon God would value his horns so much. When he looked at the broken horns on the other side's bull's head, he felt that it was a bit uneven, so he thought about smoothing it out.

The Shocking Demon God also saw Wang Linchi's movements, turned around, gave up on the Holy Master and rushed towards him: "Give me back the horns, you ant!"

The current Shock Demon God, who had lost his mind because of his anger, still dared to come towards Wang Linchi. Before he could even take two steps, he was hit by a series of kidney blows from the Holy Master, almost breaking his waist.

The random thoughts and the soul-melting poison caused a large number of negative states to explode directly in conjunction with the Holy Lord's soul-sucking devouring. The Shocking Demon God didn't take two steps before he felt that his body had turned into a mess.

Then he suppressed his anger forcibly, knowing that he could no longer be swayed by anger, otherwise he would only be played around by Wang Linchi.

Between the two goals of Wang Linchi and the Holy Lord, he quickly chose the Holy Lord.

In the eyes of the Shock Demon God, Wang Linchi's strength is not that good. He only has a layer of turtle shell. On the contrary, he is the Holy Lord, who is both fleshy and capable of beating. Once the Holy Lord is eliminated, Wang Linchi's turtle shell is of no use no matter how thick it is. .

After regaining his sanity, although his body was in bad condition, his fighting power recovered a lot, and he began to forcibly suppress and expel the negativity in his body.

As a result, before he even hit him twice, he saw Wang Linchi start to do something to his horn that could not be described in words, which made the Shock Demon God's blood pressure and anger rise again.

This time, the Shock Demon God held back. He knew that Wang Linchi was deliberately irritating him.

Wang Linchi was also cursing. When the Shock Demon God first started, he really couldn't control his emotions well, but with his stimulation and the Shock Demon God's own growth, the changes were rapid.

It was useful to use horns to stimulate the opponent before. If he continues to evolve, not only will he have powerful force, but even the emotions that were originally his weaknesses will disappear little by little.

This kind of growth was something I didn't feel in the Destiny Demon God before, but in the before and after comparison of the Shock Demon God, it was very intuitive.

There is a big difference between having brains and having no brains.

Up to now, the Shock Demon God has stopped making harsh words. As the battle progresses, even though he is facing a large number of negative states and various discomforts, he is gradually making up for his disadvantages little by little. If it continues, In an hour or two, maybe you can be on par with the Holy Master.

Wang Linchi also knew in his heart that he could never let the other party reach this level.

This disadvantage was not innate, but was caused by Wang Linchi's negative status.

He has to recharge the Shock Demon God from time to time. With the opponent's physical quality, the negative effects of being distracted will not last long at all. Even if it can form a linkage cycle with the Holy Lord's soul-melting poison, this is not possible. The infinite loop also consumes money, and the Shock Demon God is also actively expelling it.

However, Wang Linchi is also accumulating strength. He plans to use 60% of his mental power to give the Shock Demon God a hard blow.

Based on the current situation, there should be a high probability that the Shock Demon God can be killed directly through this ulterior motive. Otherwise, if the Shock Demon God is allowed to continue to grow, the mission will basically be declared over.

It just takes a while for mental power to recover, and during this period, the continuous negative effects on the Shock Demon God cannot be stopped.

‘Half an hour. ’ Wang Linchi estimated his recovery efficiency and quickly came up with an accurate time.

"Hmph, I will let you go today. When we meet again next time, I will trample you all to death." The Shock Demon God suddenly stopped his hand and retreated quickly.

Look at this, he is planning to retreat.

But how could Wang Linchi let him leave so simply? He was almost ready, but the enemy ran away. What was going on?

He did not think that the game system could reset the power of the Abyss's descendants, even though the Shock Demon was now in the Abyss difficulty dungeon and was controlled by the game system to a certain extent.

However, the degree of control must not be high. Otherwise, wouldn't it be enough to just wipe it out? Would it be necessary for Wang Linchi to come over?

The Holy Lord intercepted him immediately. The Shock Demon wanted to leave, but it was indeed a bit difficult. He ran away several times in a row, but failed to get rid of the Holy Lord.

This made the Shock Demon God even more angry.

Just when he was about to speak again, he suddenly felt the hairs on his body stand up. Although he had never experienced this feeling before, he knew what it was.

It was a harbinger of death.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Wang Linchi, with an expression of shock and anger: "Can you unleash the previous rule attack again???"

As soon as he finished speaking, a power swelled in his mind. He was very familiar with it. When they first met, Wang Linchi used this move to sneak attack him.

Now the other party comes again, and it’s still a familiar taste and familiar recipe.

But now is not the time before.

He was in his prime before, but now he has injuries and a lot of negative effects.

"I'm from the abyss..." The Shock Demon God roared unwillingly, but he was not the protagonist, so he couldn't shout for me, and even if he did, there would be no extra bonus.

Before he even finished speaking, a large amount of brain matter and blood burst out from his ears, nose, eyes and mouth.

The skull of the Shock Demon God was too hard, so a sluggish mind with only 60% mental power could not break it. However, the opponent's brain was far inferior to the skull, and it was exploded into various kinds of mush on the spot, and with the explosion of impact, from Sputtering in the face.

Without his brain, the Shock Demon God did not die immediately. With his strong strength and vitality, his brain was even regenerating. If Wang Linchi had not pursued the victory, the Shock Demon God would have recovered within twenty-four hours at most.

Wang Linchi would not give him a day to recover, so the Holy Master did the last-ditch attack without hesitation.

Wang Linchi was targeting the brain, but the Holy Master's sharp claws forcibly opened the Shock Demon God's chest, tore out the huge heart and crushed it directly.

"Not dead yet, are all developed demons so outrageous?" Wang Linchi thought this was too outrageous. The previous destiny demons had not developed, so they had no intuitive feelings. Now they are still not developed, but Only when the Shock Demon God was growing rapidly did Wang Linchi feel the terror of the children of the abyss.

Fast growth, high ceiling, and strong vitality.

My brain and heart were crushed into mud, and I couldn't even die. I was still recovering bit by bit.

Fortunately, he lost his brain first. If he had hit his heart at that time, the shock to the Demon God might have only affected his combat effectiveness at most, rather than losing his combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, with the Holy Lord around, Wang Linchi has no shortage of attack methods for the time being.

It is completely possible to slowly grind to death the Shock Demon God.

It is a pity that the Shock Demon God, as a descendant of the Abyss, has no health value, and it is still a question mark now.

But it didn't matter. With the Holy Lord's attack, Wang Linchi could see that the Shock Demon God was already dying.

‘Within fifteen minutes, we should be able to kill the Shock Demon God. ’ Wang Linchi estimated the time.

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