Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 297: Taking the enemy general’s head from among thousands of troops?

"Thirteen minutes, Holy Master and I worked together. This thing actually lasted for thirteen minutes. It was really tough." Wang Linchi looked at the Shock Demon God after his death, and his expression was a bit fucked up.

Of course, it's not just him and the Holy Lord, but also the help of the game system. Otherwise, how could he have this ability.

The rewards are also very generous, and the experience points allow him to rise directly to level 127.

It seems like a big jump, but this is normal. If a level 1 player fights the only world BOSS at level 110, is it possible that he will be promoted to two or three levels after defeating it? That value will collapse.

Not to mention the experience points of other abyss monsters.

It was precisely because of such a high amount of experience that Wang Linchi came to the level 110 abyss difficulty dungeon.

He had been slaying monsters for three days before and had improved some levels, but they were all absorbed by him, so when he entered this dungeon, he was still at level 1.

In addition, Wang Linchi also harvested concentrated crystals worth one billion abyss crystals and a mission prop for group battles.

【Ox Demon's Horn】

[Type: Mission Item]

[Stored in the inventory, facing demonized enemies, for every 100 more demonized enemies, health +10, mana +10, for every 1,000 more demonized enemies, attack +100, defense +100, for every 10,000 more Demonized enemies, root +1, spiritual power +1 (no upper limit for superposition)]

The mission item Bull Demon Horn is the horn that the Holy Master broke off from the Shock Demon God, and was converted into a mission item by the game system.

Wang Linchi felt that the Bull Demon Horn and the Demon Bone Necklace were not on the same level at all.

The Demon Bone Necklace can be used anywhere, but the use of the Bull Demon Horn is relatively limited, unless it goes to a large battlefield, such as this time's Battle of Xuanzhou. If it is replaced by other types of dungeons, even the minimum requirements There is no way to trigger it.

"But it should be done this time. The number of abyss monsters outside the city must be at least one million."

"The city has not been destroyed. It can only be said that the game system is powerful, not that the demon-slaying army is really capable of holding back so many abyss monsters."

Wang Linchi still adheres to the pessimistic idea. If the increase of the Bull Demon Horn is measured in percentage, it is definitely an artifact. After Wang Linchi has been improved through a large number of abyss crystals and added the thousand-level Haoran Zhengqi Scholar suit, the game character's The attributes are ridiculously high.

Otherwise, how could he and the Holy Lord kill the Shock Demon God? In addition to cheating, there is also the help of game characters and game systems.

Wang Linchi took care of the aftermath to a certain extent to avoid any accidents.

As for the corpse of the Shock Demon God, don’t worry about it. The game system very considerately helped to collect it and used it as the source to start cutting out the traces left by the Shock Demon God. In the current situation, the Shock Demon God should have been born not long ago. Not fully grown up.

The impact is not big and it should not cause other BUGs.

Back in the city, Changsun Kui was very busy and exhausted. When he saw Wang Linchi coming back, he was also stunned.

"Master Wang? You came back so soon. Could it be that you failed?!" Changsun Kui was heartbroken, but he didn't blame Wang Linchi. After all, it was not something that humans could solve.

"Successful." Wang Linchi said, taking out the horn of the Bull Demon as proof. It was broken off from the head of the Shock Demon God, so it was of some use.

"Even if he failed...he succeeded???" Changsun Kui never expected that Wang Linchi actually succeeded. This was indeed unexpected.

"Okay, okay." After saying "good" three times in a row, the smile on Changsun Kui's face almost overflowed: "Thank you very much, master, for buying us a night of time."

"In this way, more people can be evacuated."

Although the name of the dungeon is called the Battle of Xuanzhou, it is essentially a one-sided massacre. The demon-slaying army in Xuanzhou has been evacuating ordinary people.

Wang Linchi didn't ask specifically how the abyss monsters stopped attacking the city overnight. It was probably because the game system directly interfered with the mechanical deity.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. I suspect that besides the leader of the abyss monster, there may be other commanders." Wang Linchi said directly.

The Shock Demon God is at best a branch plot, not a main plot.

Wang Linchi's failure to complete this branch will only make the main line more difficult, but completing it will not make the main line less difficult, but will leave it at a normal level.

In fact, Wang Linchi suspected that the game system had packed in all the abyss monsters and demonized creatures below level 110. If he killed one here, there would be one less in the other copies.

"Is this information reliable?" Changsun Kui's smile also froze.

He did not ask Wang Linchi where the information came from, because it was meaningless whether it was true or false. After all, with the current situation, even if there was no commander on the opposite side, they could not defend the city.

The entire city, including the people and animals, might not be as numerous as the abyss monsters opposite.

But if there was a commander, their city might fall faster.

"It's just a guess, not intelligence." Wang Linchi said calmly.

However, what Wang Linchi said did not make Changsun Kui breathe a sigh of relief, but made him even more solemn.

In his eyes, Wang Linchi was an experienced magician and could not make unfounded guesses, so this guess was extremely accurate.

"This... what should we do?" Changsun Kui murmured in a low voice, and then he saw Wang Linchi, and then his eyes lit up: "Master Wang, can we do this beheading operation again?"

"???" Wang Linchi's head was filled with questions.

This is a beheading. He doesn't even know who the commander on the opposite side is, what he looks like, where he is, etc. How can he behead him?

What's more, after killing the enemy among millions of monsters in the abyss, Wang Linchi felt that he had to change into a character template like Xiang Yu.

"I know that this matter is indeed embarrassing for Master Wang, but now that the matter has come to this, I have to do it." Changsun Kui said helplessly.

"Yes, yes, the question is where should I go to kill? After all, it's just my guess that there is a commander." Wang Linchi said that he could go, after all, who develops and governs, but the premise is that he has to know enough information, and It’s not like you really don’t know anything and just rush through it.

Changsun Kui pondered for a moment, and then said: "The verification will be left to our demon-slaying army."

"Master Wang, since you are going deep into a dangerous place, there is no reason for you, Master Wang, to investigate this matter."

"But it will take some time. Within two hours, I should be able to give Master Wang an answer."

Wang Linchi wanted to complain and said, "Where are you going to check these things? You can't even get out of the city, and the abyss monsters don't communicate with you. How can you possibly find them?"

However, the fact is that the game system directly adjusts the data. As for the four hours, it is probably to buffer or rationalize it. It may also allow players to have time to move freely, trigger other branches or recuperate.

"No problem, but it would be better if it could be faster. After all, time waits for no one." Wang Linchi didn't have anything he wanted to trigger. On the contrary, the real thing was to get rid of the abyss monsters as soon as possible.

"I'm afraid this is difficult. Master Wang, you also know that this kind of thing is not that easy."

"A longer time will allow you, Master Wang, to rest more and recharge your batteries. After all, you have just come back."

Changsun Kui refused, apparently because he had no intention of speeding up the process.

"Okay, then hurry up." When Wang Linchi heard this, he also understood that this should be a limitation of the game system itself. Otherwise, the virtue of the game system would make players directly kill monsters in the abyss.

"Master Wang's heart is naturally understood by our demon-slaying army, so I asked someone to arrange some food and rest first." Changsun Kui was not stingy, and asked his subordinates to arrange a table of wine and food for Wang. Linchi should eat and drink before taking a rest, otherwise how could he get things done.

Wang Linchi did not refuse and followed the other party away.

There was nothing to do if he stayed. Changsun Kui was also busy. If Wang Linchi hadn't been so important, he wouldn't have been able to spare time to chat with Wang Linchi.

Wang Linchi looked at his attributes, which had expanded a lot at this time. He made a simple calculation based on the increase formed by the mission item of the Bull Demon Bone, and found out the number of abyss monsters he faced now. , at least three million.

He didn't know where so many monsters came from. How could they fit into such a small place?

There are big and small monsters in the abyss, but they don't all have the same physique.

This made Wang Linchi very desperate. With such a large number of people, it was difficult for him to kill even if they stood and let him kill.

It would take a lot of time for Wang Linchi to kill three million pigs, let alone the abyss monsters that would resist and attack him in groups.

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