Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 298: The Lord’s Brain, forcibly weakening the difficulty of the main line

"Master Wang, it's dangerous to go here. I hope you will do your best." Changsun Kui said helplessly. He did not advise Wang Linchi to take care or to retreat if there was danger, because once exposed, there would be basically no chance of survival. Wang Linchi Linchi's willingness to go also means that he is already prepared to die.

What's more, if Changsun Kui, the leader of the city, would advise Wang Linchi not to go in his personal capacity.

"This item is also given to Master Wang. Unless it is a critical moment, Master Wang will rarely use it. It is more weird than the necklace made of demon bones." With that, Changsun Kui handed Wang Linchi a mission item. .

Wang Linchi was also very happy and received the reward in advance. This was a good job.

"Don't worry, I'm well aware of this matter." Wang Linchi said seriously.

【Bloodthirsty Fang】

[Type: Mission Item]

[Stored in the inventory, every time you kill a demonized enemy, 10% of your health and mana will be restored. Every time you kill a BOSS in an abyss instance, your root bone will be +1, your spiritual power will be +1, and the increase will last for one abyss instance]

Wang Linchi never expected that this bloodthirsty fang could be so powerful.

It can be called an enhanced version of the Horn of the Bull Demon, but its shortcoming is also obvious, that is, you have to kill. The more you kill, the stronger you become, and it can also restore your health and mana, so you don't have to worry about subsequent problems.

Unlike the Horn of the Bull Demon, which requires a certain number of enemies, and more importantly, 10,000 enemies are required to increase the root bone and spiritual power by 1 point, unlike the Bloodthirsty Fang, killing a BOSS is enough. Increase.

‘Wait, does this mean that not all of the three million enemies are abyss monsters? ’ Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this.

There is still a difference between the two. Most of the time, BOSS are abyss monsters, while elite monsters are demonized creatures. As for ordinary monsters, it is impossible for them to appear on this battlefield.

"In that case, farewell!" Wang Linchi collected his things and left directly.

As for the position of the commander, Wang Linchi has already obtained it. At present, he has to sneak over first, otherwise it will be really difficult to solve.

It's impossible to kill them hard, there are just too many of them.

What's more important is that with the presence of the commander, the opponent seems to be able to control the overall situation of the battlefield and mobilize the abyss monsters. This should have been the right of the Shock Demon God, but since the Shock Demon God is dead, the opponent naturally takes over.

Because the death of the Shock Demon God has not yet been announced, the commander did not dare to act rashly.

The Shock Demon God is moody. If he really messes around, when the Shock Demon God arrives, the first one to be crushed to death by the Shock Demon God might be the commander.

It was precisely because of this that Changsun Kui was confident that he would delay for twelve hours after Wang Linchi killed the Shock Demon God.

If the Shock Demon God does not arrive after twelve hours, the commander will naturally not be able to sit still and wait for death. He will send people to search along the road, and the death of the Shock Demon God will probably be exposed.

As Wang Linchi left, he was thinking that actually killing the commander would not delay the situation longer, but would instead stimulate the abyss monsters to attack in advance.

However, the perspective is different, and the results are naturally different.

The purpose of Wang Linchi and the game system is to annihilate all the abyss monsters, so without a commander, the monster army can be greatly weakened. Changsun Kui is different. His purpose is to delay. Unfortunately, he is controlled by the game system, even if he thinks It cannot be implemented and can only be controlled by the system.

Otherwise, where did his information come from? Except for the game system that gave it to Wang Linchi through Chang Sun Kui, the Demon Slayer Army had no way of obtaining this information.

Wang Linchi galloped all the way, using his own disguise to swim through the waves of abyss monsters.

"This is probably the location." Wang Linchi's eyes scanned the surroundings. There were no accidents during the sneaking process, and the whole journey was very smooth.

There is no need to worry about any bloody things, because in the abyss monsters, there are only bloody things.

There was no such thing as being discovered by a beautiful woman on the way or encountering some righteous abyss monster.

Among the piles of health bars, Wang Linchi identified the target he was looking for.

[BOSS·Abyss Monster·Lord’s Brain LV110, HP (100 million/100 million)]

In addition to health points, there are also skills, attributes, etc. Wang Linchi is now level 127, so he can naturally detect it easily.

‘One hundred million health points is a bit low. ’ Wang Linchi looked at the Lord’s Brain and compared it with other abyss monsters. It didn’t match a level 110 BOSS at all.

The overall attributes are not high, even lower than the average level 100 abyss monster.

However, what is really powerful is the skills. Various legion-like halos directly cover all abyss monsters and demonized creatures. As long as the Lord's Brain is there, the overall strength can be increased by at least 70%. However, the halo has not been activated yet. It is estimated that It is the help of the game system. It will not be activated until the official siege to enhance the abyss monsters and demonized creatures.

It was originally a tough nut to crack, but in the end, a layer of protection was added. Fortunately, the Shock Demon God did not arrive at the beginning, otherwise, with the blessing of the Lord's Brain, Wang Linchi and the Holy Lord would have been beaten by the opponent.

How could he win with nearly twice his strength? It was so difficult for him to defeat the Shock Demon God without the boost, let alone the one after the boost.

He wanted to lurk quietly and launch a sneak attack, but after careful observation, Wang Linchi realized that the surroundings were not simple.

'There are guards. ’ Wang Linchi came to a conclusion instantly.

It's true that the lord's brain is weak, but he can gather the monsters of the abyss around him to protect him.

Therefore, Wang Linchi only had one chance to attack. If the attack failed to kill the lord's brain instantly, he would face a group fight next.

‘You say you have a strategy, but it turns out everyone is like a fool and can’t even set up camp. ’

‘It can be said that you have no strategy, and you know a lot. ’

Wang Linchi complained in his mind, and then began to calculate based on the attributes of the lord's brain.

‘Seconds are a bit difficult. ’

‘And I have no way out after seconds. ’

Looking at the data and results formed on the thinking mirror, Wang Linchi felt helpless.

He still has the permission to exempt his account from being banned, and it has not been released within ten minutes. It can be seen how crazy the game system is to help him cheat.

It’s not that others can’t open it, it’s that they don’t have the conditions to open it.

He used 60% of his spiritual power and the Holy Lord's sneak attacks. Even if the damage fluctuated, the Holy Lord could still kill him with just one stab.

The real difficulty is how to escape unscathed.

First of all, if the Holy Master cooperates, Wang Linchi will have no protection around him. In addition, because his mental power cannot release his will, he can only rely on the power of the game character.

After he was exposed, he faced an endless siege from the abyss monsters, and he really couldn't kill so many.

As for asking the Holy Lord to come back and take him to fly away, this is even more impossible. The Holy Lord will be surrounded by the guards of the Lord's Brain immediately and will not be able to escape.

Even if you can escape, you still can't escape. The Holy Lord can fly, but the abyss monsters can't fly? You must know that there are also agile abyss monsters, so it is not impossible to catch up with the Holy Lord.

After going through it in my mind, I found that there was only one way to break the situation.

That is killing.

First, kill the lord's brain instantly, then kill a large number of BOSS at an extremely fast speed, and use the bloodthirsty fangs to quickly improve your spiritual power and root attributes.

Root bones and spiritual power can increase health, mana, attack, defense and other attributes, forming a way to support war with war.

‘Oh, there’s no other way, so let’s fight. Since we can’t get away, there’s nothing we can do. ’ Wang Linchi sighed inwardly, basically don’t even think about winning if you don’t kill the Lord’s Brain.

The Holy Lord quietly approached the Lord's Brain. Wang Linchi estimated the distance and data, and deduced it many times in his mind to ensure that there was no problem.

The next moment, Wang Linchi used 60% of his mental power to form a mind and a horse, and directly landed an invisible and immaterial attack on the lord's head.

The lord's brain immediately swelled up, like an oversized brain balloon.

This move failed to kill the Lord's Brain instantly, as the opponent still had nearly a million health points.

The surrounding abyss monster guards locked onto Wang Linchi instantly and started to kill him. Then the Holy Lord took action and launched a swift attack, clearing the Lord's Brain's health in an instant.

It's also because the Lord's Brain's health and defense are far inferior to the Abyss Monster BOSS of the same level, so it died so cleanly. If it were replaced by the Shock Demon God, half of his health could be wiped out in one fell swoop. It is very good, how could such a result be achieved?

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