Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 299 I treat you as a good big brother, but you treat me as your scapegoat?

"Bah, these abyss monsters are not scary at all." Wang Linchi looked a little tired.

Today is the seventh day. If he hadn't been just a game character and had some assistants, he would have been unable to bear it long ago.

However, as he killed more and more abyss monsters, the two attributes of root bone and spiritual power became more and more terrifying.

However, things were not that simple. Wang Linchi remembered that he had calculated the approximate amount through the Demon Bone Necklace.

Seven days ago, there were three million monsters. Seven days later, the number was still three million. It cannot be said that the monsters he killed in the past seven days were all fake.

Even if it is fake, how to explain the superimposed attributes?

The attributes are definitely not given by the game system for no reason. Each increase in root bone and spiritual power is essentially obtained by extracting the energy from the abyss monster.

In addition, there is also a lot of experience. For Wang Linchi, this is not a string of codes, but real qualifications.

So there are two possibilities. The first is that he may have forgotten something, causing the abyss monsters to keep coming. The second is that the game system is doing this, and it keeps filling in the abyss monsters when Wang Linchi is killing monsters, so that the abyss monsters come in continuously. Wang Linchi kills more.

If it were another game system, I might not be able to do it.

However, the game system of "God's Gift World" has no fairness or integrity when facing the monsters of the abyss. This situation can also happen.

However, Wang Linchi couldn't tell which one it was for a while. He was in a difficult situation now. He didn't even know where the Holy Master was involved.

If the game system hadn't been reminding the Holy Lord of the experience points sent to him after killing him, it would have been impossible to determine whether the Holy Lord was dead or alive.

The possibility of death is not high. After all, the Holy Lord can inherit his attributes and the cards, so he can't die even if he lies down.

"We have to find a way to break the situation as soon as possible. We can't be led by the nose all the time." Wang Linchi looked at his attributes.

I immediately wanted to force a breakthrough and leave.

It was still difficult. The number of monsters in the abyss was so dense that it was difficult for him to move.

Kill one and two more will come over immediately.

The best way to break the situation is to return to the city and meet up with Changsun Kui, but Wang Linchi doesn't know whether Changsun Kui is still alive or the city is still intact.

After seven days of playing, he was tired, but at the same time he was having fun playing. After all, the assistant was idle and playing for him, and he even had time to read books and browse forums through the Internet.

There was also a lot of commotion on the forum, and the sin of the mistake was also exposed.

Ye Tian took the initiative to expose this matter, and also included some detailed information for all players to read.

As for the source of the information, Ye Tianzhi said it was a mission reward from the game system, but Wang Linchi half believed it.

Ye Tian's level has also risen rapidly recently, but since the last time he met Ye Tian, ​​the other party has rarely been online. As Wang Linchi thought, he was arranged here to resist the foreign invasion of the abyss, and Ye Tian was arranged to To solve the internal problem of mistakes internally.

This made Wang Linchi a little helpless, and he wanted to change it even more.

By solving offline problems, you can also gain experience and even advanced professions. More importantly, you can also catch bug-type living soul seeds to eat. It is simply killing multiple birds with one stone.

He gave feedback to the game system, but the game system responded to him in an official way, apparently thinking that Wang Linchi was more suitable online.

After all, that's what he did.

There is no other way, Wang Linchi can only put it aside for the time being, and wait until this time the abyss dungeon is cleared before dealing with it.

Now there is only one last step left to pass the level. Success will be considered after all the abyss monsters are destroyed.

"What a hell, I don't have a place to stay at all. Thanks to the game system to help refresh the corpses, otherwise I would be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood." Wang Linchi complained, let alone this game system It's quite considerate. In addition to refreshing corpses, he has been helping Wang Linchi pick up abyss crystals to ensure that Wang Linchi doesn't miss any.

Even his account ban exemption was only valid for ten minutes, but after seven days, it was still ten minutes, and it hadn't dropped by a second.

He would be lying if he said it didn't hurt, it just hurt so much that he couldn't bear it.


A loud noise came, and Wang Linchi couldn't help but perked up, and looked in the direction of the source of the noise from a distance.

[Demon Blood Demon God LV110, health value? ? ? 】

"Another Scion of the Abyss?" Wang Linchi was a little surprised, but then he immediately realized: "Damn it, it's really the game system's fault."

It now seems that the game system has been filling in the abyss monsters, and every dead one is replenished, so the overall number has been kept at three million.

By now, the children of Abyss have begun to be sent away.

This shows that it is very likely that all the Abyss difficulty BOSS and elite monsters below level 110 have been killed, so the Abyss Children of a higher level have been sent to Wang Linchi to kill.

After he killed three more, there was movement again.

This time he changed the direction, but the result was not beyond his expectation.

[Demon descendant·Hanxue Demon God LV110, health value? ? ? 】

Seeing this, Wang Linchi was angry. He had actually worked as a coolie for seven days. No wonder he would give him the Bloodthirsty Fang. The co-author planned to use the waste.

In this way, the erosion pressure of the abyss on the world will drop sharply, and the copies of the abyss formed by the reverberation of the world will also be greatly reduced.

He gave feedback to the game system without hesitation.

"I won't do it. You are taking advantage of me. What I am here to conquer is the level 110 abyss dungeon, not all the abyss dungeons below level 110." Wang Linchi was expressing his dissatisfaction.

[After clearing this level, you can obtain the abyss difficulty reward stack and settlement exchange for all dungeons of level 110 and below during settlement]

After being discovered by Wang Linchi, the game system did not deny it, but said it would be all for you.

Just when he saw the words "level 110 and below", Wang Linchi's blood pressure was a little high. The co-author also included a copy of level 110.

"How about this, you put in all the abyss monsters from level 120 to level 200, I'll deal with them all for you, and then how about you help me directly upgrade them to level 1000 of Wujue at the highest standard?" Wang Linchi said directly Try to negotiate.

In the past, it might not have been possible to succeed, but now that there are internal worries, it is really possible.

[Player appeals are being applied for...]

‘There’s a show! ’ Wang Linchi couldn’t help but feel happy. If he refused directly, it would be basically a failure. However, applying showed that he was calculating the costs and gains and losses.

[The application is approved, but only for level 190. The level 200 abyss difficulty dungeon·Demon Suppression League is special and players need to go there by themselves. If agreed, a mandatory mission will be issued]

"Wait a minute, I have another suggestion. All the abyss crystals on my body can be directly converted into various character combat powers, such as true souls, stars, etc. You can help me skip the exchange step and directly enhance them." Wang Linchi mentioned again.

He knows what the game system means, that is, he will not leave this abyss difficulty dungeon but after killing all the abyss monsters, demonized creatures and abyss descendants except for the 200-level abyss difficulty dungeon: Demon-Suppressing Alliance, he will rely on a large number of Attributes, go to the Demon Suppressing Alliance to solve all the problems.

Since you can't leave the dungeon, there's no way to redeem it and become stronger.

As for the settlement, it must be settled directly after killing, and go to the Demon Suppressing Alliance in a way that retains strength.

[The application is approved, the player agrees to the task, and now the mandatory tasks are issued]

[Mandatory mission·Level 1]

[Kill all demonized creatures in this instance]

[Reward: Special permission reward]

[Failure: Obliterate]

"By the way, you send the Children of the Abyss over first. This thing gets stronger too fast. The faster, the better. If you wait a minute later, they will be stronger." Wang Linchi didn't have any objections to this task, but looking at the other party's appearance , he might have to send the abyss monster over first, so Wang Linchi could only quickly ask him to change it.

[Application approved, order has been changed]

Wang Linchi's request was reasonable, so the game system naturally agreed without hesitation.

"The next thing will happen in seconds." Wang Linchi looked at the Blood Fury Demon God and the Cold Snow Demon God not far away. He wanted to know what he could do with so many attributes stacked up by these two demon gods who had not yet fully grown up. Hold it a few times.

"I am just a dog head who has stacked Q for seven days. To me now, these two things are probably the same as soldiers."

Wang Linchi had a ferocious smile on his face, ready to educate these young children.

Let them feel what it means to be severely beaten by society and understand that the adult world is not that simple.

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