Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 331 Elemental bloodline, the growth method of erosion

"Erosion and bloodline, the elemental giant's ability to survive seems to be the result of elementalization."

Wang Linchi looked at the two corpses. One was a rock elemental giant that had been completely elementalized. Due to death, the flowers and plants on the rock had withered, and the whole body looked more like a stone than a living thing.

The other one was half human and half elemental. After the death of the other person, the rock element fell off and most of the body had rotted away.

It was okay after being fully elementalized, but the body of the elemental giant that was not fully elementalized was a mess. It had only been dead for three minutes, and it was already in a terrible mess.

Preliminary estimates should be that it was not completely purified when absorbing the flesh and blood of the giant beast, resulting in problems left in the body.

After elementalization, there is no flesh and blood, so naturally it will not be affected.

"But having said that, why is there corrosion in the flesh and blood of giant beasts? According to the Muyan tribe, the underground world is transformed by the gods, so in theory they should have the same origin and the same bloodline. There is no difference. Compatible." Wang Linchi felt that there must be something wrong here.

"This adventure to capture the giants of the Muyan tribe is not without gain." Wang Linchi shook the bottle of rock elemental giant blood potion in his hand.

If you want to extract the bloodline of elemental giants, you can only find those giants who are not fully elementalized. Otherwise, if you are completely elementalized and your whole body is full of elements, where can you extract the bloodline?

Extracting it again is just a bunch of elements.

"Unfortunately, it can only be regarded as incomplete." Wang Linchi was wondering if he could recreate the bloodline of the gods if he gathered all the bloodline of the elemental giants.

Although the gods died before they were born, they did not leave nothing behind.

This is a race that can evolve into the world after death. Wang Linchi cannot even imagine how strong it must be in life.

If he could be transplanted into the corresponding bloodline, even just one percent of the power would be enough for him.

It's just that Wang Linchi actually wants more. If it can be intercepted, whether it can be transformed into his own bloodline to achieve a qualitative change.

The main thing is to consider your own future.

There is a serious imbalance between mental and physical strength, and he urgently needs to improve his physical ability. Unfortunately, neither world has enough methods to improve it, making him powerless.

So I can only try to use the blood of the elemental giant to strengthen my body.

However, he doesn't want to elementalize, not because he cares about his race, but because elementalization will affect the strength of his soul and cause an irreversible decrease in IQ.

The elemental giant has existed for so long partly because of the environment, but also because of its own flaws.

Each upgrade increases all attributes by +1 and intelligence -2. Not only does the increase in strength fail to enhance IQ, but it may also decrease it. If Wang Linchi transplanted it directly, the stronger he got, the lower his IQ would be. Then Wang Linchi would suffer a big loss.

Wang Linchi is also working hard to see if he can take the essence and discard the dross.

He estimated that this problem was due to the incomplete bloodline. If the bloodline of all the elemental giants were fused and purified, this shortcoming might be solved. Of course, it might also become a situation where all attributes +10 and fused intelligence -20.

"Dong, dong dong, dong dong dong~"

Regular drum sounds sounded. This drum was made by the giants of the Muyan tribe from the skin and bones of some giant beasts. Wang Linchi had never heard this thing being beaten before. Why did it suddenly start beating today? .

"It can't be such a coincidence." Wang Linchi's eyes fell on the two corpses.

Not long after he killed the front leg, something like this happened. If it wasn't a coincidence, Wang Linchi wouldn't believe it.

He lurked back to the Muyan tribe as soon as possible. When he arrived, the giants of the entire Muyan tribe had gathered at the sacrificial place in the center of the tribe, and the big drum stood there.

"Luo, he's dead, he died outside." The priest of the Muyan tribe said.

As soon as these words came out, all the elemental giants in the entire Muyan tribe became excited and asked how they died.

They actually don't have a deep understanding of the concept of death. The lifespan of an elementalized giant has no end at all. However, this time it had a huge impact on them.

"Who did it, the Cliff Falls Tribe or the Heizhuo Tribe!" shouted a giant who had not yet fully transformed into an element.

Generally speaking, the possibility of behemoths killing elemental giants is not high. The only ones who can kill elemental giants are elemental giants from other tribes.

The closest tribes to their Muyan tribe were the Yapu and Heizhuo tribes.

Therefore, it was natural to target these two tribes.

"Priest, tell us which tribe did it, and we will kill one of their giants too."

"We will use the giants from the other tribe to sacrifice Luo, so that he can return to the embrace of the gods with peace of mind."


Listening to these noisy giants, Wang Linchi's face turned a little green. Why were these elemental giants so weird? They gave him the impression that a primitive man had nuclear fusion technology, which was almost outrageous.

"Quiet." Priest Muyan roared, and it can only be said that he was indeed a strong man, and he could even see the sound waves when he roared.

After the roar, the giants naturally became quiet. Priest Muyan then said: "Luo died not far from the tribe. Phosphorus, you go and bring him back. It's in that direction. You just need to If you keep walking you can see his body.”

Priest Muyan stretched out his hand, pointed in a direction, and arranged for a fully elementalized rock elemental giant to bring back the body.

"I don't know which tribe's giant did it. I have to wait until Luo's body comes back before I can understand." Priest Muyan only knew that the other party was dead. How could he know how he died.

However, given that everyone has the same level of IQ, if it was done by the other two tribes, it would indeed be obvious at a glance, such as traces of water flow or traces of flames.

The elemental giants were in the primitive tribal era, and even the concept of civilization was still vague, let alone various methods. Everyone was still very simple.

Of course, this kind of simplicity does not mean that they are truly pure and kind, but that they did not expect and do not know how to do it. The original is never pure and kind, but bloody and cruel.

Soon, the giant named Phosphorus came back carrying two corpses.

"Priest, not only Luo was killed, but also Xi." The elemental giant named Phosphorus threw down two corpses, and all the giants in the Muyan tribe became angry.

Xi had just grown up not long ago, and he had only gone out hunting alone three times, and he died like this. It was really terrible.

The priest did not speak, but began to examine the corpses of the two giants. Luo was better, after all, they were completely elementalized, and the corpses they brought back were also in the shape of rocks, while Xi was miserable, with only half of the skeleton left when he came back. If If it wasn't for the familiar smell, I wouldn't necessarily know who it was.

"I can't tell which tribe did it." The priest said honestly.

The giants couldn't help but stagnate. Wouldn't it mean that they couldn't find their enemies?

"Priest, what should we do next?" Phosphorus asked quickly.

"Sui, Wu, one of you go to the Heizhuo tribe and one to the Yapu tribe to ask if their tribe did it." The priest had no choice at this time and could not find the murderer.

With the mind of an elemental giant, he could only think of this method.

"Yes, priest." The two rock elemental giants stood up and then strode away.

In their common sense, if they do it, they will admit it, so no giant thinks there is a problem with this solution.

"Let's all disperse. When Sui and Wu come back, we will know who did it." The priest waved his hand and told all the elemental giants to do whatever they were supposed to do.

On the other side, Wang Linchi and the Holy Master soldiers split into two groups, one following the other. The purpose was naturally to find the Heizhuo and Yapu tribes.

He got the position of another tribe by accident.

Just doing this can easily lead to fights between various tribes. After all, these elemental giants are not very smart and can start fighting with a little provocation.

Like this time, when he took action, the Muyan tribe directly targeted the Heizhuo and Yapu tribes, without thinking that this was someone's deliberate move.

"Fortunately, I still have a Holy Master, otherwise, I would really have nothing to do." Wang Linchi was also a little lucky in his heart.

Although the Holy Lord is just a stand-in, he can completely record the route forward through the thinking mirror. Again, it is not impossible to use it as a position for Wang Linchi after he stays.

As long as you get to the place, it's actually easy to get to Wang Linchi, and you don't have to worry about not being able to find it.

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